Chapter 623 See you

On the Star, Hermione, Skye and Anna were all waiting for Luke’s news, but suddenly they saw Phoebe slipping from the sofa to the ground with a smile.

The three of them looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn’t know what funny thing happened and made Phoebe laugh so much and lost self-control.

It took a long time for Phoebe to hold back his smile and tell everyone what Luke had encountered. Skye who was drinking water squirted out, and Hermione was also speechless, not knowing whether she should laugh or not.


"I am not Ego, I am not interested in planting the entire universe." Luke just took the opportunity to say, "Egg, you know, a planet with self-consciousness, Why didn't you collect such a unique life."

There are many large and small transparent showcases in this collection hall, each with a unique creature.

Luke came to a showcase. Inside was a dog in a spacesuit. The nameplate on his body also had its name-Cosmo.

Perhaps Luke's natural affinity had an effect. Cosmo yelled to Luke wu wu and scratched the showcase with his paw.

Did the showcase isolate Cosmo's ability? Luke did not feel Cosmo's psychic powers.

There was a duck reading a newspaper in the showcase opposite Cosmo. The duck saw Luke looking at him, glanced at him, and turned around.

"A planet with self-awareness." The collector glanced at Luke with a deep meaning, "I also have one here."

Luke is curiously visiting the collector's " Collection", he was obviously taken aback after hearing this sentence.

What, there is also here?

The collector is very satisfied with Luke's surprised expression.

"Karina, take a distinguished guest to see my collection."

"Please." The pink-skinned Karina reached out and made a please gesture .

Luke followed her to the elevator next to her with great curiosity, and the collector followed behind.

When the elevator went down, he seemed to have come to a huge warehouse. No, it should be said that a prison is more suitable. All around a grid of rooms are full of strange creatures.

The underground space is very large, and the elevator goes down for a long time before it stops. Luke up ahead is a black independent space with an earthen-colored sphere inside. The outline of the face on the earthen-colored sphere is very clear, with eyes, nose, and mouth.

“What is imprisoned inside is another planet with self-awareness. I am conducting an experiment on whether being imprisoned or given freedom will make creatures more powerful? It is my observation object.” The collector is very It is a proud introduction.

The space miniaturization technology may be used here to place a planet in a seemingly small space.

"How is the result of the experiment, how powerful is Eagle than it?" Luke did not expect the situation before him.

"It is at best a satellite of Eagle."

Luke did not continue with the topic of Eagle. He already had a general judgment of Eagle's strength.

After he used some bodhi leaves to deal with the curiosity of the collector, he returned to meet the star.

Looking at the disappearing silhouette of Luke, the collector murmured: "Unpredictable anomalies...unique and unmatched existence."

Luke, who returned to the Star, did not leave. , They just hid in the outer space outside the ignorance, waiting for the arrival of Xingjue and the others.

On the other side, Chien is in the high security prison. Because Quill is an Earth person, the Rockets told him about Luke.

Quil was the first time he heard about the Earth people in the universe, but Camora, who had cleared some barriers, had heard of the name, and the other party was wanted by Ronan.

"Magic teacher? Is there a magic teacher on Earth?" Quill's eyes widened, and he doubted what the raccoon was saying.

"I am Groot." Groot said the Rockets did not lie.

"I don't know if he is a mage or not, but it should be very difficult to deal with. Maybe he can help me deal with Ronan." Kamora said.

"Hey, should we contact him, he has such a good relationship with the rising star Legion, maybe he can release us." In the universe, if you can meet the same human beings of Earth, Quill still Very happy.

The Rockets decisively rejected Quill’s proposal. He wanted to escape here by his own ability, and then contacted Luke.

Rocket is worthy of being a prison escape expert. According to his plan, everyone successfully escaped from the Chien High Security Prison, and added a new member, Drax.

The people who escaped did not contact Luke immediately. They had to wait for the Cosmic Spirit Orb to be sold. After all, this thing was worth 4 billion Cosmic Coins. Moreover, they still don't know the formidable power and danger of the Inner Strength gemstone.

"They're here." Luke said to Hermione and a few people, a small aircraft was entering a place of ignorance.

Xing Jue has his positioning magic, as long as Xing Jue is within a certain range of him, he can immediately detect it.

Like the plot in the movie, Xingjue and several people landed in ignorance and went to a bar, waiting for the collector's summons. While Quill and Camora were in contact on the balcony, Drax and Rocket, who had drunk, had a fight in the bar.

Quail immediately returned to the bar and used 4 billion bounties to stop the fight between them.

At this moment, Karina, the collector's maid, walked in and took everyone to see the collector.

Drax did not travel with other people. Some draxes who were drinking too much came out of the bar and saw a person in the distance discussing business on the Internet, so he used his dagger to force that person to Ronan. Sent their message in ignorance.

Soon after, the collector’s collection exploded. In order to stop being a maid, Karina directly grabbed the power gem with her hands. Unfortunately, her body could not bear the energy of the power gem, and the huge energy caused a violent explosion.

At the same time, the Dark Star led several battleships to the land of ignorance.

Luke looked at several battleships in the distance. As he had guessed, the Dark Star was only Ronan’s flagship, and there were many other battleships in the fleet.

He has already dropped the Cosmic Spirit Orb on Kamora's body in top secret.

Kamora was chased by Nebula and Ronan's men while driving an ignorant engineering mining vehicle, and Quill and Rocket followed behind him to cover it.

Unfortunately, although the engineering mining aircraft is sturdy, it still cannot withstand the beam cannons on the fighter planes. Kamora’s aircraft was destroyed by the nebula in outer space.

"Quil, don’t be sad, her strengthened body can make her live a few more minutes, but we can’t do anything about it. These capsules are not suitable for flying in space. We will face the same situation soon." Rocket drove the aircraft to the side of Quill, comforted, "I have sent Luke a message, I hope I can make it in time." Just when he was about to contact Yongdu, and then turn on the aircraft to rescue Kamora, one silhouette appeared not far away.

Luke made an OK gesture to Quilby, and sound transmission said: "Don't worry, she will be fine."

A turbo bubble appears out of thin air , Wrapped Kamora.

"It's Luke!" The Rockets were very surprised. He only transmitted the news. Not long after, Luke arrived so soon.

Quail stared at Luke incredulously. The other party could fly freely in space with his own body without using any auxiliary equipment. Is this an Earth person?

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