Chapter 614 all-out war

Aegis Bureau

Fred Luke looked around him more and more silhouette, eyes could not help but jump jump,

he hides in the end how many people, every time there is war occurred, Luke's side always appear new faces, this could be so much more.

divine spear Bureau

"These people are the cultivation of?" vector weird to say.

"should be a magic division it." weather witch looked towards Zheng Yin, "We are not expanded at the team?"

Zheng Yin silent for a moment, nodded agreed to the weather witch's proposal. In order to prevent the occurrence of similar situations China, they have to prepare in advance.

Wa Kanda

Su Rui and special Tzara for the wizard appears less surprised that they have been to the harbor, naturally, seen inside the wizard. Combat

appeared frequently let special Chaka brows tightly frowns, Wa Kanda whether they want to be spared, continue to hide it.

all influence are concerned about the battle, the most intense than Britain official. Battlefield but in London, is the capital of their country. Win or lose this battle, they are the most serious losses.

these all are members of the organization what, Natasha and Hawkeye in the heart think, Tony also surprised to have so many magic teacher on the world.

At this time, Luke received the message sent by Newt, "let me out of parts of the force, and I also a part of Britain Wizarding World."

dark wizard and dark creature Biqiruita people want more trouble, since Newt would like to sell, Luke did not refuse.

a door open space, Newt and Tina came out.

roar !

two poison sac leopard behind Newt jump out, although the leopard, elephant and was as big.

They can be called up with a large number of bacteria and toxic gas, a poison capsule leopard can easily exterminate a village. In general, at least 100 to join forces in order to settle a wizard, by contrast, just 10 people will be able to get the dragon was so cute.

These two leopard poison sac is within the harbor only a few very dangerous magical creature, and they were placed Luke and Newt to the remote areas of the valley.

sounded loudly Screaming Eagle, a few huge size of Thunderbird, swarms of winged beast Hippogriff body and lion body and eagle first beast, have to fly out.

There are powerful innate talent in Luke, Newt do not worry about these big guys will be out of control. If not his plan has not been submitted Ryukoku Luke's consent, this time also a lot more Dragon.

"Master, we have to help." Winky Disapparation before Luke body, shrill said.

Dobby the house elf and many are coming out one after another, all these years Hermione collected the most Wizarding World of elves, they have moved into the harbor.

While the elves habits have not changed, but their lives do not know how many times better than before, and comfortable living environment, delicious food, no one cursed them.

Dobby and Winky that Luke and dark wizard in the war, volunteered to help out with.

rumbling of hooves coming, battallion of Centaur from space to run from the door, is headed by Firenze, also followed behind them many Thestral and pegasus.

"Dear child of nature, we feel the fate of the guidelines, please let us join together." Firenze voice said, sounding places.

Luke very unexpected, this is the magic of Hogwarts revision battle it, did not expect would happen under such a scenario.

successive appearances of various biological instantly detonated the curiosity to watch the live audience, these creatures have recorded many civilizations ancient book, Indian Thunderbird, Greece Centaur, lion body and eagle first beast is ancient Azerbaijan card was mythical Griffin.

"Oh my God, these creatures from another planet it?"

" ignorant to read more books, they are creatures of legend."

"God , pretty amazing. "

" space of the door must be magic world. "

comments on the platform fire again maxed out, many people are to express their views .

Tony has been in space to the inside of the door Look, there he is curious what kind of world.

Thor never been to the harbor, but he was also curious about some of these creatures, especially the air Thunderbird, particularly of interest.

Dumbledore not mind these magical creature appeared, anyway, Britain Wizarding World has been exposed, regardless of the consequences, we must wait until after the end of the fighting, not to mention he believed that Luke has a solution.

appear magical creature lets Luke ranks expanded rapidly, thanks to nearby Greenwich Observatory mostly lawn, or the two sides have put so many people not open the team.

Voldemort looking cold, "Today you will all die here."

" This sentence is more suitable for your own use, today will not let you have a chance to escape." To can safely leave the Earth, Voldemort must get rid of this.

"Kill!" Voldemort spearheaded the attack.

"each finding the right opponent, Voldemort to me." Luke like a hot lever, directly toward Voldemort.

" Confront, Weapon, Fighting and Person, are, front, row!"

The two sides are made up of staff assault, Hulk, Black Widow first true ·, Weasley brothers Leo, yellow lion, Katie's Quan Shu, two poison sac leopard follow closely from behind, battallion Centaur ran the shot arrows.

Hulk and true · Black Widow goal in the other camp giant.


sounded channel number clap of thunder, lightning fall straight dark creature among the ranks.

"blonde girl, you might as few birds." Tony did not forget to tease the enemy when Thor few words.

Thor naturally not willing to be par birds, "for the glory of Asgard!"

He raised the hammer of Thor, in the sky are all thunder mjölnir hammer attract all converge onto a hammer, a hammer stout from lightning blurted out, fired at each other's camp.

" Confringo!"

"Expecto Patronum!"

elite wizard who use Disapparation walk around the battlefield, to the dark creature attacked.

"Frost roar!"

" Multi-Feng Ren!"

" Shadowburn!"

Luke pair Voldemort, complete liberation of Hermione, and Anna Phoebe, in the other camp, no one is their rival.

"your guilt!" Johnny chains waving burning fire of trial, he hit all the chains dark creature have been reduced to ashes.

Hawkeye arrows without false hair, each arrow can solve a dark creature. Blade is the group reached the Vampire, Vampire knife harvesting the life of.

Fei projectile red energy emitted from the hands Wanda, toward those ugly Acromantula. Quicksilver Hand Luke to help him build Duanren, he is not even in the dark wizard's magic defense sneak attack.

In this case, an all black battleship head appears.

Steve and Peggy not wearing a parachute, jumped directly from the stars number down, the two who azure of the rays of light flashed, security fall into the battlefield.

"We came just in time, Sam." Steve learned that the battle is not over London, they immediately rush over, follow up as well as a falcon Steve Sam Wilson.

Voldemort found to change the war situation, "Do not be happy too early." He raised his hands Shuli Mirror, endless flame from which to take out.

" Fiendfyre!" only by the number of dragon formed Fiendfyre mimicry appears between Heaven and Earth.

" . display one's slight skill before an expert, careful play with fire in urine kang" Luke lightly saying, ". Let me teach you how to manipulate flame"

"immortal art - field open! "

Luke eyebrows flame Mark increasingly bright, his body imposing manner again soaring, searing flames to make the space around have had a concussion.

London sanctuary of the roof, and a few ancient battle mage looked at the distant sky.

"If the defense dimension Formation burned out, I'll plug you go." Luke came to mind ancient a dull sound. Kid

This disturbed students, the more do the greater things. Ancient contemplating a point to Luke scheduled task to run errands, to save his old evil curse Earth.

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