
Chapter 55 headmaster chamber

"It is important that all three ways you can not use wand, but it would be easier for young wizards are not magic." Luke explained finished, Dumbledore fell into meditation.

The longer time to think a lot, "Luke, the possibility to show me your training results." Dumbledore also did not give his opinion.

"Of course you can."

Luke order to be more convincing, while the release of the, Disarming Charm, Levitation charm, frozen curse, Levicorpus curse, 20 different spells, the only the curse is that these same release are not directly excited, but in the form of light group of floating in the air, then turned into a variety of shapes start flying fast irregular headmaster in the room.

" Merlin 's beard!" This result is far beyond the expectations of Professor McGonagall.

"can be stopped Luke." Dumbledore said.

"Sorry, Professor, some spell I can not be undone, I can not open the window." Luke said, a little embarrassed, not all spell is like a curse to control inflammation so that they dissipate in the air.

window opens momentarily, Luke control the magic flying out of the headmaster room, have collided in the air, bursts of explosions.

~ H ~ H ~ bang bang!

"uh, sorry professor, some great movement."

"does not matter, but we have to wait for the next, and has been a professor drove up." Dumbledore said.

Soon, Snape walked into the headmaster's office.

" Severus, you bother to notice it, just experiment a little magic, please do not panic." Dumbledore thought Snape said.

Snape did not speak, just looked at Luke, he was more looked towards right next to the A Fulei, after they left.

" . Sit down, Minerva, Luke" Dumbledore sink a moment continued: "Luke's just the demonstration, I have a new understanding of magic, have to say this could be the big change the entire wizard world change. While Luke's magic formidable power is not strong, but in order to use spell this way, I think not many people you can stand on the opposite side. "Dumbledore said very sigh.

This is tough place spiritual training method, even if the other party is Voldemort, instantly gave him 20 Expelliarmus paste face, he can not easily deal with. even more how the number is now far from Luke ceiling.

"Although I'm not sure if the way other people are applicable, but I think you should this reasoning is correct. Peak of the wizard world today who, no not because magic control, accuracy and flexible and so has excellent performance, have this achievement. focus on magic power control, rigorous use spell all we've been doing, but it ignored the existence of nature .spirit strength almost everyone knows, but all few, use spell direct contact with the magic power together. "

" Professor, you are too modest, my cock is, after all, was not magic but also because it figured it out. " Luke says humble.

" Luke, you are too modest, you probably do not fully understand its importance, it is true training method is very simple, but it is undeniable, it is very effective, only a simple toy, it brought such an effect. If the time to be, you can verify that applies to other people, this is definitely a major discovery on a History of the Magic. "Dumbledore said.

"In fact, there are people, and I put this method taught Hermione, is just said young wizard, though she did not meet me such an effect, but it is also a success." Luke explained road.

"Another point, just mentioned, this method is more suitable for young wizard, more adult wizard's magic power reserves of the body, spirit strength again exercise more difficult, and prolonged use of wand, over-reliance wand also led to a short board spirit strength. "Luke added.

He suddenly thought, so that future might bring a lot of impact wand sale. But future growth will become wand weapon instead.

"professor I have a proposal."

According to Luke's idea, since this training method is not suitable for an adult wizard, it shows not bring Voldemort and the Death Eater who battle strength of growth, so that he could try a trial in young wizards in, and so have some effect and scale after reported to the Ministry of Magic promotion.

As a result, both the future Voldemort, or the Ministry of Magic opposition in the face of absolute power, could stop the promotion of training method. wizard world's battle strength will be significantly increased, the late foreign operations will be an advantage.

"Say." Dumbledore said.

"I'd like to call to try some of student learning in school, even if the failure will not be much danger, if proven successful, it can spread all over the school, and so on up to a certain scale in reporting Ministry full of Magic promotion. "

" you like this makes me feel Sorting Hat put you divide the wrong house. "said Dumbledore laughed's.

" Dumbledore, you actually say bad things about me, I'm still here." Sorting Hat called bad mood.

"Well, Professor, and Professor McGonagall also still here." Luke looked at Professor McGonagall.

in front of their own head, say your students for another house, how can one not so good.

" haha, okay, I think Minerva will not care." Dumbledore suddenly stopped smiling and serious, said:. "You are like this makes me think of a person"

"of course I care, Albus, but you say that person will not be ......" McGonagall slightly puzzled professor said.

"You mean Grindelwald? He and I are not the same, I would like to enhance the strength of the wizard, more to the future." Luke replied.

"Oh? You know how I said that Grindelwald, after all ...... Voldemort is near Time genius." Dumbledore did not think Luke's answer.

"Let's look at how many schools young wizard, and how much is pure bloodline, he led the set theory only Thoroughbred to decline."

Now Voldemort, for future disaster, it is at best to run fast and hard life of a mouse, waiting to learn the mirrored space, entered a clearance, he Disapparation can not believe it, then bad throw another planet or exiled to different space to Voldemort now the ability, do not try to come back again.

"It seems you know a lot of things, and you just say the future?" Dumbledore asked.

McGonagall professors tense up.

"how to adapt to the future world of change." Luke Short replied.

Dumbledore did not speak in thought.

Luke then went on: "In the future there will be changes Heaven and Earth turning upside down, so to get rid of Voldemort before the arrival of danger."

Dumbledore looked towards Luke, can you know who say so easy, people may fear cents fearless much. Just this only 11 years old, she had just arrived young wizard Hogwarts until the next day, casually going to get rid of Voldemort.

"I'd love to hear your thoughts." Dumbledore decided to see how Luke was intended.

"There are two proposals, one, waiting for me after sufficient strength, a direct shot kill Voldemort, I need to think too long; Second, enhance the overall strength of Hogwarts, is just to say that proposal. If you choose the second proposal, it would also need to add some detailed content. "

" Oh? tell me. "

" I hope you can when the Ministry of Magic, this facilitates the integration of forces against Voldemort and future crises, with appropriate modifications secrecy laws, or authorize part of the young wizard (wizard), you can use magic in the muggle world, I can reveal that information, disaster strikes wizard world also can not be spared. "

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