Chapter 50 Dialogue with Snape

Snape has always been a controversial person, but Snape’s feelings for Lily, in Luke’s opinion, there won’t be too many people who can do this, even some In this sense, his evaluation of Snape was even higher than that of Dumbledore.

"Pros?" The three of them were puzzled.

"Is this the potion classroom? It doesn't seem to be a mistake." Luke first walked into a large underground classroom in the dungeon of Hogwarts Castle.

"Ding! Trigger the "Hogwarts study tyrant" series of tasks (1): conquer Snape, reward lottery once."

"Ding! Trigger the "Hogwarts study tyrant" series of tasks ( One): Obtain the recognition of 4 course professors and reward lottery once."

Luke, who just entered the potion classroom, triggers two series of tasks at the same time.

"What's wrong with Luke?" Katie stopped when she saw Luke walk in.

"Oh, nothing, just thought of a question, let's go in." Luke paused.

I observed this classroom, it can accommodate at least twenty students in class here, and it is colder than the Castle Lord building in the upper border city. Glass jars are placed along the wall, and the stuffed animals inside make you shiver even more, but it is a bit like a specimen room in a biology class.

Luke entered the potion classroom, and the young wizard inside instantly calmed down. They looked at him curiously, especially the Slytherin students. They did not expect that someone would dare to invite their head to have breakfast.

Luke accidentally found a place to sit down, and took out Shennong Cauldron's changing pot tongs and tools from the portable space.


The door of the classroom suddenly opened, and Snape entered the classroom quickly.

"You are here to learn the precise science and rigorous craftsmanship of this potion composition." Snape's cold and hollow eyes remind you of two dark tunnels.

"Since there is no silly wave of wand here, many of you will not believe that this is magic. I don't expect you to really understand the simmering cauldron with white smoke and floating The beauty of the bursts of fragrance, you will not really understand the liquid flowing into people’s blood vessels, the magical power that makes people’s hearts and minds bewildered......"

Snape folded his hands, "but for A handful of talented elites, I can teach you how to improve your reputation, brew glory, and even prevent death."

"Luke! What will you gain by adding the powdered root of asphodel to the infusion of wormwood?" Snape suddenly said .

Is this giving Harry's treatment to himself?

"You will get life and death water, a kind of strong efficacy sleeping medicine, professor." Luke said lightly.

"If you are looking for a dung stone, where will you find it."

"A dung stone is a stone taken from a goat’s stomach and can be used as a potion solution. Medicine." Before continuing to ask questions, he said directly: "If the professor still wants to ask the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane, they are a kind of magic plant, also called aconite."

Luke's answer revealed Snape With a look of surprise, Snape calmed down quickly, and gloomy Shen continued: "Since Mr. Luke told you the correct answer, why didn't you write it down quickly!"

Snape didn't look at Luke again. , Go straight back to the table.

"Have you finished self-study for potion?" Katie asked Luke in a low voice.

"Gryffindor is whispering in class, one point is deducted!"

Katie was startled, her face turned white in an instant.

Luke watched Snape twitched his lips, moved towards Katie, raised his right hand, and made a quiet gesture with his index finger.

Snape prefers his own house and dislikes the Gryffindor students. This is a well-known thing. All Gryffindor young wizards are cautiously used throughout the class.

Of course, this does not include Luke. I haven't practiced potion when I was at home, so I won't let it go easily now when I have this opportunity. This lesson is equipped with a potion for treating boils, a simple potion.

Snape made the young wizards work in pairs. Luke and Katie were assigned together. Since she had not used Shennong Cauldron to refine potion, Luke didn’t know what would happen, so he decided to refine the treatment first. For the boil potion, let Katie cooperate with him first, and then let Katie make the second one.

"Katie, prepare the nettles to be dried, as well as poisonous snake teeth, horned slugs and porcupine quill..." Luke said.

"Okay." Katie has good hands-on skills.

Luke's progress was also very smooth, and soon a dark pink smoke rose from the cauldron.

Huh? Why is it dark pink, darker than the color introduced in the smoke.

"Luke, what did you add to the potion?" I don't know if Snape has been paying attention to Luke, and directly discovered that his potion is abnormal, and walked over quickly.

"No additional materials, Professor." Luke used Shennong Cauldron to refine potion for the first time, and it is not clear why this is the case.

"You go on." Snape didn't leave. He watched Luke refining the potion for treating boils. Katie watched Snape didn't leave. She was a little nervous, and her hands trembling with the materials.

"Don't be nervous." Luke comforted Katie in a low voice.

"Leave the irrelevant, continue refining." Snape said lowly, then glanced at Katie.

Now Katie is shaking even more...

Fortunately, Luke quickly completed the refining. Snape directly picked up the refined boil potion and observed repeatedly in his hand. Then, he smelled it again, but he didn't seem to get the answer he wanted. He just put the potion on the table again, returned to the back of the desk, and was recording something.

Katie didn't know how she came to open the potion room, and she heard someone calling her before she went too far.

"Katie, where is Luke?"

Katie only discovered that the Penelope Senior Sister who was officially familiar with her, said: "Luke, Snape is staying in the potion classroom."

"Huh? Luke is left by Professor Snape? It doesn't matter." Penelope also knows that Professor Snape is not friendly to Gryffindor students. In the morning, I heard that Luke actually invited Snape to have breakfast, so I went to a section. The class rushed to ask Luke what was going on.

"It should be okay. Although Snape ordered Luke several times in class, there were no deduct points. Instead, I deducted 1 point for the house." Katie said a bit angrily.

"Katie don't take seriously, Professor Snape often gives Gryffindor deduct points." Wiki Comforted.

Heloise also comforted Katie next to her.

potion classroom

"Professor Snape, may I ask what will happen if I stay here?" Although Luke was basically expected to be left, he did not know. The reason Snape left him.

Snape did not speak, but looked at Luke quietly for a long while, "Sure enough, Sorting Hat's abnormality is because of you."

"Professor, it is not polite to use Legilimens at will. The behavior." Luke didn't care. Since Sorting Hat just touched it and the reaction was so big, he can basically be said to be immune to this curse.

"What do you know?" Snape asked, staring at Luke.

Luke did not answer him, but instead asked, "What do you think I will know?"

Snape took two steps back, "who the hell are you?" Obviously Luke's reaction made him more vigilant.

"I'm just here to study. As for who is not important, but I do know what you want."

Snape took out Wand directly and looked at Luke cautiously.

Luke took out a medicine pill and threw it to Snape. "This is a dream pill. Take one before going to bed. Everything you want will come true in your dreams. It should help you alleviate the suffering of lovesickness. I know There are many ways to have similar effects, such as meditation basins, but this effect is definitely different. If you don’t believe it, you can throw it away, but the next one will not be easy."

After staying in medicine pill, I didn’t mean to let him go. I could only say: "I may be able to fulfill your wish in the future."

"I don't think you have this ability." Snape Sarcastically said.

"Professor, do you really think this world is so simple?" Luke summoned 20 Fireballs in an instant, which is the largest number he currently controls, and used the Ring of Raggardo.

Snape is a very powerful and knowledgeable wizard. It is obvious that Luke uses two spell methods that are different from the wizard world.

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