Chapter 490 Dracula

"Yes, I got news that Dracula is awake and will come to Britain in the near future. The Vampire I followed just wanted to know what his purpose was, you know Dracula?" The blade saw Luke with a puzzled expression.

Luke has only heard of Dracula. After all, this character is a household name, but he doesn’t know much about Dracula in Marvel. He just saw some in Kama Taj’s literature. information.

"I don't know much, you can tell me in detail." Luke said.

Blade knows that Luke is a wizard, it will be easier to have Luke help against Dracula.

"Vlad Tepes Dracula, the leader of Vampire. He lives in Dracula’s Castle in Transylvania. He sleeps most of the time, and his The castle can be moved. Therefore, it is generally difficult to find him." Blade introduced.

"His castle is a magical creation?" Luke is a little interested in the ability of this castle to move.

"I don't know, I haven't seen it either." Dao Fengxin said, I don't know a few wizards in total, so I don't know any magic creations.

"What ability does he have?" Luke asked.

"Dracula has more powerful abilities than most Vampires, and has a super regeneration ability. Most physical attacks cannot cause damage to Dracula. Even if he is injured, he can quickly regenerate. Damage the tissues."

"As far as I know, he is still afraid of the sun, and he is easily damaged by items such as silverware, crosses, garlic, etc. The wooden stake can cause his heart to be temporarily paralyzed, but after being pulled out It will return to normal, and it will not lead to death." Blade introduced.

"Is that the one you are watching?" Luke pointed down suddenly.

The blade went to the edge of the building and looked down. "Yes, how did you see it?"

He was a little curious about how Luke was standing in the middle of the roof, and how he could see the situation downstairs.

“Of course it’s magic. Now that the goal is determined, leave it to me.”

When the blade looked back again, he found that Vampire, who was still downstairs just now, had appeared Between him and Luke. This is a male, wearing an ordinary gray trench coat. His skin is paler. If you don't recognize it carefully, it's hard to tell it's a Vampire.

Just as the blade was about to move, Luke's voice was heard.

"I said, you answer, is Dracula coming to Britain? What is his purpose?" Luke's voice seemed to contain some kind of magic power. This feeling made the blade feel very strange .

Blade was a little confused about Luke's interrogation method, and the Vampire spoke.

"Sir Commander will arrive in three days. The purpose of coming to Britain is to find something like his yearn for something even in dreams." This Vampire's voice is very flat, without any emotion.

This surprised the blade. Is this also magic? That's amazing.

"yearn for something even in dreams? What is it?" What yearn for something even in dreams will Vampire treat, some kind of special blood? Luke thought of Vampire in Underworld.

"I don't know." The Vampire replied.

The blade saw Luke looked towards him, as if he was asking if he knew.

"I don't know." The blade replied.

"What is your yearn for something even in dreams? Will it be some kind of blood? It can make Vampire more perfect." Luke thought of Voldemort again. Vampire was also created by Sithorn. What is the relationship with the person? "Or some kind of dark item?"

"I haven't heard of it, I don't know there is this thing." Blade also frowned.

"Does this Vampire make him disappear or lose his memory?"

"Can you make him amnesia? It's the best way, he didn't hurt others." Daofeng said.

Luke snapped his fingers, and the male Vampire disappeared. His behavior made Daofeng more and more astonished. After only a few years, the little boy became even more unfathomable.

"This is for you." Luke took out a communication bracelet and threw it to Blade, and showed him how to use it. "If you have news about Dracula, you can contact me directly."


"Is this a magic item or a high-tech?" Dao Feng asked, looking at the bracelet in his hand.

"Magic item, by the way, didn't Whistler come with you?" Luke did not find Whistler when he scanned Britain.

"He is still in France, I just came to find out the news first, didn't expect to meet you." Daofeng said.

Luke and they studied combat with Whistler for a period of time, and the relationship between them is pretty good.

"When this is over, you can stay in Britain for a few more days." Luke said.

After separating from the blade, Luke returned to the harbor and told everyone about Vampire.

"Will this matter have something to do with Voldemort, should we notify Professor Dumbledore?" Hermione frowned said with some worry.

"Tomorrow I will go to Professor Dumbledore, and stop by Ministry of Magic. Vampire is a mystic creature." Vampire is the same as werewolf. Their infectious ability is the most troublesome, and the blood cursed orcs. Similarly, it is a kind of blood magic, Luke has no solution for the time being.

"Skye, Anna, you have to be careful when you go to school. We don't know Daogula's goal yet, and we have limited understanding of his abilities." Luke reminded them as he looked at them.

"Don't worry, we will pay attention." Anna and Skye said.

The next morning, Luke found him in Dumbledore's office and described Vampire to him. Young wizards are usually safe at school, and you need to be careful when going to Hogsmeade on Saturday.

Then Luke went to Ministry of Magic again and told Fudge about it. Recently, Fudge had been overwhelmed by Voldemort's affairs, and now he heard a wave of unrest, which made him even more annoyed.

We can only let the magic biological management control department pay attention to the activities of the Vampires.

When Luke was about to leave, he suddenly thought of werewolf. Like Vampire, both were dark creatures created by Sithorn. If Dracula’s appearance is really related to Voldemort, would there be a werewolf? action. So we told Fudge that werewolf might also be a potential problem.

"Don't worry about werewolf, Ministry of Magic has always been stricter on werewolf management." Fudge didn't care too much.

Luke just kindly reminded that since Fudge didn't care, he didn't say much.

Three days later, Luke did not wait for news of Dracula, but waited for another acquaintance.

In the afternoon, Luke received news from Qin Ying. The front desk received a bunch of flowers for her. There was a card in the flowers. The card had the Vermilion Bird mark on the communication bracelet and the time and place.

The Vermilion Bird on the communication bracelet has only one function-to send out a distress signal, so Qin Ying immediately contacted Luke.

Luke communication bracelets have been given out a lot, but in the ordinary person world only a few people own them, Evil Spirit Knight Johnny, Tony and Pepper, and Natasha.

He has his positioning magic on the communication bracelet, but now Natasha's signal has disappeared. He was very suspicious whether it was that bitten egg fishing, and wanted to draw him out. Or it is to use Natasha to have contact with him, deliberately sending Natasha to complete a more dangerous task, asking him to rescue.

According to the address on the card, Luke found a hidden house, which may be a safe house of S.H.I.E.L.D.. One hour before the time agreed on the card, Luke simply used Divine Consciousness to probe the surrounding environment to see who was around.

Sure enough, he found an acquaintance in another house across the alley.

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