Chapter 487 A special coming- of-age ceremony

Groot and Rocket came next to the fallen Betelgeuse, and faced the other Betelgeuses who were going to continue throwing discarded parts. Shouted.

"I am Groot."

"I won't let you hurt my bounty." Rocket also took out his weapon.

"Whatever, mice." said one of the Ritels, and they threw the discarded parts at the rocket and Groot.

"I'm not a mouse." The rocket immediately fired on the discarded parts they threw over. The rocket hated others calling him a mouse.

Rocket and Groot destroyed all the discarded parts thrown in the air. The Betelgeuse behind them took off his helmet and cheered with the others.

"Tana, why do you risk your life like this?" Rocket asked, turning his head.

"I'm enjoying, relaxing, cool. Did you find reinforcements this time?" Tana said while looking at Luke in the sky.

"I am Groot."

"Obediently and honestly follow us, this time you can't run away." Rocket said arrogantly.

"Then give it a try." Tana used her mind to control the rocket and Groot along with the discarded parts around them to in midair, and let them fall to the ground in a free fall.

Zuka brought two of his men floating to Tana's side, "Is this guy making you unhappy, Tana."

"Yes, they took my interest It's all ruined." Tana said with her hands in her hands, looking at the Rockets and Groot.

Zuka walked a few steps towards the Rockets.

"This has nothing to do with you." Rocket said.

"I think it's related." Several Betelgeuses gathered behind Zhuka, "Truth-seeker, you know what to do."

Speaking, Zhuka and Several Betelgeuses behind him used their mind power to control the rocket and Groot into the air.

"Now that we have a live target, we can enjoy it as much as we want and make them suffer." Zhuka said.

"Pain, pain, pain..."

"Let this mediocre person tremble." Zhuka continued.

Several Betelgeuses manipulated huge discarded parts and smashed them towards the rocket and Groot.

"Are you too believe oneself infallible." Another voice sounded in the air.

The discarded parts that flew toward the rocket and Groot changed direction in the air and smashed toward the position of the Betelgeuse on the ground.

The Betelgeuses were panicked by the sudden attack, and many of them fell to the ground.

"Since you can't speak well, don't blame me." The fingers of Luke's right hand moved slightly.

All the Betelgeuses on the ground were controlled by Luke and floated in the air. They were motionless and couldn't even speak. The scene fell silent.

"Who on earth are you?" Tana is the only one who can speak. She has never seen someone with such a powerful mind.

"A person should be responsible for his actions, even if he is not an adult, you should also be responsible for your people. Although I don’t know why you resist going home to accept the coming-of-age ceremony, you do it directly Aren't you afraid to meet someone you can't afford to offend?" Luke looked at Tana condescendingly.

Tana was about to say something, she looked towards the sky nervously, "Oh, no."

The space battleship of the Three Giant Warships slowly descended from the sky Come down.

"How did they find us." Luke asked, looking at the three battleships with distinctive features of the Betelgeuse.

"I just notified them, so you can reduce the delivery time, you are welcome." Rockets said triumphantly.

"Be careful of the people, return Tana Princess immediately, otherwise take responsibility for the consequences." A huge broadcast sounded on the battleship in the middle,

"You can't be our master , Old man, the truth-seeker has the world." Zhuka said. When Luke saw the battleship coming, he lifted his control of the Betelgeuses.

The other truth-seekers cheered at the same time.

"Weapon preparation, remote sensing cannon on standby."

"Father, don't be like this." Tana Princess said loudly to the battleship in the middle.

In the battleship, a Betelgeuse Heavenly Venerable with a weird helmet and two white beards said: "I can't hurt them, daughter, as long as you are obedient, come home and participate. Bar Mitzvah."

"Don't listen to him, Tana! You know what they will do to you!" Zhuka stopped angrily.

"What will you do?" Luke asked curiously.

"Don’t you understand that the coming-of-age ceremony helps the Betelgeuses to control their ability by depriving them of their feelings. She will not be able to feel anger, happiness, fear or love." Zhuka was a little excited. Say.

It was the first time Luke heard of this coming-of-age ceremony, which made him a little surprised.

"Or maybe these rebels are talk nonsense." Rocket said next to him.

"May I ask the Seven Stars Heavenly Venerable, is the coming-of-age ceremony really like this?" Luke looked towards the sky battleship asked.

"The ability of remote sensing of mind requires precise judgment and strict principles, and emotions will affect these. Princess rejects this practice, which poses a threat to social stability." Betelgey Heavenly Venerable explained.

Although the cultivation also repairs Heartless Dao, it is a personal choice.

"Betelgeuse Heavenly Venerable, adult ceremony is your tradition, I shouldn’t have said anything. However, as a father, shouldn’t you let her own your daughter’s future Choose? And a family doesn't even have love, so what's the point of it," Luke said.

"Look at these people standing with you. These unclean emotions will bring great destruction. I want to ensure the safety of my daughter and my people. Isn't that love? "Betelgeuse Heavenly Venerable was silent for a moment, "Even so, if Tana doesn't want to go with me, then I can only force her away."

Betelgeuse Heavenly Venerable started the battleship. Tractor beam on the top.

"Tana!" Zhuka used her own thought power to control Tana who was drawn into the air, "Taste this, bubble head, launch proton drive."

Five Betelgeuses gathered and used their mind power to launch a proton drive towards the battleship in the air.


The huge wave of air generated by the explosion of the proton drive interrupted the battleship's tractor beam. Tana was also saved by Zhuka's mind.

"Look!" a truth-seeker shouted, pointing into the air.

The dust in the sky dispersed, and the battleship was intact.

"Destroy the rebels!" A battleship fired a remote sensing cannon.

However, the beam of the remote sensing cannon did not fall on the ground, but disappeared in midair. Luke used the mirror space to block the remote sensing cannon's attack.

"Betelgeuse Heavenly Venerable, the remote sensing ability you said requires abandoning emotions to be more effective. I think this is not necessarily true."

Luke's tone barely fell, from the ground Dozens of discarded parts flew up and hovered around him. In the blink of an eye, these discarded parts became Tana, all over in midair.

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