Chapter 482 The Death of Arthur Weasley

Naturally, Tony is unwilling to let Luke have the upper hand. This guy takes his company and wants to rob his daughter, even if Iron Man’s authorization is taken away.

"I only need peripheral authorization, but you can think about it. I will have a lot of authorization in the future. I will not talk about my own. Let me give you a message, such as the United States. Captain Steve, some agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., you should have seen that bitten egg, and there are even some gods. Think about it, the effect of so many heroes working together is definitely better than playing by yourself. Interesting." Luke said with a mysterious face.

"Wait, S.H.I.E.L.D. also has your people?" Tony feels Luke is becoming more and more like a villain, "And how do you get the authorization from the US Captain in the official hands, and the gods? What's the matter, is there really a god?"

Not only Tony has a question mark, but Pepper is the same.

"Don't tell, don't tell, anyway, I told you, if you think you can, let's compare." Luke said with a smile.

This kind of showy thing, Tony is naturally unwilling to lag behind, "Okay, okay, but you have to make sure that you can't use my image indiscriminately. You can find me directly to make a movie, and I will give you one. Favorable price." Tony thought for a while, which is also quite interesting.

Pepper believed Luke very much, but she still looked at the files in Qin Ying's hands.

"You just let your boss toss like this?" Pepper looked at Qin Ying curiously and asked.

"Who made him the boss?" Qin Ying made a helpless gesture.

She still knows some details about Luke, and she has access to so many advanced alien technologies.

Suddenly, Luke received a message from Harry. He hadn't checked it yet, and received several more messages one after another.

"I'm in a little hurry, let's go now." Tone barely fell, Luke's silhouette disappeared.

"What's wrong, so urgent." Tony asked differently.

Luke didn't give other people time to reply, and the person disappeared.

"What may have happened." Qin Ying speculated.

It was midnight in Britain, and Luke moved directly to Dumbledore's office.

"Luke, please save my father." As soon as Luke appeared, Ginny cried and fell on him.

Fred Di and George also everyone talking at once describing what happened.

In Dumbledore's office, Professor McGonagall and Ron are also there.

"It's all quiet." Dumbledore interrupted everyone. He was wearing a snow-white pajamas and a dress gown with a purple background and gold, but he looked full of energy.

Luke frowned. He didn't immediately console Ginny, but asked: "What's the matter?"

I just received the message I hope he can come as soon as possible. Did not say anything.

"Ginny, don't cry first. Harry, tell Luke." Hermione said next to him. With Phoebe's resurrection ability, as long as the body is still there, the incompleteness is not serious, and it can be resurrected. Therefore, Hermione is the most calm in the house.

"I saw that I ate Mr. Weasley, no, no, it was not me, it was a big snake." Harry was very anxious, causing confusion in his speech.

Snake? Is it Nagini? Luke immediately thought of this plot.

"Arthur may have been attacked. I have sent someone to check it. There is no news yet." Dumbledore said with some worry.

"I just used Divine Consciousness and couldn't find Mr. Weasley." Hermione said.

"Harry, did you see that Mr. Weasley was attacked by a snake or eaten? I need you to think carefully." He remembered that Mr. Weasley was just a surprise this time, if I was really eaten. The probability is bode ill rather than well, and I might be looking for Phoebe again.

"It was eaten, I'm sure." Harry said affirmatively.

Ginny cried again when he heard Harry's words.

"The three of you, take care of your younger sister. I will take Mrs. Weasley over first." Luke said to Fred, George and Ron.

It didn't take long for Luke to disappear and reappear with Mrs. Weasley.

"Mother, father seems to have something wrong." The children of the Weasley Family gathered around Mrs. Weasley.

"Molly, your clock?" Dumbledore didn't finish his words, and saw Mrs. Weasley's grief on his face, he guessed the result.

Mrs. Weasley also shed tears, holding Ginny in his arms, not knowing how to tell the children this fact.

"Don't be sad, as long as you can find Mr. Weasley as soon as possible, it may not be impossible." Luke did not use Divine Consciousness to find Mr. Weasley and Nagini.

Everyone's eyes focused on Luke, and Hermione looked towards Luke curiously, not knowing how he could find Mr. Weasley.

"This is a Soul Evocation charm, which can call the ghost of the dead, and then I can follow the ghost to find his body." Luke told Mrs. Weasley the method of the Soul Evocation charm.

At this time, the children of the Weasley family also knew that their father was dead, and they all resisted their grief and completed the ceremony with Mrs. Weasley. They believed Luke's words.

"Phoebe, you may be reborn again in a while." Luke in the heart said.

"No problem, this magic has no burden on me. By the way, the promotion of Yin-Yang Fish is a little different from other Spirit Pets. It requires special items containing light and dark energy. You have A Shadow Stone also needs an item that contains the energy of the light system." Phoebe said.

"Well, we did not find the right way to trigger the light system item, and the light system magic did not come out. After this matter, we will study and study together."

system's lottery There are certain rules to follow with tasks, just like the Legendary task just triggered.

Luke now has the ability to make Soul Evocation symbols, there is no need to keep the last Soul Evocation symbol left in the lottery. Fortunately, Mr. Weasley is not strong, otherwise Phoebe's resurrection ability will not take effect.

Fred, George and Ron have used Soul Evocation symbols before, so the process went very smoothly this time, and Mr. Weasley's ghost was quickly recruited.

When the Weasley family saw the muddleheaded Mr. Weasley, they all cried again.

"Hermione, help me take care of my body." As Luke's soul came out, Hermione also took advantage of the opportunity to hold Luke's body.

Everyone saw Luke's soul appear and disappeared with Mr. Weasley's soul.

After Luke left, Dumbledore also received some news through the headmaster portrait on the wall. However, no trace of Mr. Weasley and Orochi was found, which made Mrs. Weasley even more sad.

As Luke's departure time got worse and worse, Hermione also began to worry. She was very confident in Luke, but worried that the search might not go smoothly. If Mr. Weasley's body is not finished, too much is missing, Phoebe's resurrection spell will not work.

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