Chapter 469 must have a breakthrough?

The surrounding scenes became what Harry remembered.

The rumbling of cars in the distance and the rustling of leaves nearby are also inaudible. The mild and pleasant night suddenly becomes bitterly cold. They were surrounded by an impenetrable deep and silent darkness, as if a giant hand covered the entire alley with a thick, icy curtain, making them invisible.

In an instant, Harry thought he had been magical unconsciously, even though he had been desperately restraining himself-and then his reason kept up with the pace of feeling-he was unable to make the stars go out. He turned his head around, wanting to see something, but the darkness was like a thin veil against his eyes.

Dudley's terrified voice pierced Harry's eardrums.

"What are you--what are you doing--what are you doing? Stop--stop!"

"I didn't do anything! Shut up, don't move!"

"I--I can't see! I--I'm blind! I..."

"I told you to shut up!"

Harry Standing motionless, staring blankly all around.

"Dudley, come back soon! You just went to it!

With a terrifying, piercing cry, Dudley's footsteps stopped.

"Dudley, shut your mouth! No matter what you do, you must keep your mouth shut! Harry said frantically, groping with both hands on the ground like a spider. "Hurry up, Lumos!" "

A huge silhouette wearing a hood slid towards him silently. The silhouette floats high on the ground. Under the robe, there is no foot or face. It seems to be moving. Swallowing darkness.

Harry stumbled back a few steps.

"Expecto Patronum! "

The dementor's actions slowed down, but the spells did not fully take effect. The dementor struck Harry, Harry tripped on the soles of his feet, and took another two steps back...

Harry After a dozen steps, he rushed to the front. Dudley was curled up on the ground, his arms tightly guarding his face. Another dementor was squatting down beside him, grabbing Dudley's wrists with two sticky hands, almost very Gently slid his arms apart, and the hooded head dropped to Dudley's face, as if going to kiss him.

"Grab it! "

Harry shouted, and with a quick howling, the silver stag that he had transformed ran past him. Dementor's eyeless face was already very close to Dudley's. At this moment, silver's antlers stabbed it and picked it up and threw it into the air.

The dementor, like its companion just now, fled in the air and was swallowed by darkness. The stag jogged into the alley. At the end, the smoke that turned into silver disappeared.

The moon, stars, and street lamps suddenly shined again. A warm breeze blew in the alley. The rustling leaves in the neighbor’s garden, The sound of cars in the busy streets filled the night sky again.

Harry’s experience at the time ended here, and Luke did not continue to explore Harry’s memories.

"Well, if I remember correctly If the wizard is threatened with life, he can use the magic spell to defend himself. Even more how Harry saved the life of a muggle. I think everyone should have a result of this interrogation. "With Luke's words, the surrounding scenes changed back to the tenth courtroom.

The wizards in the courtroom also recovered from this strange magic.

"At the same time I want to state one thing, this is not the first time a dementor has had an accident. If the Ministry of Magic cannot restrain them, I will take action to remove them all for the safety of this world. "Luke looked around all the people. He half-warned and half-threatened, making the individual look nervous.

Luke's appearance disrupted some people's plans, and things have moved towards an irretrievable direction. The development.

"Now that we have seen the facts, we will definitely investigate the incident that dementor went to the muggle community and attacked Mr Potter and muggle. Let's solve the current situation first, and please raise your hands if you agree that the accusation is unfounded. "Ms. Bones said in a loud voice.

Harry raised his head abruptly.

One hand was raised. Only a few people did not raise their hands. I don’t know if they gave up. What's more!

Ms. Bones said again: "I don't think there is a need to vote for approval. "

Fudge looked around at everyone, there seemed to be a big piece of stuff stuck in his throat, then he put his hand down and took two deep breaths. Although he wanted to suppress Dumbledore, he didn't want to provoke Luke. , And point to Luke to deal with Voldemort, "Very good, very good... the accusation is unfounded. "

"very good. "Dumbledore said happily, standing up quickly, pulling out the wand, and turning away the two chintz armchairs. "Okay, I have to go. I wish you all a pleasant day. "

After that, Dumbledore walked out of the dark room without even looking at Luke and Harry.

"Mr. Weasley is waiting for you at the door, I won’t send you back. NS. "Luke patted Harry on the shoulder and said.

Farewell to Harry, Luke returned to Kama Taj and continued to study the Dark God Book. He stayed at Kama Taj until the beginning of school. Study the knowledge from the Dark God Book under the supervision of semester.

The day before the school starts, in the harbor.

"Do you apply for free study this semester? "Hermione looked at Luke with a little surprise. I don’t know why Luke is not in class when there is Avatar.

"Yes, I have several considerations. It should be able to break through inside, and the cultivation before breakthrough will definitely not be able to maintain Avatar. "Luke said.

"Are you going to break through again?" "Hermione thought that this year's breakthrough was already a cultivation hard enough, didn't expect Luke to have a breakthrough too.

"You also want a breakthrough? "Phoebe, Skye and Anna cry out in surprise at the same time.

Everyone was stunned on the spot. What do you mean, everyone has to break through...

Luke is also a little bit stunned. Stupefied, "Isn't it, everyone's breakthrough together? "Although there have been no accidents in the breakthrough so far, it does not mean that the breakthrough is not dangerous.

"I may be at the end of this year or early next year. If everyone wants a breakthrough, I will not be cultivated and suppressed from today. There should be no danger for a while. "Anna looked at Luke and asked.

"It shouldn’t be a long time. In this case, Phoebe is only an advanced Golden Core, which will be faster. Skye, don’t be cultivated yet. You protect Phoebe. , Anna, you guard Hermione, you are changing identities after the breakthrough. I'm going to the center of the earth for a breakthrough this time, Phoebe, if you want to return to your body, you will return in dark form. "Luke considered it for a while and said.

Phoebe is always in the light form, she is a sunny girl next door. Dark form Phoebe’s character will become unearthly, Luke treats her dark form I don’t hate it, I’m just worried about what amazing things she will do. Phoebe in Dark Form really dares to think and do.

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