Chapter 29 Dialogue in the Castle (Part 1)

Luke took out some sweets from the space and gave them one point one by one, hoping that the sweets can make the mood better.

Everyone was surprised when Luke suddenly took out desserts, but they didn't ask anything.

Luke has a small space now, but apart from more than 10 swords and some clothing, medicine pill, books, the most is food and some emergency items.

Seeing that everyone has eaten almost the same, I took out a few bottles of mineral water and distributed them to everyone in their surprised eyes.

"Have you pretended to be?" Father James was very curious.

Britain is cold in March, and there is obviously no heating in this room. Luke took out two more blankets and put them around Anna and Hermione.

"There are only two blankets that I might need." Shrugged indicated that there was no more.

"However, transfiguration can be used." He turned the four teacups on the table into blankets and handed them to the parents and the Grangers.

Because of this incident, Luke developed a new spell, a warm-up technique, using Fire Element to fill the whole body with enough heat to keep warm.

"Luke, thank you." Hermione said.

"You’re welcome, speaking of which, it’s because of my invitation that you are involved. I should say sorry."

"Don’t say that Luke, this happened No one wants to see this kind of thing." Mr. Granger said.

Father James was about to speak when he saw William walk in.

"Today I am very sorry that everyone has been implicated. I will arrange a car to take you home first, and I will welcome you to play again when it is convenient to welcome you."

Everyone knows this time , The castle will be very busy, and it is estimated that high-ranking officials will come in a while. This important event will definitely not end easily.

"Mr. James, you may need Luke to stay for a while. My grandma would like to chat with him, and thank you again for saving my life." William said with gratitude to James. .

"Father, please go back first, I will go back later, Granger Uncle, you might as well keep our house for dinner at night, and go back after dinner. Now the road outside may be under martial law."


"Well, then I'll bother you." Mr. Granger thought for a while. It's true that such a big incident must be scrutinized every section of the road.

"Mother, let's have hot pot at night, I will tell you some seasonings, and you can stop by the supermarket when you go back." The main reason is to divert everyone's attention and don't keep thinking about the things just now.

Luke said some condiments, "I'll send them to you in a while. These materials are available here, so I don't need to buy them anymore." William said directly.

It will be easier if someone sends it to you, just use Shennong Cauldron to change the hot pot back.

"Thank you His Highness the Prince." Father James said.

"It's too polite, I'll let you go away, Luke, come with me."

Everyone asked Luke to make him pay attention to safety, including younger sister Anna Too.

Looking at everyone leaving, Luke followed William into the castle again.

"The person who was just overpowered by you is gone."

The Winter Soldier is gone? Luke would like to know how he unlocked his body restraint curse, or was he left?

"Maybe I was saved by someone. I just cast magic. If no one casts the curse for him, It shouldn't be recover so quickly."

"I just listened to it. Until you call that person the Winter Soldier, do you know something?" William asked.

Luke is considering whether to tell William Nine Headed Snake, after all, now Nine Headed Snake is so powerful, don't worry if you go to school right away, mainly your family, and Hermione.

"If you really want to know, it's best to let Queen Your Majesty know, and there can be no other people present." Luke said.

"There is one more question. So many people just saw me casting spell. What do you plan to do? I will delete the memory magic."

"This question is best You will talk to your grandma in a moment."

"Okay, but whether our family's visit today can help eliminate them, or if the people who know the truth, I can also try to delete their memories." Luke is worried. Nine Headed Snake, from his visit today, it was found that he was the one who solved the battle today.

"Do you need to be so careful?" William frowned when Luke said.

"It does need."

"Well, let’s talk to grandma with what happened just now."

The current Peggy Carter should be in Britain, do you want to get in touch with him, or give him Tong Dan and Vigor Dan 25 years younger, add 25 years of lifespan, and invite her out of the mountains. Luke thought as he followed William.

In addition to Nine Headed Snake, there is also Nick Fury.


"This is the room, and grandma is in it."

"Aren't you coming in together?" Luke asked.

"Grandma wants to talk to you first, I may not get in in a while." With that said, William opened the door to Luke.

Luke enters the room and finds that this is not a reception room, but a bit like a guest room. See a bed in the distance? Well, whatever it is.

"Child, come here." said the queen.

"Hello, Queen Your Majesty." Luke bowed slightly and said, there must be some etiquette.

"No outsiders, no need to do this, come and sit down."

"I heard William say that you saved him once in Sweden a year ago?"

"Yes, when I was on vacation with my family, I just ran into it." Luke replied.

"That was just the second time, alas, it's getting messy now."

No, this is just the beginning. There will be Voldemort in a few years. Too much, Luke thought.

"Are you a young wizard, are you from Hogwarts?" the queen asked.

"I have not yet enrolled in school. I only enrolled in September today."

"I have not enrolled yet, I can already use magic so easily. It seems that you are more than a fairy tale. Music is a genius, and the wizard innate talent is also very difficult to deal with. It’s also a genius. It’s really amazing. Britain hasn’t seen such a good boy in many years."

Luke was said to be a bit sorry, a bit sorry. blush.

"Wizard, when I was young, I always wished that I could learn magic, but I didn't have this innate talent." The queen said regretfully.

The queen pondered for a moment, and then continued: "But now, most of the wizards are still immersed in the glory of the group."

"You said pure-blood Family, if you don’t change it, there won’t be much left."

"Boy, it seems that you have a better vision than them."

"Their vision is too narrow, just Take our own Ministry of Magic as an example. At best, we can see that the world is as big as the outside world, and there are few visionaries, and the universe is farther away. There is such a vast field, and basically no one pays attention."

"Oh? What is your goal?"

"I, I hope my family will be safe and sound. If you are happy, go out and have a look with your companions. If you are tired, you will return Live leisurely at home."

"Is your companion the little girl who came with you just now?" The queen changed the topic.

"Huh?..." Luke didn't know why the queen said about Hermione, and didn't know how to answer.

"It doesn't seem to be a simple companion." The queen blinked and said with a smile.

Luke blushed a little.

"Do you know who attacked today?" The queen asked after turning the topic.

It seems that William and the Queen may have said it.

"Should we ask His Royal Highness William to listen together? He asked the same question just now."

The queen thought for a moment, "Call him in too."

Luke walked to the door and opened the door, and found that William was standing by the door waiting.

"Come in, I just happened to say it together."

Luke and William came in and sat down together.

"This matter can be said, but please, Queen Your Majesty and His Royal Highness William cannot talk to anyone, anyone." Luke repeated "Anyone" emphatically.

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