Chapter 289 Outer Branches

Everyone came out of the mirror space together. Luke was planning to open a space door to the Ministry of Magic for Fudge. At this time, an owl flew in from the window, and it was still Letter to Fudge.

Fudge was also a little strange. When he opened the envelope, his expression became even stranger, and he looked towards Luke.

"Mr. Kirk, I think dementor cannot be withdrawn for the time being. Just received news that Sirius Black attacked an Auror and robbed his wand, and this Auror has died."

"What!" Everyone exclaimed at the same time.

Just as he was about to prove his innocence, Sirius committed another crime.

"He has been imprisoned in Azkaban for twelve years, and there is no wand. How did he defeat an Auror? Is there any misunderstanding?" Luke immediately raised the doubts in the incident.

"Although I also want to agree with you, Mr. Kirk, we need to investigate this before we can judge." Fudge also wondered if Sirius was innocent and came for Pettigrew Peter. , Why would attack Auror.

"Sirius, he must have done it. I am innocent. I have been hiding from him." Pettigrew screamed desperately as if he wanted to grab this life-saving straw.

"Even if the murderer is Sirius, you are the murderer who killed Harry's parents. This is something you can't be innocent."

Luke sealed Pettigrew's mouth with magic.

Sure enough, there are still some extravagances. Now the plot has deviated from the original line, and it can only be tricked. He opened a door to the Ministry of Magic for Ms. Bones. Lupin and Snape followed with Pettigrew, while Fudge needed to go to the attack site to meet the Auror.

Dumbledore's office is left with Luke, Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Harry, Ron and his parents.

"Luke, have you always known that the mouse is Pettigrew?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"Yes, I'm sorry Mrs. Weasley, there are some things I can't say too much. However, I always follow Pettigrew."

"The cage you gave Ron is To restrict Pettigrew's actions?" Harry asked suddenly.

"Yes, otherwise, he might have been caught by Hermione's Crookshanks two years ago. Crookshanks have a bloodline of a cat and a raccoon, which can tell Pettigrew is Animagus." As for whether Garfield can recognize it. When he came out, he didn't know.

"Molly, don't embarrass Luke. Some magic is not something we can understand. Knowing too much is not good." Dumbledore said, about changing the future that might bring more trouble, he listened That's what Luke meant.

"No, that's not the case. I just want to thank him for catching this murderer." Mrs. Weasley gave Luke a tight hug.

"What about Sirius, was he the murderer of Auror?" Harry asked.

"Now I am not sure, but I prefer not." Things have become more complicated, and he is not entirely sure.

"Well, let the Ministry of Magic investigate this matter, Harry, you still have to be more careful in school, especially those dementors." Dumbledore warned repeatedly to Harry.

Harry wanted to know more about Sirius and his parents, but Luke said it would be better to wait for Sirius to tell him about these things.

Back to his bedroom, Luke lay on the bed, thinking about how to break the game. Before Fudge left, he politely expressed the hope that he would not destroy the dementor.

Before the Sirius incident is clear, dementor will not be withdrawn. Don't worry about Pettigrew anymore. It's Ministry of Magic's business to find the murderer, so the only thing left is to guard against the dementor.

The next day, Luke trained and went to class as usual. What happened yesterday did not interfere with him too much.

Neither Harry nor the Weasley family slept well. Harry thought about Sirius and his parents all night. Fred, George and Ginny were shocked when they learned that a murderer was hiding in their home. Fred is still talking about it, he has long felt that the mouse is wrong. Ginny became a little suspicious, always feeling unsafe around him.

During lunch, Hermione said that in their Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Lupin taught everyone to deal with anecdotes about Boggart. Neville changed the fearful "Snape" into his grandmother's dress, Seamus's The female ghost voice disappeared and so on.

"Luke, what will your Boggart be?" Hermione curiously asked.

Family died? He will definitely be afraid, but It shouldn't be fear. Although resurrection is troublesome, it is not impossible. Thanos? He is indeed afraid of his current strength, but Thanos does not dare to come to Earth at present...

"I don't know, I'm afraid of a lot of things, I don't know which one will appear."


"I look forward to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class tomorrow. When the time comes, I know what Luke is most afraid of." Katie said excitedly next to him.

The news spread within FAM soon, and everyone is very curious about what Luke fears most.

Fred and George started a quiz again, counting the guesses of other members to see who is closest.

"I think it's probably not something from Earth." Fred De was confident.

"Katie, you are so lucky, it is very possible to see other planet monsters." George said very excitedly.


In the Defense Against the Dark Arts course on Thursday afternoon, Lupin brought the young wizards to the common room of the faculty.

"Well, everyone should have heard that, we are going to deal with Boggart today." Professor Lupin said, motioning the students to walk towards the other side of the room. There was only an old closet. Professor Lupin walked over and stood beside the closet. The closet suddenly trembled and banged against the wall.

"Boggart likes dark and enclosed spaces," Professor Lupin said. "Wardrobes, voids under the beds, cupboards under the sink... Once I came across a master clock. ”

Lupin explains the knowledge about Boggart to young wizards.

"Let's practice spells. Please read... Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" said the whole class together.

"Very well," Professor Lupin smiled and looked towards Luke again, "Everyone must be very curious, what exactly Luke is afraid of, it's up to you next."

Luke There is also a bit of entanglement. This universe can scare him a lot, but they are all very dangerous. He doesn't know if there will be any accidents. The technology side may be okay. If the magic side appears, the opponent will perceive it. It's in trouble.

"Professor, I have a question. Will the object that Boggart turns into has some of its abilities, or some of its magic power?" It is better to ask clearly for the sake of caution.

"Strictly speaking, Boggart can replicate the effects of real individuals to some extent, but the difference is very large. You don't have to worry about this." Lupin thought he was talking about Voldemort, but think about it. Probably not, Luke never showed fear of Voldemort.

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