Chapter 258 Countermeasures

"Shadow magic can control shadow attacks, use shadows to hide, and even make people disappear in the shadows. Shadow creatures, in the legendary shadow world, the creatures inside They all exist in the form of shadows. Some potions and magic items can let people blend into the shadows. Through technological means, muggle can turn people into shadows and swallow other people who encounter the shadows. Some people have special ability to switch entities at will. Forms and shadow forms. There are animals that have the ability to become shadows, and some animals can turn others into shadows..."

Luke said more than a dozen similar situations in one breath, but actually only There are many more situations than he said.

Dumbledore stroked his head, didn't expect so much.

"Luke, do you have any guesses, or solutions?" Professor McGonagall was counting on his unearthly ideas.

"Generally speaking, the shadow form is probably not afraid of physical attacks. Except for targeted magic, ordinary magic may not hurt it. By the way, does rooster's scream work?"

"It is still not certain. After all, no one has seen Basilisk appear perfectly except Miss Granger."

"There are currently two speculations, one of which is that Basilisk can turn entities into shadows. The form, the entity disappears. The other is that the entity of Basilisk enters other spaces, leaving only the shadows that you see." Luke thought for a while and said.

Luke suddenly waved his right hand, and a sound of broken glass appeared, as if a gradually broken glass appeared in the headmaster office, and several headmaster portraits exclaimed.

"Professor McGonagall, please come in, Professor Dumbledore. This is a mirrored space. At night, some people can be arranged to enter it for night patrols. It is very safe inside. Even if you encounter Basilisk face to face, it will not It will affect the inside."

He doesn't think that Basilisk has the ability to break the mirror space. If so, he should turn to Gu Yi for help. Then he walked in with Professor Dumbledore and McGonagall

"Unbelievable magic, do I need to pay attention to anything here?" Dumbledore reached out in the mirror space and shook his hand in front of Phineas .Nigellus .Black portrait. The great-grandfather of Sirius Black did not respond.

"Just don't run around, I might get stuck here and never get out without it."

"I don't think anyone would do this," Dumbledore thought about it. "Okay, just try as you said."

"No need too many people. After all, I don’t know when the shadow Basilisk will appear. It may need long-term surveillance. I can do some more Report card, if a professor finds Basilisk's trail and destroys it immediately, I will immediately rush to the place where the incident occurred. I should be the same as Hermione. I am not afraid of Basilisk's petrified. As long as it doesn't run, I should be able to cut it under the sword." It is not yet known whether natural affinity has any effect on Basilisk, beheading is only a last resort.

"Are you in danger yourself?" Dumbledore was a little worried that Luke would be too dangerous to fight Basilisk alone.

"It's not me alone. It must be okay." He patted the scabbard of his right shoulder with his hand.

Yu Jian seemed to be responding to him, shaking behind him.

"Luke, your sword..." Professor McGonagall finally found the opportunity to ask about this sword behind him.

"Professor, I need to keep it with me for some reasons. I hope you can agree. I will definitely not use it to harm other students. Moreover, it has its own thoughts and will not even allow others to touch it, so you Don’t worry about being used by others."

"The school does not stipulate that young wizards can’t bring decorations. Since it won’t hurt people, it’s the same as decorations. Minerva, I think it might be better. Prank toys are safer." Dumbledore blinked at Luke.

"Well, Luke, you have to be optimistic about it." Professor McGonagall also believes that Luke will not hurt others. He does not use a sword.

"Fawkes, wait for you to become more attractive, then go find me to play."

Luke has not forgotten Fawkes hiding in the ashes before he left, so stay by the way Give it the next bottle of Spirit Pill, and it won’t hold grudges if you want to.

I came out of the headmaster’s office and went to the school hospital to meet with the head nurse Pang Fred. He wanted to know whether his potion was effective for petrified young wizards.

At the school hospital, he met Professor Snape, Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick. Snape will definitely be there as a Potions' Professor, and Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick are visiting the young wizard in their house.

"Mr. Pang Fred, does the potion I refined have any effect on them?" Luke asked.

"Don't worry, they will recover soon." The head nurse Pang Fred has a bad temper and rarely smiles.

"Your potion is much better than the original medicine. Have you added other materials?" Snape said.

"The proportion of materials has not changed, but Mandrake is different. Professor Sprout. Do you remember that I asked you for some herbal seeds because of my special innate talent. These herbs grow very different from the original ones. The big difference may be that this is the reason why medicine efficacy is stronger.” Of course, another factor must be Shennong Cauldron. The current version can only be obtained with the addition of the two.

"Your innate talent is what every herbalist has yearn for something even in dreams." For Luke's special innate talent, Sprout discovered it during his First Year, only in class. Time can make herbs mutate. If the herbs around him have been around, one can imagine that there will be even greater changes.

"Leave it to us here. It's dinner time. Go to the auditorium for dinner." Head Nurse Pang Fred started to blast.

Professor Flitwick also patted him, just signal that they are here.

Luke was on the way to the auditorium. Many young wizards looked at him in surprise. Luke, who had disappeared for two months, reappeared, especially since he has a strange shape and a sword on his back. He has a lightsaber that many people know, but now this one is obviously not, making everyone more curious.

"Luke, why are you carrying a sword. Whoops~" Fred De looked at his right hand with a pain on his face.

Fred's screams startled George and looked towards him, "Fred, what's the matter with you?"

"It's okay, his hands hurt. Okay." Luke said with a smile some taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

"What's the matter, you applied magic to yourself?" Fred took a step back and carefully looked towards Luke.

"Of course not, because it doesn't like others to touch it. Don't say I didn't remind you, don't use pranks on it, when the time comes, I can't save you." He The words scared Fred back two steps.

"Really?" George also took a step back.

There are many dangerous magic items in Wizarding World, and there are many anthropomorphic emotions, such as Sorting Hat. However, it is obviously different from the situation of Sword Spirit. In his impression, the Artifact Spirit can finally be transformed into an adult, even in the form of a cultivation success.

"It might still be able to talk in the future."

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