Chapter 229 Breakthrough begins

Luke returned to the bedroom and began to think about how to confront Voldemort in this state if he went to a small space, maybe he really took the Philosopher's Stone and ran directly? He didn't dare to rely on Harry completely now. She also tried her best to prevent Hermione from participating in the battle for the Philosopher's Stone. She now has too few means to protect herself. If she uses Frost Magic and Energy Magic to defend herself, she will be very passive and dangerous...

times In the morning, the young wizards discovered that Gryffindor had added 50 points, and one after another heard about Harry entire group being in danger in the Forbidden Forest and being rescued by Luke and Hermione. Of course, there was no information about Voldemort.

Hermione has always regretted Luke's 50 points, but when others asked her what happened yesterday, she always described the whole thing with her head upright. Similarly, Voldemort was replaced by a mysterious dark wizard. .

The young wizards of Gryffindor are very happy to make up for 50 points. In contrast, everyone has no good expressions about Harry who is deduct points. Fortunately, the FAM members are more aware of the righteousness, otherwise Harry might be smashed in Gryffindor.

Besides, there is really nothing to explain about Norbert, so Harry and the others hate Malfoy even more. Hearing from Hermione, the two often fought invisibly during class, and she was worried that one day they would fight.

Malfoy is now not only targeting Harry and Ron, but he usually converges a lot, at least not bullying Neville anymore.

On the weekend before the exam, Luke and Hermione also spent time on reviewing to avoid confusion about the knowledge points without reading the memory for too long. If Hogwarts’ curse theory is answered by Kama Taj’s conclusion , I don’t know if the professors will give points.

Before the exam, many FAM members were very fortunate, because they learned Divine Consciousness and can copy the test questions of the people around them.

"Are you really going to do that?" Hermione thought Luke was a bit cheating.

"Professor McGonagall specifically came to me to talk about it. I just used Divine Consciousness to suppress them to prevent peeking at other people's test questions. You can also, but the scope is a little smaller."

Professor McGonagall asked him in advance if he had taught other people the method of sound transmission, saying that he had only taught it to a few of Hermione. Professor McGonagall clicked nodded after hearing that, she was relieved about the results of these people.

But I heard Luke say that he has other methods of cheating, and he has taught many people. Professor McGonagall's face is not good for an instant, so he wants to stop these people from cheating, otherwise he will be detained. Points...

As Hermione expected, after the exam, Luke was surrounded by his own people and asked why Divine Consciousness could only see around him. Hermione looked at taking pleasure in other people's misfortune. I don't care about him.

"Oh~ This is what Professor McGonagall asked to avoid cheating by some people. And this is to ask everyone to use Divine Consciousness carefully, let you feel first, if your Divine Consciousness is suppressed, explain that Divine Consciousness must be stronger, so be careful of his Divine Consciousness sneak attack."

"Now only you, Divine Consciousness, is the strongest, and you are the one who was attacked. You are the only one who was attacked. Everyone say yes." Riche shouted reluctantly.

"Don't booze, Richie, you won't be able to copy others if you don't suppress it."

What else Richie wanted to say, Professor McGonagall came over and glanced at everyone. Take Luke away.

"I want to make sure that someone hasn't cheated." Hermione smirked, covering her mouth next to her.

Fortunately, I didn't cheat. It was even worse if I was caught by Professor McGonagall. Now everyone is relaxed.

In the evening, Luke was having dinner in the auditorium, but was dragged out by Harry who had come by energetic and bustling.

"Luke, Hagrid told a stranger about the Fluffy method. The stranger was either Snape or Voldemort. We must tell Dumbledore. You must know whether Dumbledore's office is right." Harry found it again. The clue seemed very excited.

He actually wanted to tell Harry that Dumbledore had known it a long time ago. He didn't quite agree with Dumbledore's actions, especially now that he had miscalculated the strength of both parties.

"As far as I know, Dumbledore is not at school."

"What! Dumbledore is not..." This result was unexpected to Harry.

"Yes, Dumbledore likes to go out and run around when he is fine." He wants to black out the old bee.

Running around... Harry and Ron next to him are messy.

Harry had an idea, "Luke, or let's get the Philosopher's Stone first. You send it to Asgard. Voldemort can't go there if he has the ability."

" Where is Asgard?" Ron didn't know where it was.

Luke did not expect that Harry would have such an idea, but it is true that Voldemort went to Asgard as a courting death.

"Yes, that's it, it's absolutely safe there." Harry felt very good and was a little excited, "Let's go, let's go now."

"Where are you going? "Hermione followed Luke after seeing Luke not going back for a long time.

This time he didn't want Hermione to participate. Before speaking, Ron preempted him to speak, "Go get Philosopher's Stone."

"I will go too." Hermione firmly looked towards him. .

"Okay, but you must listen to me, let you go and leave immediately."


Hermione jumped to him with a grin. On the side, this made Luke always feel that Hermione had ignored the second half of the sentence. He didn't intend to let Dumbledore do what he wanted, and took the Philosopher's Stone directly.

The four of them came to the door of Fluffy's room on the fourth floor. Harry lay on the door and listened, "Nothing? Could someone have entered." He opened the door directly.

"Why didn't you just move in?" Hermione sound transmission to him puzzled.

"I want to confirm whether there is anyone in it. It would be bad to hit Voldemort directly. This may be the case now."

Luke is not completely convinced of the original plot now.

"Luke is coming, Fluffy is already asleep. Someone must have just gotten off."

Harry and Ron tiptoed towards the trapdoor. Ron stepped carefully over the dog's lap. He bent down and pulled Griphook on the trapdoor, which opened suddenly.

"For safety's sake, I will go ahead and open the space door for you." Luke said, jumping into the hole.

Hermione and Harry both looked nervously at the entrance of the cave, while Ron looked at Fluffy, preventing it from waking up at any time. A space door appeared nearby, and Hermione walked in first.

After Harry walked into the space door, he looked up and saw Luke just jumped out of the hole. "What's that?" He saw a plant on it.

"Devil's Snare."

"How come there is this thing in this place." Harry asked.

"Professors should prevent people from stealing Philosopher's Stone." Hermione speculated.

A few people came to the end of the corridor. In front of them was a brightly lit room with a high vaulted ceiling. Countless little birds that are as dazzling as jewels fluttered their wings and fluttered Mobiliarbus everywhere in the room. There is a heavy wooden door opposite the room.

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