Chapter 195 The Bald Witch!!

Darren wakes up early the next morning when Tonks wakes him up.

This girl’s compassion is flooded.

Because I thought he was too miserable, I brought him food yesterday.

She did it herself.

It tasted good.

Darren acted lost and ate two large bowls.

If it weren’t for Tonks bringing two bowls, he would have eaten another bowl.

Of course, this girl also has something that makes him unhappy.

He asked Tonks to lend him a storybook.

Who knew Tonks had sent him a joke book.

It’s all cold jokes.

He looked at the jokes, not laughing, not being frozen to death was something he didn’t want to see, but he was really bored, so he could only turn the book for a day without expression, expecting the Ministry of Magic to send him back quickly.

“We’ll Phantom Metamorphosis into central London and enter the Ministry of Magic through the phone booth there, Darren, are you ready?”

Tonks told Darren about the trip, and then asked with some concern.

She was worried that Darren would still take all the mistakes on him as before, which might cause many misunderstandings.

But she didn’t have a chance to mention it yesterday, because Darren’s expression had been wrong.

He asked them to borrow a storybook and just sat there and watched.

But after reading the whole process without expression, she remembered that she had picked a joke book.

Looking at the joke book, she couldn’t laugh, and she thought pityingly, this child must be very uncomfortable.

They were transformed into central London through the Phantom.

Both Tonks and Alex cautiously guarded Darren in the middle.

Since Darren could be attacked by the Death Eaters at Hogwarts, it was also possible to be attacked outside.

These are all things that need to be prevented.

They don’t have a heart as big as Fudge’s.

So many dead students, still thinking about how to pull Dumbledore off the altar, “It’s here! ”

Allie pointed to a red phone booth.

“Go first!”

He looked at Darren cautiously.

Darren nodded and stepped into the dilapidated phone booth.

The glass above the phone booth was gone, and against the wall, there were many things scribbled on it.

It looked dirty, not at all like a ministry’s phone booth.

As Darren came in, Tonks quickly squeezed in.

Darren felt his face buried in her arms.

“Sorry… It’s so crowded…”

Tonks said with some embarrassment.

She crossed Darren and took the phone.

“Let me think about it, the phone is 62… 442… All right. ”

As Tonks’s number dialed out, a voice came out of the phone booth.

Darren noticed that the voice did not come out of the telephone microphone, but as if a woman was standing around them.

“Welcome to the Ministry of Magic, please name and to-dos.”

“Oh, Donknes Fadora, Auror Command… I brought Darren Porter to the court trial! ”

“Thank you, guest, please take the badge and pin it on your clothes!”

The woman’s voice said.

Then the phone booth suddenly drew a box-shaped silver badge.

It says Darren Porter, on trial.

It’s the same as Harry in the original.

Tonks clumsily pinned Darren to the collar of his shirt because they were huddled together and Darren couldn’t move at all.

“Well, don’t worry, I’ll get it for you!”

Tonks smiled and got a grateful look from Darren.

And after the badge was good, the woman’s voice rang out again.

“Guest of the Ministry of Magic, you need to be tested with your wand at the security department and register your wand.”

The phone booth suddenly shook its forehead.

Darren quickly grabbed Tonks and said with a frightened expression, “Be careful! ”

[Ding, Father +80]

“Don’t worry about Darren, it’s a necessary procedure and won’t fall!”

Tonks quickly patted Darren on the back.

It took about a minute before they finally stopped.

A thin golden light shot out at Darren’s feet, and then the golden light grew larger and larger, and finally shone on his face.

“Oh, I forgot!”

Tonks blocked Darren’s eyes with his hand.

“The wizards of the Ministry of Magic come and go like this… We’re here! ”

“The Ministry of Magic wishes you a happy day!”

The girl reminded her one last time, and then the phone booth opened.

Darren finally withdrew from his body.


Tonks laughed jokingly.

Darren blinked, made a look of not quite understanding, looked at her embarrassed, and finally remembered Darren’s age, and smiled.

“Come with me!”

She hurried ahead of Darren.

“This is the Ministry of Magic, very beautiful!”

Darren nodded.

He found that the Ministry of Magic was indeed built quite luxuriously.

It should be said that it is golden and brilliant.

The ground is grazed with light.

The ceiling is peacock blue with a golden mysterious symbol on it.

Dark dark wood around the walls.

As for the fireplace, Darren suspected it was gilded.

It should not be pure gold, if it is pure gold, he will come tomorrow and steal the fireplace.

In the middle of the foyer is a particularly large fountain.

In the middle of the fountain is a statue.

A tall male witch, surrounded by witches, house-elves, centaurs, and a goblin.

The centaurs, the house-elves, and the goblins all looked at the two wizards with adoration.

Then next to the fountain was a wizard who appeared one by one.

These wizards should have come directly from Phantom Transfiguration.

Their faces were lifeless, and even the top of their heads was a little bald.

Darren found that wizards and Muggles had something in common, namely that middle-aged men would be bald.

No matter how much baldness, in short, it is all strange baldness.

Of course, there are also many people who have thick hair.

Because they will buy hair water.

But most witches don’t care about that, they’d rather keep themselves bald.

Darren touched his thick hair, somewhat unable to imagine what he would look like when he was bald.

I can’t imagine that.

But he put the effect of baldness on top of Snape’s head.

The imaginative effect of this idea almost made him laugh and cry.

Fortunately, Mr. Weasley’s arrival interrupted his thoughts, otherwise he suspected that he might not be able to control the corners of his mouth.

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