Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 531: What Can You Do?

Harry sighed, knowing that Hermione didn't want him to watch Voldemort's actions, nor did she want him to share these memories, thinking that it would increase his passion for adventure.

Fortunately, Ronald is somewhat interested in this.

When he heard Harry say that a handsome young man had stolen something, he even let out an exclamation.

"I really don't understand the mysterious man. He has taken over the Ministry of Magic and the wizarding world, and he actually went abroad to look for things.

I just don’t know if it’s a Horcrux? Doesn’t he want to split his soul again?”

Ronald said in surprise.

Harry shook his head.

"Both Vesey and Dumbledore believed that he could no longer split his soul. His soul could not withstand another split."

"But what if he himself~ doesn't know..."

As Ronald was talking, Hermione's unhappy voice came from outside the tent - "Hurry up and go to sleep!"

Harry and Ronald quickly shut their mouths.

Arguing with an irrational woman is a very irrational behavior.

Early the next morning.

Harry walked out of the tent.

He urged Hermione to go back and get some sleep.

They decided to wait until Hermione woke up and then get out of here.

Even if they all believed that Voldemort and the Death Eaters identified them by that name, what if?

What if they have another way to find them?

So they think they shouldn't stay in one place for too long.

Hermione slept until the afternoon, and they had another meal, finally finishing the food on the table.

"We have to find a place with food, otherwise we will starve."

Hermione said worriedly.

She originally thought that the food prepared by Vesey would last longer, but Harry and Ronald didn't skimp on eating at all.

Especially Ronald, he always felt that he was injured and he should eat more.

And he was always hungry.

"Clean up and we'll leave!"

Hermione said.

She packed everything into her handbag.

Harry and Ronald also used spells to eliminate traces of their stay here.

Hermione took the three of them and apparated to a market town.

They found a low forest to set up their tent, but when they walked out, they found that the place was full of dementors.

Muggles couldn't see them, but they could feel the despair.

Hermione walked around outside, then came back helplessly and said: "Harry, you have to go out, your Patronus is enough to drive them away."

Harry nodded, not thinking it was a big deal.

But to his surprise, he couldn't use the Patronus at all. When he walked out, he only felt despair.

"I can't use the Patronus Charm anymore..."

Harry came back dejectedly and said.

"How is that possible? Haven't you always used it very well before?"

Harry shook his head.

"I don't know, maybe..."

He thought blankly.

Maybe he became a loser?

"What should I do? There is no food, will I be hungry?"

Ronald said unhappily.

Anger welled up in Harry's heart.

"Hungry? How much did you eat? One-half of the food prepared by Vesey went into your stomach!"

"That's the food prepared by my mother. Why can't I eat it? Besides, I'm injured and bleeding. Why should I endure it like you?"

"Yes, you don't have to bear it, you will just send Hermione and I to find food!" Harry shouted angrily.

Just now, he seemed to be in the third grade again, becoming that poor guy who always lost consciousness when he heard his mother's voice.

"You may not have noticed, but Hermione and I are also hungry, and we didn't scream like this. We still have to find food!"

"I'd go by myself if I could, but my arms are straight!"

"Yes, something happened to my arm! What a comfortable thing..."

Harry didn't finish.

Before the resentment in his heart could be fully vented, a pair of hands suddenly took off the pendant from his neck.

Harry's entire anger suddenly disappeared.

He shouldn't have lost his temper with Ronald like that.

He had never suffered hardship, even though he always used his brothers' old wands and old robes, but in terms of food, Mrs. Weasley took good care of him.

He is bleeding now, and of course he will feel uncomfortable as they restrict food.

"Are you feeling better?"

Hermione asked worriedly.

Harry nodded.

"You're not possessed, are you?"

Hermione asked again.

Harry shook his head.


There is no memory when you are possessed, this is what Ginny told him.

And those actions and words he just said were not said under control, but said in a state of anger.

This locket only made him gloomy and prevented him from thinking of anything happy.

When he was next to the Dementor just now, he almost died there.

He couldn't think of anything happy at all.

He could only think of his parents' deaths, and of Sirius and Vesey entering the curtain...

When he thought about Sirius coming back to inform him that Vesey was captured by Voldemort, he had no strength to resist.

"We shouldn't carry it with us, we should put it inside the tent.

Hermione frowned at the locket.

...Please give me flowers...

But Harry disagreed.

"We found it with great difficulty. If it is lost again, it will be over."

Hermione nodded.

"Okay, then we'll take turns carrying it."

She placed the locket around her neck.

"Great, the problem is solved, can we get some food?"

Ronald shouted unhappily.

Hermione glanced at Harry.

"Forget it, you two can't stand the torment anymore. We shouldn't stay here. We should stay away from places with dementors!"

Hermione said, before apparating with them into the wilderness.

There is a farm here.

Hermione stole some eggs and bread from here.

At night, they finally had toast with eggs.

Ronald devoured his food.

Hermione said with some shame: "This shouldn't be considered stealing, right? I gave them some money..."

"It doesn't matter. If you put money in, we will treat it as buying it!"

Harry took a bite of toast and said.

Ronald also nodded vigorously.

"Relax, we deserve this!"

Because they were full, their atmosphere became better again.

The three of them could even take turns keeping vigil outside.

When Harry went out for the first vigil, he felt that the future was bright.

But such days did not last long.

First, they can't find food very often.

Every time he couldn't find food and it was Ronald's turn to wear the locket, Ronald became simply disgusting.

Hermione couldn't stand Ronald saying hurtful words to them anymore.

So every time Ronald spoke, she said that she wanted to go out to keep vigil and hated staying with Ronald.

"Where are you going next?"

This sentence has almost become Ronald's mantra.

"If only Vesey were here, she wouldn't have saved you!

This sentence also became a hurtful word for Ronald when he was angry.

Harry could only discuss the Horcrux situation with Hermione now.

But the discussion has no clue.

Harry actually thought he could go to Albania, where Voldemort once stayed.

But Ronald opened his mouth and said sarcastically: "Looking through Albania, this is really a good idea!"

"Then what do you have in mind? You always want to rely on others, rely on your parents at home, rely on friends outside, or else you just complain, complain about us, complain about Vesey, why don't you hug 22?"

Hermione exploded in anger at night.

"What were you doing when we were looking for Horcruxes at the Ministry of Magic? You couldn't repair even an office, so what on earth could you do?"

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