Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 469 True And False Memories

Together they evaded Trelawney and made their way to Dumbledore's office.

Dumbledore was already there waiting for them.

He was very happy to see Vesey and Harry, and jokingly said:

"I heard that you two had a great time this week. Vesey even gave Miss Cassandra a bouquet of flowers. Did she give you lilies later?"

Vesey twitched the corner of his mouth.

What's going on with these people?

It's so gossipy, it's absolutely amazing.

A Snape and a Dumbledore.

Both of them are guys who have missed their love, and they are discussing her love here!

But she nodded honestly.

"Kassandra returned to the dormitory and gave me lilies, and she also helped me insert them into the new vase she bought for me.

Just say you are envious or not?

Dumbledore should be envious.

He sighed and said: "The feelings of youth are extremely pure."

Probably thinking of Grindelwald, he smiled.

"Okay, Vesey, let's not talk about this anymore. As an old man, I can't find someone to send flowers to each other. I really shouldn't ask.

Therefore, I have always told you that humans make mistakes, and even I will make big mistakes.

And because of my identity and my power, I will make mistakes that are beyond the ordinary. "

Dumbledore sighed slightly.

"This is the lesson I want to teach you...

I have been looking for these memories since last year, when I told Harry everything. "I hope you can work with me to identify the authenticity of these memories.

Harry perked up immediately.

"Can these guarantee my brother's survival?"

Vesey showed melancholy eyes.

Dumbledore nodded.

"Of course I will make all my efforts, don't be afraid, children, I will be by your side.

Vesey looked moved.

"Thank you, Headmaster Dumbledore, you are truly the greatest headmaster I have ever seen."

Dumbledore thought of Vesey's praise for him in the diary, and a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes.

That Vesey was plotted to death by him. If it hadn't been for the extra diary this time, he might have pushed Vesey down that path. Just thinking about it makes me feel sorry for this silly girl.

"Child, I am not as great as you said... You still don't understand, but I think you will understand how despicable I used to be."

Dumbledore sighed softly.

Vesey rubbed her head under her confused gaze.

"Okay, kids, just kidding, we are going to start today's lesson. First, we can go to Bob Ogden's memory.

He was working in the Enforcement Department of the Ministry of Magic. It had been some time since his death, but I found him before he died and persuaded him to give me this memory.

I didn’t pay enough attention to this memory at first.

But after Voldemort captured you in the fourth year, I found out through lip reading that he said that my mother was a good woman. If some people hadn't interfered with it, she wouldn't have died tragically there.

(From Chapter 341)

This sentence made me alert, because in my memory, Voldemort's mother was not who he said she was.

I thought Voldemort was misled at first, but later I realized that we had underestimated Voldemort's mother.

She is a master of memory, and she has modified the memories of many people. If it weren't for Voldemort's words, I would not have noticed that there was a problem with these people's memories.

But as you know, I am fortunate to be an excellent memory master. When I looked for answers based on the results, I finally discovered the memory problems of these people.

Mr. Ogden's memory was obviously modified, and I spent a lot of effort to restore it.

I hope you can be patient and accompany me to look through Voldemort's mother's modified memories and then look at the original memories, look for the differences between them, and analyze her purpose for doing this. "

Vesey smiled.

Isn't this simple?

How could she not know what she was thinking?

She nodded very confidently.

Follow Dumbledore into Ogden's memory.

Dumbledore asked them to look at the original memories first, that is, the memories in the original book.

Vesey really wanted to say that this was true, but Dumbledore obviously didn't believe it.

He just found the "wrong" memory through various methods.

Looking at the memories that were similar to the original, neither Vesey nor Harry spoke.

This is obviously when Ogden went to the village of Little Hangleton to deal with Uncle Voldemort's spell on Muggles, and met Voldemort's father.

Voldemort's grandfather found out that his daughter had fallen in love with a Muggle and almost strangled her to death.

They came out of memory.

Harry asked worriedly: "How is that girl?"

Dumbledore smiled and said: "She is Voldemort's mother, Grawp. She naturally survived. Ogden went back and called the Aurors, and then captured Marvolo and his son Morfin."


Vesey brought up the last name.

Dumbledore nodded with satisfaction.

"I'm glad Vesey that you followed my train of thought. Marvolo is Voldemort's grandfather, Merope is Voldemort's mother, and the man riding the horse outside is Voldemort's father."

Harry looked at Dumbledore hesitantly and asked: "Voldemort said that his father abandoned him and his mother..."

Dumbledore nodded.

"After Marvolo and his son were sentenced, according to what I know, Merop left with the Marvolo family's Slytherin Locket and Voldemort's father."

""||But, Voldemort's father probably doesn't like her. He has a fiancée..."

Harry said awkwardly.

Dumbledore laughed.

"I thought so at first, but when I saw my repaired memory, I changed my mind. Harry, Vesey, I think you two have to follow me for another trip!"

Vesey and Harry nodded.

They reappeared in the village of Little Hangleton, and Ogden ran from the side of the village into a shack.

This scene is the same as what they looked like just now.

Harry looked at Dumbledore in confusion, always suspecting that Dumbledore was suffering from senile dementia and had re-entered the memory just now.

Fortunately, Dumbledore didn't know, he was also standing next to Vesey and the others watching.

"Keep watching, changes will appear immediately."

Harry could only continue to watch.

Morfin drove Ogden away, and Marvolo called Ogden a mudblood. These things did not change. What changed was after entering the door.

At Ogden's insistence (well done), he was angrily invited into Marvolo's home.

Harry followed Ogden, who was just as stunned as Ogden in front of him.

Because a very beautiful girl slowly walked out of the kitchen.

She looked exceptionally beautiful, even wearing tattered clothes could not hide her beautiful appearance.

She was walking out with a melancholy look when she saw Marvolo bringing a man in, and she was extremely nervous.

The jar in his hand immediately fell to the ground.

The jar broke.

The next person who rushed out was Morfin. He cursed with jealous eyes: "What are you looking at, you bastard? Your legs go weak when you see a man, right?"

Harry saw the girl numbly lowering her head to pick up the jar on the ground without saying a word.

But Marvolo stepped up and kicked her.

"Use magic, do you hear me? You stinking little squib!"

At this moment, not to mention Ogden in the room, even Harry was a little angry.

Sure enough, after becoming beautiful, the treatment changed. .

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