Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 429 The Real Horror

Ronald's extraordinary performance this time allowed Gryffindor to win, so he started discussing the game incessantly whenever he had free time in the past two days.

Harry and the others wanted to tell Ronald about Grawp, but they couldn't find the chance every time.

There are always people around Ronald who say hello to him, and he has now become quite a celebrity.

This made Ronald very happy and showed off to others every day.

It wasn't until a few days later that Ronald finally began to feel that it was troublesome to have too many people greeting him.

He began to yearn for enjoying the wind by the lake with Vesey and the others.

The place where they sat was where Harry saw James and the others sitting in the pensieve.

Harry couldn't help but laugh when he thought that James's actions at that time, fiddling with his hair from time to time, looked somewhat similar to Ronald's now.

"why are you laughing?"

Ronald asked in confusion.

“I was laughing at how hard we managed to win the game.”

Harry said quickly.

Ronald grinned.

"I think so. You should all have seen it. Ginny caught the Golden Snitch from under Cho Chang's nose. Her expression was, tsk tsk!"

"Did she cry?"

Vesey asked worriedly.

"No, but her expression looked similar. As soon as she came down, she threw the broom on the ground, turned around and left. She had such a bad temper."

Harry sighed.

"I don't even know what to do with her."

"You should have a good talk with her. If you can't talk, then break up with her properly."

Hermione said seriously.

"I don't think she is willing to have a good talk with Harry. You should have seen that she is very angry..."

Ronald was speaking when his words were interrupted by Hermione.

"I'm sorry, Ronald, in fact, we don't know anything about Qiu Zhang's situation because we didn't watch the game that day, and we didn't see your wonderful save moment.

Hermione finally said helplessly.

Harry looked at the blank expression on Ronald's face. Couldn't help but laugh.

"Brother, don't look at us like this. We did not get to watch your game, but we didn't mean it. Hagrid called us away..."

Harry told them everything they saw in the Forbidden Forest, and Ronald looked at them with wide eyes.

His expression changed from unhappy at first to petrified horror.

"Groop was about sixteen feet tall, and his favorite thing was a twenty-foot-tall pine tree.

You are staring at the sky above the Forbidden Forest, and suddenly a flock of birds fly up, probably because he has made another tree...

Hermione said while crying and laughing.

Ronald looked at them with a desperate expression.

"He also said that we should teach English to that big man?"

he asked in disbelief.

Vesey laughed.

"Okay, don't worry. If we really need our help, I will go find Graup and teach him how to speak. In fact, I think it's quite fun."

Ronald looked at Vesey in horror.


he shouted in shock.

"Vesey also said that the giant was ugly and cute. I don't understand his aesthetics."

Hermione rubbed her head.

"I can't imagine how I will live with her and giants in the future."

Harry looked at her strangely.

"I'm the only one who lives with Vesey and the giant, right? Do you want to live with us too?"

Hermione glared at him.

"I can live wherever I want, and what's wrong with me and Vesey living together? What do you think?"

she shouted loudly.

Harry immediately covered his mouth, indicating that he would never speak again.

We live together, why do we lose our temper?

Hermione was almost menopausal.

It's been some time since our last conversation, and June has finally arrived.

This is a season of exams.

Professors no longer give them homework.

They are also allowed to review freely in class and can ask the professor if they have any questions.

Everyone lined up to borrow books from the library, and then read in the dark.

Everyone has thick dark circles under their eyes. Only Vesey uses a revitalizing charm on himself every day to make himself look energetic.

After all, she was still being forced to drink potions by Harry and the others every day, so it would be a bit strange if she wasn't in high spirits.

The exam is getting closer.

Finally, in a Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall told them that their ordinary wizard level exam would last for nearly two weeks, with a written exam in the morning, a practical exam in the afternoon, and an astronomy exam in the evening.

"Also, I must tell you that you cannot cheat in any way.

I heard that you have a way to chat using magic. Although I haven't researched it thoroughly yet, the Ministry of Magic has already responded to this.

We will launch an instrument to detect lies. Once the instrument detects that you have cheated, I think your whole family will be embarrassed because of you, and your exam results will be invalidated!"

This disappointed some DA members greatly.

Monday morning is the Charms exam, and the auditorium has been arranged. They need to take it in the auditorium.

Professor McGonagall placed the hourglass on the table and told them to get started!

Vesey looked at his paper.

Simple couldn't be simpler.

She immersed herself in writing. When she finished writing, she watched a movie for a while before putting the paper away.

In the afternoon they were called again to take the practical exam.

The practical exam is in a small room next to the auditorium, and the examiners will call names one by one to enter.

Hermione went in first, and Vesey waited for a long time before it was her turn.

She walked in with Harry and Parvati.

""||Come to Professor Marchban!"

Professor Flitwick quickly found a newly available professor for Vesey.

Vesey walked over quickly.

"Miss Potter, it is an honor to be your examiner."

Professor Marchban said with a smile.

Vesey immediately suppressed her blush.

"Okay, lovely girl, don't be shy, come on! Let the egg cup in front of me perform a backflip."

Vesey started executing.

When she quickly made another mouse disappear perfectly, Marchiban clapped her hands vigorously.

"There are very few such outstanding students. I still remember when I proctored Dumbledore, he was also so outstanding..."

Tuesday is the Transfiguration exam.

The professors also applauded her.

wednesday, thursday, friday tuesday

A week has passed.

Vesey doesn't think it's difficult at all.

To her, this was simply outrageous.

The next Monday was Potions.

When Professor Tofty saw the potion brewed by Vesey, he almost decided to keep the sample (Li Zhao's).

"I really envy your Potions professor. He is sure to get this kind of potion in every class, which is enough to make all potions experts fascinated!"

Tuesday is the Care of Magical Creatures exam.

Vesey was particularly popular with animals, which made Professor Marchban suspect that the ancestors of the Potter family had some animal blood. She also said that she would check it out when she went back. This kind of blood was really powerful.

On Wednesday morning there was a written test in astronomy, and in the afternoon there was a practical class in divination.

Professor Marchban asked Vesey to predict recent trends.

Vesey told her through tea leaves that there will be great turmoil in the Ministry of Magic recently.

When she said this, Umbridge was right behind her, and when he heard her say this, he sneered.

But no one paid any attention to her.

Professor Marchbaby asked Vesey to look at the crystal ball again. Vesey told her through the reflection of the crystal ball that Dumbledore was about to return to the castle and the situation would be even more intense next year.

“The ultimate blend of black and white, I think there’s going to be real horror next year.

she said loudly. .

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