Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 382 The Room Of Requirement

Vesey originally thought it was a normal day, but early in the morning, Harry and the others found her and insisted that she go to Madam Pomfrey's place to check.

"There's really nothing wrong with me. Look at me, I don't even have any dark circles under my eyes!"

She tried to show Harry her health.

But Harry and the others didn't believe it at all.

"Twinkle said you..."

When Vesey heard them mention Winky, he knew that Dobby must have told him.

"I just...just..."

She only thought about it for a long time and couldn't find any reason to explain why she stayed up most of the night and sat on the edge of the bed in a daze.

Although she wanted to say that she was still holding an invisible phone and playing games at that time!

But of course this kind of thing cannot be said.

In the end, she could only vaguely express that she was working on a potion and that Harry and the others didn't need to worry.

She did not refuse the offer to see Madam Pomfrey.

Let them see it, or shut them up.

But when Madam Pomfrey "883" announced that she was fine and healthy, they all looked at her suspiciously, as if she was tampering with her physical condition.

Under their suspicion, Madam Pomfrey was also taken to the ditch.

She also began to think that Vesey had used some method to cover up his physical condition.

This worried her very much.

"If there is any problem, let's solve it slowly. Vesey, it's not a good idea for you to keep hiding it like this!"

"I'm not hiding it. This is my true physical condition."

Vesey struggled to explain.

But about retribution, no one believed her.

Finally Snape was called.

Snape called Dumbledore again.

They almost had a three-chamber trial.

If Vesey hadn't withstood the pressure, he might have been forced to drink Snape's potion and sleep for half the semester.

After Dumbledore couldn't do anything about Vesey, Harry and the others had no choice but to compromise.

Pretending to believe in Vesey's "health."

Of course, in addition to "treating" Vesey, they also have their first Defense Against the Dark Arts meeting today.

Harry had already learned about the Room of Requirement from Dobby.

All students in the Defense Against the Dark Arts group were notified.

Harry went to inform Qiu Zhang specifically.

As a result, I saw the scene of Qiu Zhang quarreling with her friend.

He awkwardly waited for them to finish arguing before going over to inform him. Qiu Zhang's friend saw that he was extremely cold and glared at him.

Fortunately, Qiu Zhang was pretty good to him, which made Harry very happy.

7:30 p.m.

They arrived at the eighth floor.

Harry walked around three times and a door appeared.

Then they opened the door.

Inside is an open practice field with mats on the ground.

There are hundreds of books lying around.

Hermione jumped at the books as soon as she saw them.

He opened it and read it with interest.

“It’s great here!”

Students from the Defense Against the Dark Arts team soon came in one after another.

Here they marvel.

"Remember? We hid from Filch here, back when this was a broom closet!"

Fred looked around in surprise.

"It's completely invisible now."

Hermione laughed,

Then she put down the book,

She stood in front of everyone and said: "We must first choose a leader.

Qiu Zhang immediately shouted: "Harry, I choose Harry to be the leader!"

Harry opened his mouth in surprise.

Ginny shouted in disapproval: "Vesey, we are all here for Vesey!"

This made many people nod vigorously.

They were originally coming for Vesey. If it was only Harry, there was no way they would come.

Vesey quickly shook his head and said: "No, no, no, my brother will lead, I will only assist, and I will listen to my brother!"

Qiu Zhang smiled triumphantly.

Harry looked at her hesitantly.

She ignored him.

The other students looked at Qiu Zhang unhappily.

They whispered to express their dissatisfaction.

However, Vesey has stated that Harry will be the leader, so they can only endure it and vent all their unhappiness to Qiu Zhang and Harry.

Qiu Zhang's friend tugged on her sleeve, and she pursed her lips unhappily.

Hermione had no objection to Harry being the leader. She said again: "Now that the leader has been chosen, we still have to have a name."

"Can't we just call it the Defense Against the Dark Arts team?"

Harry asked confused.

Hermione glared at him.

"What about the black magic extracurricular tuition class?"

Vesey also asked quickly.

Hermione sighed helplessly.

"Don't be like this, you two little leaders and little teachers, why do you have names that make people shake their heads so much?"

Harry and Vesey both shut up.

"Then it's called the 'Defense Team', or 'DA' for short. No one knows what we're talking about."

Ginny shouted happily.

Qiu Zhang said with some dissatisfaction: "Can't it be called the Harry Potter Defense Team? It's called 'HA' for short?"

Many people looked at her unhappily.

"Then you might as well form a team with Harry!"

"That's right! Vesey and Harry are in the same group, you must only mention Harry!"

"Just because you are with Harry, you can't do anything to him, right?"

Cho Chang stared at them, then looked at Harry......

"Harry, speak!"

Harry shook his head awkwardly.

"I listen to Vesey."

Qiu Zhang's face instantly turned pale, his eyes turned red and he turned to one side.

Vesey rubbed his forehead.

"It's normal. Qiu Zhang is my sister-in-law. Just listen to my sister-in-law. You can just call her 'HA'!"

She didn't care anyway.

But Harry quickly said: "I think 'DA' is pretty good. Just call it 'DA', or Dumbledore's Army. Even Voldemort is afraid of Dumbledore!"

Qiu Zhang's face became even more ugly.

Vesey suspected that Harry might have to be coaxed for a long time this time.

"How about calling it 'DA'?"

Hermione asked, and most people agreed.

She wrote the letters DA on the list.

"Good, we should practice."

Hermione looked at Vesey.

Vesey immediately looked at Harry.

"Brother, come on!"

Harry is the leader, so he can't expect her to do his job, right?

"Um, let's learn the disarming spell first?"

he asked hesitantly.

Someone shouted immediately.

"What does this spell do?"

"You must learn advanced spells!"

"Who will pay attention to us with the Disarming Curse?"

There was a lot of noise in the room.

Harry looked at Vesey confused.

Vesey sighed helplessly, then waved her wand and shouted loudly: "Expelliarmus!"

All 5.7 people's wands flew towards her.

Even Hermione, who was aware of her movements and was on guard, did not retain her wand.

"That's why we have to learn."

Vesey laughed.

Then she waved her wand again, and all the wands flew towards their master.

"This is a tracking spell, and it is also a very useful spell, but we will leave it behind. In the first lesson, we learn how to steal the enemy's wand.

Most enemies can only run away without their wands. It is difficult to cast spells without weapons. As far as I know, there are no more than five people who can cast spells without weapons.

So this is the first move. If it works, you will be invincible!"

After these words were spoken, Vesey could clearly see everyone's fanatical eyes.

Probably everyone has imagined that if you snatch someone else's wand away, the other person will run away with his head in his hands.

"Well, let's start practicing this wand in pairs. Brother, Hermione, Ronald, let's go down and help them group up?"

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