Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 239 It’S All My Fault!

Hagrid was startled.

He stared at Vesey, dumbfounded.

Immediately, his face turned pale.

"No, no, Vesey, Azkaban is very scary. I can't go there anymore. Every time I go, I think I'm dead..."

Vesey looked at him.

"I can say that I did it, but I did it alone. It has nothing to do with you, my brother, and the others...

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Hagrid still shook his head.

"Don't be stupid Vesey, no one will let you go to jail, look at Harry!

He won't let you go to Azkaban, stop working for Buckbeak, Vesey, you can't do anything!"



The sound of Hermione knocking something over.

"What's wrong, Hermione?"

Vesey looked worried.

Hermione tipped the milk jug upside down on the floor.

A mouse.

It's Banban.

Ronald's eyes widened.

He stepped forward and caught the mouse.

Banban struggled hard and even bit him.

"Ah! Why is it here?"

"I saw it when I was picking up the jar. It drank the milk in the jar!"

Ronald held Banban tightly.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you hiding here? Calm down and stop screaming! Nothing can hurt you here..."

But it didn't work at all.

Banban was still struggling.

Its fur looked particularly miserable, with patches here and there, and it was also much thinner.

Hagrid suddenly stood up.

He looked out the window with red eyes.

Vesey also seemed to be frozen.

In the distance, a group of men were walking down the stone steps of the castle.

Dumbledore was by their side.

Next to them is Thicknesse, and behind them are the executioners...

Vesey seemed to have thought of something and suddenly wanted to open Hagrid's back door.

"what are you up to!"

Harry grabbed her.

"I'm going to let Buckbeak go in front of them, so it's all my fault, I

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She struggled, and Harry could hardly hold her.

Until Hagrid caught her.

She was completely quiet.

Finally she hugged Hagrid's waist and seemed to sob.

"This is Buckbeak's fate «||!"

Hagrid said firmly.

His rough hands rubbed her hair lovingly.

Then he pushed Vesey next to Hermione and the others.

"Take Vesey back and don't watch it again!"

Ronald stuffed Scabbers into his pocket, and Harry put the invisibility cloak on them all. He and Hermione pulled Vesey from left to right to prevent her from doing anything.

"I'll lead you from behind, and you pull Vesey!"

Hagrid led them past Buckbeak, and they all stared at Vesey closely, fearing that she would suddenly become violent.


She just said something softly, and Harry covered her mouth.

"There are no ifs. Just be obedient and cover your ears, and everything will be over!"

Together they walked through the back garden and then came to Chao Li.

"Let's go back to the castle"

Hermione pulled Vesey forward.

Because Vesey kept looking back, as if he was going back to find Hagrid.

"Don't be like this, Vesey, this is beyond your control. You still have a lot of things to do. How can you go to Azkaban just for a Hippogriff?"

Hermione said with red eyes.

Vesey seemed not to hear and kept looking back.

They could only try to drag her away.

The sun sets quickly.

Just when there was still a hint of red in the east, Ronald suddenly stood still.

"Oh my god, Ronald, come on! We can't even pull Vesey anymore. Don't you stand there blocking the way?"

Ronald grabbed Banban hard, but could barely hold on.

Banban struggled in his hands and bit him.

The rat became furious.

"Banban seems to be crazy!"

At this time, they heard the door of Hagrid's cabin seem to open.

Vesey stopped again.

"Cover her ears!"

"Don't let her listen!"

"Let's go first!"

they shouted loudly.

But it was too late.

There were a few random male voices, and then without warning, there was the sound of an ax smashing into something.

Vesey stopped struggling.

Her eyes were completely red, and tears fell drop by drop.

Harry and the others were also shocked and their minds went blank.

This was the first time they knew a life familiar to them had died.

The setting sun completely disappeared.

Then they heard Hagrid wail.

And Vesey is about to run towards Hagrid.

They finally reacted.

Then they hugged Vesey.

"Let's go! Don't stop, Vesey, you can't stand Buckbeak's body even more!"

These words made Vesey lose all strength.

She lay in Hermione's arms, seemingly completely broken.

Hermione knew she was sad, but she could only hug her tightly.

"We have to leave quickly, Banban can't catch him..."

Ronald stopped suddenly.

Because Crookshanks was approaching them.

Banban struggled more violently, and then it broke free from Ronald's hand.

Crookshanks ran off with Scabbers.

Before anyone had time to react, Ronald had already dropped the invisibility cloak and ran away after Crookshanks.

""|| Ronald......"

Vesey looked worried.

She wiped her face and said as if she had finally regained her senses: "Let's go and chase Ronald first. We can't stay outside for too long. The principal and others should be here soon!"

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Harry and Hermione looked at her worriedly.

Her eyes turned red, obviously she was still sad.

But no matter at any time, she doesn't want anything to happen to anyone.

"Let's go, find Ronald first!"

Harry nodded.

So they all ran in the direction Ronald ran away just now.

Not long after, they finally heard Ronald's muffled cry.

A big white dog was biting his leg and running towards the passage under the Whomping Willow.


Vesey pointed her wand at the dog.

But it didn't hit.

Because Crookshanks stood in the way of the dog.

Then Crookshanks lay motionless.

By this time, the dog had already pulled Ronald in.

Vesey pretended to be worried and rushed over in a hurry.

But the Whomping Willow moves into action. (King's)

Its branches hit people like they were waving.

"Detention quickly!"

"Confinement quickly!"

Vesey shouted.

A lot of string appeared at the tip of her wand.

But these ropes are not very good at binding the branches of the Whomping Willow.

"Blame me……………"

She said with some annoyance.

Then he saw Hermione and Harry entangled with the branches, and there were guilty looks in their eyes.


Harry and Hermione froze.

It was as if some invisible saw was harvesting the surrounding branches.

The furious Whomping Willow just now turned into a bald tree in just a few strokes.

It seemed to be even more angry, but it could only twist its body cutely.

"It looks like I've really done a great sin!"

Vesey said as if feeling guilty.

"I really hope Professor Splante can give me a good beating, otherwise I really can't stand it anymore!"

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