Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 196 Crookshanks

Harry and the others were helpless.

Vesey is always like this. These things have nothing to do with Vesey, but she always feels guilty.

"Okay, don't be stupid, even if you are there, you can't change anything!"

Hermione comforted her.

Then he coaxed her to buy books.

As soon as they entered Flourishes and Blotts Bookstore, the clerk showed an accommodating expression and was ready to get them "The Monster Book of Monsters".

Vesey and the others quickly stopped him.

"No, no need, we already have it. -"

The clerk breathed a sigh of relief.

It was very troublesome to separate these guys every time, but luckily Harry and the others didn't want to do it.

Harry saw this scene and asked quickly: "Vesey, what happened to your book? Hagrid actually gave me a biting book. I'm really worried that it will bite your hand."

This is of course impossible.

Vesey knows in advance what to do with the book and will have absolutely no problems.

But she showed a cheerful expression.

"It's okay! I thought that book was very vicious at first, but then I thought it was very interesting, like a pet.

I've been wondering how to tame it.

Yes, taming a book, I think it's possible.

Because this is a book that teaches us how to get along well with magical animals, I think it must have weaknesses.

So I used many methods, such as scaring it with a torch, and putting it in water... Finally, I found that stroking its spine could calm it down.

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, can point +10]

[Ding, energy points +10]


Someone heard Vesey's words, and they immediately tried it. Sure enough, the book became completely silent.

Harry and the others clapped happily.

A shy blush appeared on Vesey's face.

Looks so cute.

They stayed at Flourish and Blotts for a while.

Mainly Vesey and Hermione were holding books.

They had taken so many elective courses that they couldn't even fit them in their schoolbags, so in the end they asked Harry to help them get a few books.

As they exited Flourish and Blotts, they saw Ronald.

Ronald is here to find them.

"My parents came to Diagon Alley in the morning. They said Vesey would come, so they kept us waiting there.

But just now the house elf of the Nicolème family came to inform us that Vesey had come in, so I came over. "

He said this, making Vesey look embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know, I thought

"Oh, Vesey, don't say sorry, it's our own idea. Mr. Nicolème didn't ask us to wait for you there.

On top of that, he was extremely enthusiastic about Harry's boasting about his aunt.

"It's so funny. If I blew my aunt off, my mother would strangle me to death!"

But he immediately saw Vesey's frightened expression, and quickly said comfortingly: "Vesey, I'm just making a hypothesis. In fact, it's impossible for me to blow up my aunt!"

Vesey then smiled.

"Then what do you want to do next?"

Ronald asked curiously.

Hermione counted the Galleons in her hand and said:

"My parents didn't prepare a gift for me on my birthday. They gave me ten galleons and asked me to choose a gift myself."

"Then what are you going to choose? A book?"

Ronald glanced at the bulging schoolbag stuffed by Hermione and asked sarcastically.

Hermione ignored him and said softly: "Harry has Hedwig, Ronald has Scabbers, and Vesey has Jack, so I also want a pet.

Vesey shrugged.

"Jack is not my pet, he is a stray dog ​​who yearns for a free life.

It only stayed with me because I could help it transform. Later, it got tired of the life after transformation, and set off to find freedom a few days ago.

Ronald was immediately interested.

"Speaking of which, can you lend me your necklace? I also want to transform Banban!"

Vesey generously handed over the chain.

"I don't know what they can transform into, it depends on their own ideas."

Ronald thinks it's fun to become anything.

F was on Banban's neck.

Banban was still struggling at first, but after the chain was put on, he immediately stopped struggling.

Then, a huge tiger appeared in front of them.

"Oh my god! Banban, you actually have such great ambitions?"

Ronald exclaimed in surprise.

Then he immediately took off the chain from the neck of the tiger that Banban had turned into.

Banban quickly wanted to grab it back, but Ronald had already returned the chain to Vesey.

"It's better not to use it. I think a tiger appearing here might scare everyone!"

Hermione said with surprise on her face.

Harry nodded in agreement.

He was about to say, lend him the chain and let him wear Hedwig's belt.

But before he could speak, he saw a big black dog looking at him with vicious eyes.

He quickly wanted Ronald to see it, but the next second, the black dog disappeared.

………Please give me flowers…0

Neither Hermione nor the others noticed Harry's condition.

Only Vesey noticed.

She showed a puzzled expression and asked, "What's wrong?"

Harry subconsciously touched her head.

"It's nothing, don't worry!"

He subconsciously didn't want Vesey to worry about him.

It is said that it is not good to see a black dog in the wizarding world. This is what he saw when he was reading at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore during the summer vacation.

In order to distract Vesey from this matter, he pointed to a magical animal shop not far away.

"If you want to see pets, you can take a look here. There are also beautiful cats and rabbits..."

He looked over to Vesey.

However, Vesey has no intention of raising her.

She said she sometimes gets busy and doesn't have time to take care of pets, so she forgets it.


Harry and the others thought of Vesey's usual hard work and agreed with this.

Because Vesey at that time couldn't even take care of herself.

Ronald also plans to visit the Magical Beasts store.

"Banban is always not feeling well after the summer vacation. I want to give it a look."

So they went to the store together.

Ronald placed Banban on the store counter.

The witch picked up Banban and looked at it, saying that Banban was an ordinary mouse and would not live long, and suggested Ronald to get a new one.

But Ronald still thinks Banban is the best.

Although he usually complains about Banban eating and sleeping and eating after sleeping, it is undeniable that Banban is now an indispensable part of him.

So the witch just gave him a little red rat poison.

Just when Ronald was about to get the medicine, a very grumpy ginger cat jumped up as if he had been punched in the face.

When it goes up, it catches Banban.

Banban ran out of the store quickly, and he followed suit.

"Oh my God, Crookshanks!"

The witch shouted loudly.

Vesey went out to help Ronald catch mice.

It didn't take long for Vesey to find Spot's location, and she grabbed the tail of Spot's mouse.

Before Ronald arrived, he wrapped Banban with a handkerchief and pinched it with one hand.

She was really disgusted by Ban Ban, but after Ronald arrived, she immediately changed her words.

She told Ronald that she was worried about Scabbers. So I wrapped it in a handkerchief.

"I really hope I don't make it more frightening, I'd be really sad."

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, energy points +101

[Ding, energy points +10]


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