"St. Bruce's School for Young Delinquents is the only way out for such a hopeless guy!"

Uncle Vernon glanced at Harry and said awkwardly.

Harry said nothing.

He could live with it as long as Maggie stopped badmouthing Vesey.

"Boy, does that school use canes on hopeless people like you?"

Maggie asked loudly.

Seeing Uncle Vernon nodding vigorously behind Maggie, Harry could only say with a fake smile: "It's used.

And in order to be realistic, he also specifically said: "Always use a cane!"

"That's great, people like you should be treated like this, your..."

Aunt Maggie wanted to say something else, but Uncle Vernon thought that if he continued talking, Harry might forget his promise, so he quickly asked Harry to get the food and go upstairs.

Every day for the next day, Aunt Petunia would bring him food, and he would try not to come down all day long except to go to the bathroom.

But not on the last day.

Aunt Maggie was getting ready to leave, and a gorgeous dinner was prepared at home.

It would have been rude not to have Harry there.

At first, everything was fine, Aunt Maggie didn't say anything bad about Harry, she didn't even think about Harry.

This made Harry feel very relaxed, enjoying the delicious food.

But in the middle of the meal, Aunt Maggie suddenly mentioned dogs.

It means that the pedigree of a dog is very important. Dogs with good pedigree will grow up well, while dogs with poor pedigree will be of inferior quality.

She talked from dogs to people.

Then, she looked at Dali.

I think Dali will be a cute and strong boy in the future.

Because he has excellent parents and high-class bloodline.

As for Harry.

She used all kinds of insulting words.

She thought Lily was born in the best family, but she ran away with someone.

Married to a jobless bastard and gave birth to two losers.

Harry couldn't bear it anymore, he stood up and shouted: "My sister is not a dragster!"

Aunt Maggie is just waiting for him to resist!

She said disdainfully: "How can a woman who gives away high-imitation necklaces be a good woman~?"

She hated the bright necklace around Aunt Petunia's neck.

"And your parents, are they jobless, right? A pair of worthless, useless vagrants who are begging everywhere, right?"

"Shut up, they are not vagrants, they are not beggars!"

Harry was shaking with rage.

Uncle Vernon knew he was too angry.

He quickly called to Harry: "Go back, go back quickly, go to your room!"

Then he poured Maggie another glass of wine.

"Drink, drink, stop talking!"

But Aunt Maggie was already laughing at Harry's defiance.

She glared at Harry and said:

"Go on, let me listen carefully, what exactly do they do?

They got into a car accident, left you with their decent, hard-working relatives, and then raised a white-eyed wolf like you.

Let me say, you and your sister should die with them, what value have you created, you..."

Aunt Maggie shut up.

For a moment, Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia even thought Maggie had repented.

But no.

Maggie got bigger and bigger, and then she started to fly into the sky like a balloon.


Uncle Vernon was horrified.

He went to pull Aunt Maggie's feet, but he too was pulled up.

In the end, he couldn't hold on anymore and fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, Harry finally shouted to Aunt Maggie: "You deserve it!"

Then he rushed upstairs before Uncle Vernon and the others could speak.

He started to pack his things.

When he came down with his luggage, Uncle Vernon shouted at him: "Stay and pack all this up quickly!"

"Dream, get out of the way quickly, or I'll take you too!"

He roared angrily, picked up his suitcase, held Hedwig's cage between his legs, and left without looking back.

As Harry walked down the street, his initial anger and resentment turned into anxiety.

He used magic again, he will probably be expelled.

So, where should he go next?

And should he go to Vesey?

But now he doesn't even know where Vesey is.


Harry thought about the watch Vesey had given him.

He quickly said: "Vesey's location."

"Sorry, the master is in a magical protection environment and cannot be located. Would you like to contact the master directly?"

Harry was about to say yes, but immediately refused.

It's better not to, as an older brother, Harry always has the idea of ​​not wanting to trouble Vesey.

But not looking for Vesey meant that he had to find another place.

He thought he should go to Diagon Alley first.

Before the wanted letter from the Ministry of Magic came, he could first go to Gringotts to withdraw some money, and then stay at the Broken Ax Bar to wait for news from the Ministry of Magic at a close distance.

If the Ministry of Magic wanted to break his wand, he would run away immediately.

By the way, he should also put on the invisibility cloak. At least when he doesn't want to show up, others can't find him.

But when he opened the box and started groping, he suddenly felt like something behind him was watching him secretly.

This is a gut feeling.

He turned around quickly.

""||Fluorescent flash!"

He looked around the corner with his wand raised.

Then he saw a pair of large, twinkling eyes.

He stepped back, but he tripped over the suitcase and fell over.

Something more terrible is coming.

A car made a screeching sound, and a strong light came over.

Harry turned over quickly.

He did it in a timely manner.

Because in the next second, the car hit the spot where he had been just now.

The contents of the suitcase were scattered all over the floor.

He quickly went to pick it up.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus, I'm your conductor Stan Sander Parker...this is the bus you ordered, right?"

He looked over at Harry.

Harry nodded hesitantly.

He used the light of the knight bus to look into the corner just now.

The behemoth was gone.

"Come up! By the way, what's your name?"

"Neville Longbottom!"

Harry blurted out, covering the scar on his forehead with broken hair.

He didn't want people to know that Harry Potter got into this car (De Wang Zhao).

Harry was lying on the position that Stanthorn Park had guided him, thinking about the situation of the Dursleys in his mind, and Vesey's sad team if he was expelled.

Stan Sandiper couldn't tell what was on his mind at all. He was still telling Harry enthusiastically about Sirius Black, who had just escaped from prison in the wizarding world not long ago.

Harry knew this name, it was also played on Muggle TV.

It is said that thirteen people were killed and an entire street was bombed. When Uncle Vernon heard the news, he was frightened.

Especially worried about the trouble this person is going to find them.

But when he thought of Uncle Vernon, Harry's heart began to beat nervously again.

How did things develop to this point?

At the same time, at the place where the knight bus had just left, a black dog was picking up a letter stained with mud.

He read the contents of the letter carefully and humanely, with a pair of dog eyes shining dimly.

"Vesey... James's other child?".

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