Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 192 Birthday Gift

Harry finished reading Vesey's letter and turned his head in shock to look at the owl who was grabbing food from Hedwig.

This guy turned out to be a dog?

He took Jack out and groped around his neck. Finally he found the necklace Vesey was talking about.

He took it off gently.

A big, fat dog appeared in front of him.

Jack is very dissatisfied with his current image.

It kept shouting at Harry.

Make a barking sound.

Harry was startled, and he quickly brought Jack up again.

"Good boy, stop yelling. It was my fault. I was just curious. Go ahead, go ahead!"

But Jack was already angry.

It hit Harry hard on the head with its wings and flew out of the open window.

Harry looked at Jack's back in wonder, and then looked at his watch.

He found that as long as he said to the watch, "870" when he needed to get up tomorrow morning, it would automatically set the alarm clock.

There is also a pathfinding function.

Harry said something French.

It immediately revealed many routes to France.

Harry said about the toilet again.

There are many red spots on the surface, which are obviously toilets.

Harry added: "The toilet at Vernon Dursley's house on Privet Drive."

Immediately there was only one red dot left.

The route he needs to take is also clearly marked.

Even the route he could take to get into the toilet by climbing over the wall was marked out for him.

Harry found it extremely interesting.

He played for a while and then looked at Errol's gift.

Learning Vesey's lesson, he turned on.

A newspaper clipping and a letter fell out of it.

This clipping was obviously taken directly from the Daily Prophet.

Harry looked at the newspaper clipping, which read: Ministry of Magic worker wins big prize.

Arthur Weasley, Director of the Department for the Prohibition of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts at the Ministry of Magic, won the grand prize of five hundred Galleons...

They will use the money for travel because their eldest son is in Egypt and they plan to spend the summer there.

Below is a picture of the Weasley family.

The slightly bald Mr. Weasley, the fat Mrs. Weasley, and their children.

Ronald and Ginny stood at the front, with his arm around Ginny and a mouse standing on his shoulder.

Harry saw them all waving at him.

The family’s fiery red hair is really refreshing.

of course!

You couldn't tell from the newspaper, but it didn't stop Harry from imagining it.

Thinking of that money, Harry felt very happy.

He believed that no one was more worthy of the money than the Weasleys.

The family are truly good people.

He smiled and picked up Ronald's letter.

Dear Harry:

Happy birthday, I heard that Vesey will give you a surprise, but she won't tell me what specific gift she will give you.

I think this must be the magic stone. Maybe Vesey wants you to live forever!

Just kidding, I hope you don't think too much about it.

By the way, we came to Egypt this summer vacation. Egypt is really interesting. There are many pyramids here.

Mom didn't allow Bill to go to the last pyramid because she said it was cursed.

But she didn't know that we had already gone in and there was nothing inside. It was really boring.

I forgot to tell you, we will go back two weeks before school starts, and then go to Diagon Alley to buy me a new wand. Because of Ginny's incident, my wand became too powerful, and they didn't teach me a lesson.

Really hope to see you soon!

Love you Ronald

Harry put the letter down.

A smile appeared on his face,

He opened the package Ronald gave him again.

That's a looking glass.

There is also a note inside:

This is a pocket looking glass. It is said that when someone with malicious intentions is around, it will emit bright light and spin.

Bill said it was rubbish because the looking glass kept spinning during dinner last night, but he didn't know there was a beetle in the cup Fred and George gave him.

Harry placed the looking glass on the table, looked at it for a while, and then opened the package Hedwig had brought.

The package also contained a wrapped gift, a letter and a card.

This is from Hermione.

Dear Harry:

Vesey wrote to me and told me that she would give you a great gift that was said to be made by her own hands. I am so envious of you.

By the way, do you know what happened at Ronald's house?

They went on a trip to Egypt "I wish I could go with whoever I wanted to be with.

But I am currently on vacation in France, and I thought I would meet Vesey by chance, but Vesey told us that Mr. Nicolème took her to the East.

She also sent me a photo of herself eating hot and sour noodles. Her mouth turned red. It was so cute.

And, if you like, how about we meet in Diagon Alley during the last week of summer vacation?

Vesey said that Mr. Nicolème would send her there at that time. She is in the East now and will not receive the news in time, so you'd better go there that day. You don't want to miss her.

Of course I understand you.

ps: I heard from Ronald that Percy became the student union president and he has been proud all summer.

Your Hermione.

Harry laughed.

He opened Hermione's gift.

Inside is a broomstick repair tool box, which is very beautiful, exquisite and beautiful.

He happily kept it for himself.

Then, he opened the last package.

A small package fell out of the package, along with a card and a letter.

He immediately recognized the crooked font on the parchment.


He tore open the outer green leather wrapping.

When I was about to see what this thing was, I saw that this thing seemed to have a mouth. It opened its mouth vigorously, and then it screamed sharply.

And it was like a terrifying animal, running around in the whole room.

Harry was startled.

He listened to the Dursleys' voices while trying to catch such a thing.

Finally, he found an opportunity and pounced on this thing,

The guy squirmed angrily.

Harry managed to pull out his belt and tied the guy tightly.

Only then did he realize that this thing was actually a book.

"The Monster Book of Monsters"

He gasped, threw the book aside, looked for Hagrid's card and read it.

Dear Harry:

Happy birthday, this book 2.6 is useful to you, keep it well, I gave a copy to everyone!

See you next semester!

All the best, Hagrid.

Harry let out a breath.

He really couldn't understand, how could Hagrid think that a book that bites people would be useful to them?

Thinking of the scene where Vesey saw this book, Harry's heart immediately lifted.

Will Vesey be bitten?

Although I know that Mr. Nicolème is there at Vesey, what if he doesn't notice?

Hagrid is really too reckless!

He sighed.

Then he took out the letter.

This is a letter from Hogwarts.

He opened it and read.

Dear Mr. Potter:

On certain weekends at the beginning of the new semester, third-year Hogwarts students are allowed to go to Hogsmeade. Please give the attached Hogsmeade consent form to your parents or guardians for signature.

Your loyal Vice-Chancellor.

Professor McGonagall. .

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