Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 178 Lockhart Wants To Escape

"what to do?"

Harry looked at Vesey.

Vesey pondered and said: "Brother, I think I will be alone next..."

"Don't say such silly things. We already agreed just now that the three of us will go together!"

Harry looked at her firmly.

Vesey still shook his head.

"Seriously, it's useless for you to go, I'm probably the only one who can kill the basilisk.

You have also seen that the power I exerted with all my strength was very strong. There was Hermione around that day, and I didn't use any special force, so I was hurting both sides.

I want to go by myself and follow it myself..."

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, point +101

Harry shook his head disapprovingly.

"You alone can only control that snake, but what about the true heir of Slytherin?"

"I don't think he is very powerful. If he was very powerful, he wouldn't be hiding in the dark until now, and he wouldn't just let the basilisk come out to kill me."

Vesey said seriously.

Harry and Ronald still shook their heads.

"No matter how weak he is, if you are alone, he will sneak attack on you, and it is a secret room, who knows if there will be any problems?

You take us with you and we can help you deal with all of this!"

Vesey said with a wry smile: "If I take you with me, why don't I take the professors with me?"

Ronald's face was pale, but he tried his best to smile and said:

"The professor won't let you go. They won't let a student participate in this kind of thing. If you don't agree to take us, we will report you to the professor!"

Vesey looked at them for a while, and finally nodded helplessly.

"Okay, but if you go together, then we will make a three-part agreement. If I say there is danger, you will run away immediately..."

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, energy points +10]

In addition to these, they discussed what time to gather in the evening and where the entrance to the secret room was, and then quickly dispersed.

After all, the professors must be looking for them now, and if they discover their intentions, they will definitely not let them go to the secret room.

at night.

Harry and the others wore invisibility cloaks and went to the Slytherin common room to find Vesey.

Vesey was already waiting there. When he saw them, he quickly followed them and got into the invisibility cloak.

There were not many professors tonight. They probably thought that the students were all in the dormitory. Of course, it was also possible that Professor McGonagall gave them the opportunity to save Ginny.

After all, it was said in the diary that Vesey saved Ginny.

They think if they just let nature take its course, maybe it can actually be done.

Of course, Professor McGonagall wanted to catch them all and send them all home.

But there was no way they could stop Vesey.

And if Vesey insists on going, looking at those green eyes, who can say no to her?

Not even Snape would do such a thing.

"Hey, who is that?"

As they walked into the foyer, they suddenly heard a sneaky voice.

"Could it be the Slytherin heir? He wants to commit a crime overnight?"

In the dark hall, Ronald said angrily.

"I really want to strangle him to death!"

Ronald clenched his fists.

"let me!"

Vesey said.

She knew who this guy was at a glance.

Sneaky Lockhart.

Lockhart was wearing a black robe with a hood and carrying a box in his hand. He obviously planned to sneak out of the school overnight for fear of being left in the school tomorrow.

"Detention quickly!"

"Lock the tongue and seal the throat!"

Vesey shouted softly.

Lockhart was immediately tied up and he struggled to speak.


Harry walked over and took off Lockhart's hood. He originally planned to see who it was, but the golden hair made him recognize it at a glance. This was the school's slutty professor Lockhart.

"Brother, I tied up the professor..."

Vesey walked next to Lockhart, showing a worried expression.

Untie him!"

Harry and Ronald looked bad.

"Untie it, untie it, and ask him what he is doing now!"

Vesey quickly untied the spell for Lockhart. Before he could ask Lockhart what he was doing, Lockhart took the lead and asked arrogantly:

"What are you three doing here? Go back quickly and be careful what I do to you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ronald and the others slapped him hard on the back of the head.

"Stop talking nonsense, what are you doing now? Are you going to run away with your suitcase?

Believe it or not, if we call the professors over now, we will at most get deducted points, but you are different, the famous Lockhart is actually trying to escape!"

Lockhart's face turned grim.

"It's not about running away... I received an emergency notification. Yes, that's the case. You'd better get out of the way!"

Harry sneered.

"You're not going to deduct points from us now? Urgent notice? Tell me, who gave it to you and at what time? Where did the owl come from?"


Lockhart is still making it up.

But Harry and the others didn't listen at all.

"Then I have to give it to you..."

He reached for his pocket.

Vesey had cast a spell directly on him.


The wand Lockhart had hidden in his pocket flew into Vesey's hand.

"Brother, Ronald, he wants to put a spell on you!"

Harry and Ronald laughed in exasperation.

"Just in time, let this idiot go to the secret room with us. He is a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. He has written so many books. He must have a way to deal with the basilisk..."

Ronald gave Lockhart a shove.

Lockhart paled.

"Please...don't take me there...I can't go...I can't do anything..."

"But you have written so many books, and I have read them all. I think that even if you have little ability, you definitely know a lot!"

Vesey said in mock disbelief.

Lockhart laughed.

"Silly girl, books can be deceiving. Those are all made by others. I just asked them about their experiences and wrote them all in my identity.

After all, if a witch is old, ugly and has a loose mouth, why would people want to watch her drive away ghouls?"

Vesey clenched her wand in mock anger.

"That is, if you take other people's experiences...what did you do to them? Did you kill them?"

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, picture points +10]

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, energy points +10]


Vesey was surprised.

Four energy point tips?

Who's still around?

Dumbledore or Snape?

Or are they all here?

She said that these people actually let her sneak out in such an open and honest way, and they were still escorting her!

Seeing her anger, Lockhart quickly shook his head and said, "No, I didn't kill anyone. I just gave them a blow and forgot about it. I didn't do anything..."

"Did nothing?"

Vesey used his wand as a bludgeon and struck Lockhart across the mouth.

She had wanted to do this for a long time.

"You made them forget their experiences and took away their glory. You are still here and have done nothing. You really don't deserve to be a professor!

Just wait! When we come out of the Chamber of Secrets, I will report you to Principal Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic!"

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, energy points +10]


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