Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 168: Valentine’S Day Love Song

Christmas has passed.

Cassandra returned to school.

Almost immediately after arriving at school, she learned from her flatterers that someone was pretending to be her and came to the Slytherin common room on Christmas Day.

Not only did she hold Vesey's hand, she also hugged Vesey and kissed Vesey.

She clenched her fists loudly. It was obvious that if that person appeared in front of her, she would definitely kill him!

But to Vesey's surprise, she didn't seem to explain to Vesey that it was not her intention.

Vesey thought she was embarrassed at first.

As a result, during the subsequent interactions, she found that Cassandra began to awkwardly take the initiative to hold her hand, and may have wanted to find a chance to hug her, but she did not find the opportunity.

This made Vesey almost die laughing.

Cassandra should thank Hermione.

After all, it was Hermione who helped her take this step.

Hermione had assisted.

It was Hermione who found out about this and was furious.

She couldn't believe she went to the Slytherin common room, didn't get much information, and even made Cassandra a wedding dress.

But she couldn't confront Cassandra face to face, so she could only stay angry with herself for several days.

As for the other party involved in this matter, Malfoy also knew that on Christmas Day, Harry and Luo Hui came here disguised as Goyle and Crabbe.

He hardly does what he wants.

After all, he could recognize the backs of Harry and Ronald when they were about to transform.

The two guys also scolded him, which made him very angry.

But because he told Ronald Harry where his baby was hidden, he was still being yelled at by Mr. Malfoy during this period.

And sent him a howler letter.

Although it was opened in Malfoy's dormitory, Vesey still heard some rumors.

Apart from these, the only interesting thing left is that Harry and the others found a diary.

This diary made Hermione very wary, but after playing with her wand for a long time, she didn't notice anything wrong with the diary.

Vesey also took it and looked at it.

It can be said that if it weren't for the reminder in the original work, she really wouldn't have been able to discover the problems in this diary.

However, she persuaded Harry to throw the diary away.

"This diary has been sitting with Myrtle for too long. Since others have thrown it away, let's help him throw it into the trash can!"

She said seriously.

"I always feel that there is something wrong with this diary, but I can't find any evidence!"

But Harry didn't throw it.

Like Vesey, he had a strange premonition that there was something wrong with the diary.

Because the owner of this diary is Tom Riddle.

Ronald discovered this name when he was cleaning the trophy.

"He won the best contribution award!"

Tom Riddle was a man from fifty years ago, which happened to be the same time as the Chamber of Secrets that Malfoy said was opened before. He He thought that there might be some evidence in it.

It's just that until February, he didn't get any useful news.

But there is good news.

That is, the petrification incident never happened again.

Lockhart probably thought that he had prevented all this. He often walked beside every professor and said loudly: "I don't think there will be any more trouble..."

He winked at everyone.

Then he continued:

"Those criminals must have realized that I will catch them sooner or later. It's just a matter of time. They didn't wait for me to take action. It's too late to stop now!

You all know that what the school needs is a happy atmosphere. I hope everyone can be as happy as me.

I have made a lot of preparations to eliminate the tension last semester, believe me!"

He said these words so many times that Vesey barely got through them all.

Many students in the castle are wondering what Lockhart is trying to do.

This day came soon.

Valentine's Day.

During breakfast, Vesey arrived at the auditorium and found big flowers, streamers and heart-shaped confetti falling continuously.

Vesey had to use a barrier for herself to block the things that fell on her steak.

"Good morning everyone! Happy Valentine's Day!

So far, ten people have sent me greeting cards. Forgive me for doing this without telling you, but I thought you would like it. Of course, it's not just these.

Lockhart, who was wearing a bright red robe, clapped his hands, and twelve particularly short guys walked in.

Of course, they have wings on their bodies and carry bows and arrows.

"My friendly, well-meaning little cupids, they will be wandering around the castle, sending you Valentine's Day cards, and of course, they don't stop there, they will also sing

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I believe everyone will participate enthusiastically and the professors will also be happy.

Look at Professor Snape, you should ask him how to make a love potion?

And Professor Flitwick, who knows the magic of enchantment better than anyone, this cunning old dog!"

Professor Flitwick is dead.

He buried his face in his hands, hoping that no one would look at him.

As for Snape, he had a malicious smile on his face. It was obvious that if anyone asked him for advice on brewing a love potion, he would drink a bottle of poison to that person.

Throughout the day, dwarfs kept breaking into the classroom and singing love songs to the students.

At first, Vesey thought it was quite interesting.

But when most of the orders came for her, she couldn't stop laughing.

When get out of class was over, Vesey put her schoolbag on her back and was about to leave. There were several dwarfs singing around her.

Vesey really wanted to throw them all out, but when he thought about the characters, he had to endure it.

I cast a silent spell on myself, and then listened to them singing with a smile on my face.

Just quite desperate.

If I arrive late, will the auditorium be full of food?

I really don’t know why there are men in this school confessing to her?

She thought 060 she had shown clearly enough that she was only polite to men, so why did these people still sing love songs to her?

Especially this kind of confession atmosphere made her hear these magic sounds over and over again. It was what these people who liked her did.

"Go quickly!"

Seeing a dwarf finish singing, Harry pulled Vesey and ran away.

But a dwarf grabbed his and Vesey's bags.

Harry turned angrily to the dwarf.

"Is that okay? Can Vesey be quiet for a while? Who can stand being stuck in traffic like this all morning?"

But the dwarfs disagreed.

While tugging, the diary in Harry's pocket fell out.

Vesey paled immediately when she saw Ginny's face.

She tried to pick up the diary, but Malfoy beat her to it.

His eyes were filled with the light of revenge, and he immediately said: "Let me see what kind of diary Potter wrote. There might be words in it about someone Potter likes!"

Ginny turned even paler.

"Bring it!"

she shouted angrily.

Malfoy snorted at her.

"I know you, you are also Harry Potter's follower. You probably want to drink Potter's foot-washing water just like that Colin!"

Vesey immediately stood in front of Ginny angrily, and she looked at Malfoy coldly.

"Who do you think you are? Humiliating Ginny and my brother? Bring the diary, I don't think you can beat me!"

She took out her wand. .

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