Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 163 The Ghost Was Also Petrified

Because of Vesey's behavior, those who spoke ill of Harry would find a remote place where they would not be discovered.

If Harry and the others found out, they would immediately apologize and leave, which would make it impossible for them to get angry.

In short, there is never a shortage of people who think there is something wrong with Harry.

They also felt that Harry didn't get along with the Dursleys because of Harry.

Harry sometimes wanted to beat them all up.

But unfortunately, he couldn't do it.

There was no way he could beat so many people.

Moreover, the other party only heard rumors and did not really conclude that he did it.

This left Harry speechless.

He could only try his best to act together with Vesey and the others and try not to listen to those words.

But this day, when he went to the toilet, he bumped into Hagrid.

Hagrid was holding two dead chickens in his hands.

He looked a little angry.

"A lot of them have died this semester. I should ask Madam Pomfrey for some medicine!"

Harry comforted him for a while, then walked upstairs absentmindedly. After walking for a while, he found that he had been taken to a remote corridor.

The lights here are dim, and a biting cold wind blows from the windows.

Harry didn't pay attention at first, he was still walking forward. You can also go back here.


He stepped on something hard.

He lowered his head warily, only to find Justin's stiff face at his feet.

He quickly retracted his foot.

That's not all, there was another person next to Justin who surprised Harry even more.


he blurted out.

Nick, the Gryffindor ghost, was also petrified.

This was something Harry had not expected at all.

Will ghosts still be petrified?


His heart suddenly beat like a drum.

Looking at the string of spiders escaping by the window, he knew he couldn't stay here.

If he stayed here, the whole school would say that he petrified Nick and Justin.

As long as he disappears from the scene, no one will always doubt him.

He can leave through a secret passage here, and he knows that secret passage.


That's too late.

Just when Harry was about to move, Pipi Wai suddenly walked out of the secret passage.

"It turns out to be the heir Potter. What is little Potter doing? Are you doing something bad? I want to report you to..."

Peeves' voice suddenly stopped.

He stared at the petrified Nick with his mouth agape, then stood up straight quickly and was far away from Harry in an instant.

He shouted loudly.

"Let's take action! Someone, come quickly! Potter really took action, and I caught him doing it! Even ghosts are not immune!"

"No, shut up..."

Harry said weakly.

His legs were weak, and he didn't even know what kind of punishment he would face soon.

Will he be arrested?

At worst, you'd be fired, right?

Those people had no evidence before, but now Peeves is the evidence!


"Dong dong dong!"

All the doors in the corridor were opened, and students rushed out in a swarm, and many people came from other floors.

Harry was surrounded, feeling like he was doomed.

"You were caught red-handed, right? I wonder how your sister can defend you!"

Ernie appeared in front of everyone and shouted loudly.

"Shut up!"

It's Vesey's voice.

She said as before: "It is impossible for my brother to do such a thing. He has only been away from us for more than ten minutes and has no time at all.

Also, petrifying a ghost is definitely not something that a student can do, not even professors. Don’t follow others’ opinions!

In addition, I want to determine whether my brother is a bad person. Professors and the principal need to decide. If not, we can also sue the Ministry of Magic instead of letting you talk nonsense here!

Now a monster, a bad thing, a bad person has come to our castle, we should unite instead of fighting among ourselves here!"

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, energy points +10]


"That's right!"

Professor McGonagall, who came with him, said approvingly.

She asked Ernie to step aside.

Even Ernie's dean, Professor Sprout, doesn't have a good look on him.

Justin was moved away by Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout.

Professor McGonagall uses a large fan to make Nick move.

Before she left, she looked at Harry.

"I'm sorry, Harry, although I don't think you are the murderer, but as Vesey said, you need to be handed over to the headmaster for review!"

Harry nodded.

This is not bad.

After patting Vesey's head who wanted to go with him, Harry still insisted on going to Dumbledore's office by himself.

He thinks what Vesey said is right. If it’s not done, it’s not done. He can’t be afraid!

But having said that, he still became nervous when he arrived at Dumbledore's office.

But there was no one in the office, only some portraits of people snoring and sleeping.

He looked at the Sorting Hat placed behind Dumbledore's desk and had an idea in his mind.

He tentatively came to the Sorting Hat, and then brought it over his head.

The hat looked like he had just started school, almost covering his eyes.

"Is there anything you can't figure out? Harry Potter?"

Mr. Sorting Hat asked with interest.

"I once told your sister that she can come to Dumbledore and take me with her at any time. I really want to chat with her again. Did she tell you that?"

Harry thought for a moment and nodded.


But he thought it was Mr. Sorting Hat's polite words.

"I'm not saying that in a polite way. I like talking to her very much. She is like a pure elf in this world!"

Harry couldn't help but smile.

But he knew immediately that it was time to get down to business. Dumbledore would probably be back soon.

"That's it, I, I want to ask... you should stick to your previous idea, that is..."

Mr. Sorting Hat asked quietly: "Is it a matter of being sorted into Slytherin?"

"Yes, do you still insist that I should go there?"

"Yes, I think you are most suitable there, and you can succeed there..."

Before Mr. Sorting Hat could finish his words, Harry took it off his head.

He threw the Sorting Hat back on the table.

"you are wrong!"

He felt suffocated.

He was about to curse the Sorting Hat a few more words, but he heard a strange sound behind him, and he quickly turned around.

There was no one behind him, only an old-looking bird.

Like a half-plucked turkey.

And the bird was looking at him with sad eyes.

The sound just now was still coming out of his mouth.

And whenever it moves, a few feathers will fall off, making it look extremely miserable.

Harry could not help but think that if Dumbledore's bird died in front of him, would he be rumored to have killed another bird?

He thought with joy in his misery.

Heir of Slytherin, killing a bird is too cheap.

Just as he was thinking about it, he found that the bird suddenly burst into flames.

Harry almost jumped.

He just thought about it and didn't intend to bear such rumors!

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