Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 153 Polyjuice Potion

Ronald and Harry were furious at Percy's injustice.

"What are you thinking about? We just came here to take a look and look for clues!"

Percy's expression softened and he had a meaningful expression on his face, looking somewhat like Mrs. Weasley.

He said with an air of dignity: "Okay, go back quickly and don't come here again. Boys shouldn't appear in this place. I think you should know what it means!"

Ronald was furious.

He raised his voice and shouted: "What do you mean? We didn't do anything...

I get it, you're like everyone else, you suspect we were the one who killed that cat, and listen, we didn't lift a finger against that cat!"

Percy snorted.

"That's not necessarily the case. Every time Ginny hears such topics, she is worried that you will be expelled. I really hope you can be more honest. Look at Vesey, she never causes trouble!

Ronald's face turned red with anger.

"Listen, we have never caused trouble, and I don't think you care about Ginny very much. Don't pretend to be a good person here. You are just worried that our being here will affect your future as the male president of the student union... ..

Percy's face flushed.

He fiddled with the prefect badge on his body and said stiffly:

"Very good, since you said so, five points will be deducted from Gryffindor. Next time you stay here and I find you, I will tell Professor McGonagall!"

Then he strode away.

The back of his neck was as red as Ronald's face.

That afternoon, they were doing homework in the library, Vesey was 'looking for information', Harry and the others kept far away from Percy, and Ronald kept losing his temper.

Especially when his wand started to get angry again, setting the parchment he had just written on fire.

It almost made him angry.

And just as annoyed as he was was Hermione.

She was also very angry.

Harry saw that Hermione seemed to be carrying something silently in her mouth.

Finally, she scratched her hair irritably and said: "I have memorized them all and I haven't seen anyone who specifically said who did it. They all write down insignificant things!"

she said angrily.

He glanced at Vesey guiltily again.

Vesey sighed, guessing that she was memorizing a diary just now, so she could only show an awkward yet polite smile.

She didn't write the diary to spoil the story, she just did it to increase everyone's trust, attract everyone's favor, and earn rewards for herself.

Therefore, if you want to get more from his diary, you’d better go to bed!

It’s all there in the dream!

Of course, Vesey couldn't say that. She showed a puzzled expression and glanced at Hermione innocently. Hermione rubbed her hair and laughed.

"It doesn't matter, you can continue reading!"

Vesey nodded obediently and continued reading.

Hermione then looked at Harry and Ronald.

"Tell me, who did this? Who wants to drive all Muggle-born people out of Hogwarts?"

Ronald smiled.

"I think it's easy to figure it out. Tell me, who hates Squibs and Muggle-borns the most?"

Who hates it the most?

This is simply a scoring question.

Because as we all know, Slytherin hates these people the most.

And the one who hates these people the most is Malfoy.

"Listen to what he said! He said that day: 'You will be next, Mudblood!' With that look on his face, I think he might want to take the initiative to reveal that he did it."

Ronald said disdainfully.

Hermione and Harry nodded.

"So, how do we get him to say he did it?"

"We can ask Vesey to ask. Malfoy must be unguarded against Vesey. He would just be a pug and lick Vesey's shoes!"

Ronald's eyes lit up and he said.

But Hermione and Harry both shook their heads vigorously.


First, because Vesey is too naive, asking her to tell the truth may alert the enemy, and Malfoy may know from her that they are suspicious.

The second reason is that if Malfoy knew and guessed his intentions, he might bully Vesey.

"Malfoy has great influence in Slytherin. If he takes the lead in bullying Vesey, Vesey's life will definitely not be easy. We'd better not drag Vesey into it!"

Hermione said firmly.

Harry and the others could only think of other ideas.

It's just that they thought for a long time, but still couldn't think of anything.

He said somewhat pessimistically: "Maybe we have to wait for him to take action next time."

Hermione shook her head.

She said hesitantly: "I have an idea, but we may have to violate fifty school rules, and it is very dangerous, very dangerous..."

Ronald and Harry stared at her.

"Say it quickly!"

"If it could work……………"

Hermione hesitated for a moment, but decided to voice the idea.

"My idea was that we could go into the Slytherin common room and ask him a few questions without him recognizing us.

Ronald and Harry laughed.

"How can it be?"

"Hermione, you're being crazy!"

Neither of them thought it was possible.

But Hermione thought it could be done.

"Polyjuice Potion, as long as I brew a pot of Polyjuice Potion, we can pretend to be other people and ask Malfoy questions!

Think about it, when he was bragging in the common room, how could he expect that the person opposite him was not his classmate?"

Harry and Ronald looked at each other.

Is this really okay?

But Hermione, who was always cautious, showed great enthusiasm this time.

With a wave of her hand she thought the plan must be carried out.

"Now the first thing we have to do is get the recipe for Polyjuice Potion.

The recipe is in the restricted section of the library. To borrow a book from the restricted section of the library, we have only one way to get it signed by a professor. "

But none of them have the means to fulfill this requirement.

In the original book, Hermione can also go to Lockhart for help, because she has always admired Lockhart, and Lockhart was very happy to give her an autograph.

But now that Hermione is sober, she even dares to question Lockhart in class about all the details in his book and how he accomplished it.

This made Lockhart avoid her. How could he possibly sign for her?

On the other hand, it might be more convenient if Vesey asked Lockhart for his autograph.

Lockhart always suspected that Vesey liked him, because Vesey could solve all the problems he had, and this had always been his asset.

But Harry and the others didn't want Vesey to go find Lockhart.

Lockhart is a lecherous liar, they won't let Vesey fall into the trap!

But if Vesey is not allowed to find Lockhart, what else can they do?

While they were struggling, they suddenly heard Vesey's voice. She was asking in a curious voice:

"What's the matter? You suddenly became so listless?"

Hermione and the others didn't really want to tell her, for fear that she would become anxious.

But looking at Vesey's confused expression, they really couldn't hide her active inquiry.

He could only say helplessly: "We are discussing how to borrow books from the restricted book area. We...I, I want to find a potion to study. I really want to see..."

Hermione stuttered more and more as she spoke, feeling more guilty for lying in front of Vesey than lying in front of the professors.

At least there is no guilt in lying to the professor. .

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