Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 446 The Magic Web Weaver!

Ted had entered the legend, and only Hermione knew about it.

He planned to do whatever he usually did, waiting to give Voldemort a big surprise.

Speaking of which, Ted was also a little confused as to how he got into Legend.

All of a sudden the necessary conditions are complete and it’s done.

Before that, although you also know what you should do, some things just have to wait for the so-called "opportunity." You won’t know until you come.

So what Grindelwald and Snape said were so vague.

For example, Snape was promoted to legend by Ted himself.

It had been more than half a year since he brewed and consumed the ultimate potion. During the days when Ted was "protecting the law", he didn't seem to do anything strange.

Suddenly one day, just like metabolism, the feeling came and it was done all of a sudden!

It's the same when we get to Ted. The magic network covers two continents, and all abilities are up to standard, but just a little bit, just a little bit short!

Finally, the function that was developed casually in the hope of helping the sacrificed warriors finally became available after Hanks was the first to be "reincarnated" into the magical virtual mind world (the game world is one of the aspects)!

Ted's current levels and professions are: Level 20 Wizard/Level 12 Psion/Level 1 Weaver Weaver.

I also got a talent [Magic Web Weaver (Orange)]!

In addition, in terms of attributes, all attributes (strength, body, agility, intelligence, essence, charm, luck) +2 points, which includes the luck attribute! Could it be that entering a legend requires luck? !

Moreover, the three items of intelligence, perception and spirit gain an additional +3 points!

In other words, 25 attribute points were added in one go!

In terms of skills, knowledge-based skills such as transfiguration, potion, prophecy, herbalism, black magic, magical biology, bloodline transformation, runes, alchemy, and artifact manufacturing are all +1 level!

In other words, 11 skill points were added in one breath!

"Mad, it turns out there are so many benefits to being promoted to Legend! No wonder Voldemort can turn around!"

This magic weaver is Ted's legendary profession.

As for the specific abilities, they are basically all comprehensive upgrades of Magic Network-related functions.

After Ted was promoted to Legend, he didn't make any big moves, but he secretly made a lot of fine-tuning to the Magic Network, including related functions, areas, etc.

Even with the help of Parker (a super-enhanced special version of the Magic Network), it was very difficult for Ted to fully master the Magic Network.

Because as the Magic Network expands and the number of users increases, the information increases exponentially.

Ted feels that even if his intelligence attribute reaches 30, he may not be able to handle all the information 24 hours a day.

This is not a question of attributes, attributes are quantity, and what is needed is a qualitative change.

Now being promoted to the legendary magic web weaver is a qualitative change.

Now the Magic Network information is being processed in Ted's mind at an incomprehensible and indescribable speed and method. It feels like the traditional "reset to zero, return to zero" calculator has evolved into a quantum computer. .

In the past, information required Parker to process and filter multiple times, but now Ted is like the "god" on this magic network, and everything moves in his mind in a way that exceeds the concept of physical speed.

None of those bits and pieces can escape his observation and calculation.

And the loopholes, defects and imperfections of the magic network naturally fell into his eyes. So the mending, or “weaving” began!

On the Magic Web, the runes and magic words in Ted's hand seemed to come alive, and began to automatically arrange themselves, weaving various functions according to Ted's will, expanding the boundaries of the Magic Web, and beginning to dig into the deep Demon Web.

In the past, places such as Asia and the Americas had no time to build on-the-ground infrastructure, so the magic network could only provide relatively basic signal coverage. Special arrangements were required to bring the mirror world to the world.

But now even without on-the-ground infrastructure support, Ted's magic network is still expanding outwards. Moreover, the Magic Network is expanding its scope to a deeper level.

Inwardly, the magic network began to explore the origin of the earth's interior, and outwardly, it began to expand towards the simple network composed of magic satellites outside the atmosphere, exploring the moon~

Now Ted can be sure that even legends are different.

This difference is not necessarily in terms of combat effectiveness, but it definitely involves levels.

This involves the field of magic path. Some people seek inwardly and pursue their own perfection, while some people seek outwardly and pursue the rules of the world.

Someone like me should already be the top path that this world can pursue.

This is a special magical path that uses almost miraculous magical wonders to assist the spiritual resonance of nearly one million Magic Network users!

If we continue on the current path, the magic network may eventually wrap around the entire planet, penetrate deep into the source of matter, communicate with the original magic power, and expand into near-earth space outwards.

In the end, the magic network is like a neuron network, turning the entire planet into a "magic brain" in the universe!

The Weave is, after all, a comprehensive combination of magic and psychic powers!

Every consciousness in the magic network will be the brain cells of this magic brain!

Speaking of psychic powers, Ted plans to upgrade the psychic profession in the future, because the peak of the wizard profession is here. No promotion.

But Psions can continue to level up (legendary professions cannot be upgraded using the system)!

He wanted to know, if the Psion also reaches level 20, can he get another legendary profession?

I have accumulated 157,463 experience points in three months, and upgrading from level 12 to level 14 requires 78,000+91,000=169,000 experience points, -10% talent reduction, that’s enough!

"System, increase the level of the psychic, two levels~"

It's a pity. I'm afraid it will be difficult to create magical wonders higher than the magic network level in the future. I can't install a planetary engine on the earth and play Wandering Earth, right? !

How about getting a two-way foil weapon? ! Dyson sphere plan? ! Halo space station? !

The month of October is very difficult for the British wizarding community.

Even the little wizards in Hogwarts discuss the international situation every day after dinner.

Many professors even introduced and taught a lot of magic and experiences that focused on practical combat and self-protection during class.

For example, Professor Flitwick, Ted even compiled his experiences and courses into online courses, and created related procedural NPCs in Utopia to assist young wizards in fighting and learning.

That's right, you can't learn it if you teach it, but you can learn it if you teach it once.

For example, there are some lessons that tell the little wizard to "be vigilant and don't trust others easily", or "don't take the dark wizard and the enemy lightly", and "don't be careless just because the other party has no wand". As well as some special magic vigilance and defense methods.

You listen to the professor in class and don't pay attention. In fact, it is difficult to truly understand it.

But after taking a practical class in Utopia, I learned it instantly.

According to incomplete statistics, little wizards in the third to fifth grades are deceived three times and attacked five times in each class on average. On one occasion, due to negligence, the enemy uses magic potions, props, magical animals and plants to counterattack. Killing case.

They also experienced a lot of what it was like to be hit by black magic.

So many black magicians will subconsciously protect themselves with iron armor as soon as they hear the words at the beginning of the spell, or see the way the relevant wand is waved.

I have to say that the teaching quality is outstanding. Just a bit like Alexander in spirit!

It’s okay, there are also mental counseling online classes to help you resolve it.

At first, Ted was kind and arranged for the Big Sister NPC.

One by one, those little wizards put more pressure on themselves by watching ten horror movies every day, just to take a spiritual counseling class.

Later, it was replaced with an NPC in the image of Snape, and this phenomenon was greatly alleviated.

Even the little wizards in school are like this, let alone the adult wizards and various staff and employees of the Ministry of Magic. Everyone is as if the end has come, and they are preparing for a sudden war every day.

What troubles the Minister of Magic, Ms. Bones, is the lack of combat effectiveness.

The news we have now is that there are more than two hundred people under Voldemort who can reach the combat power of elite Aurors!

The combat power of an ordinary adult wizard is in the thousands!

After all, he can keep resurrecting famous wizards who died in the past.

There are also tens of thousands of cannon fodder monster troops serving as outposts and cannon fodder that consume the enemy's magic power.

It can be said that the combat effectiveness is very terrifying!

The tremendous pressure this brought caused many strikers who didn't really want to fight the Death Eaters to leave their jobs.

After all, if you maintain law and order and contain dark wizards at most, you can get a high salary, but no one wants to risk their lives with Death Eaters!

It's not just his fault. If he really gets on the Death Eater's list, even his family will be targeted.

The Death Eaters' attack on the relatives and friends of their enemies may be even higher.

Although their strategies and tactics are not worth mentioning, they are simply talented in doing evil and evil intentions.

Why were Death Eaters so rampant in Britain for nearly ten years? It's because of this extremely vicious move to kill everyone! After the family is wiped out, a dark mark will be placed in the air to warn those who come after you!

The biggest headache for the British Ministry of Magic is the serious lack of frontal combat effectiveness.

There are less than fifty elite Aurors on my side, and there are only a few dozen ordinary Aurors, and there are more than a hundred strikers.

The total number of wizards who can fight in other positions is less than a hundred. This...

However, Britain is a traditional magical country after all. In addition to official forces such as the Ministry of Magic, private forces have always been the majority.

If nothing else, Order of the Phoenix! There must be about twenty elite Auror-level combatants there! There was Dumbledore in the past!

Although Dumbledore has died now, Ted Epiphany's combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.

Although he is only 17 years old, except for Voldemort, no one can definitely defeat Ted. He can easily fight ten by himself!

In addition, there are some small magical societies with a long history.

Some of these small associations have secretly contacted Ted, the actual controller of the Order of the Phoenix, and they will help the Order of the Phoenix once war breaks out.

Everyone has experienced the years when Voldemort was raging, and no longer wants to experience that nightmare again.

As time goes by, news on the border becomes increasingly tense.

News of the fighting appeared frequently in newspapers.

This year we killed a few Death Eaters, and tomorrow we eliminated a group of monsters that were wreaking havoc in Muggle society. It looked very exciting.

But people with a discerning eye can guess the true situation of the battle through the movement of the battle lines in the reports - the scope of Death Eaters' activities has crossed the channel and has begun to operate in the waters surrounding the British Isles!

Because the British wizards were more prepared, France and other countries were restrained, and the Death Eaters now occupied too much territory, there were rebellions behind them from time to time.

Therefore, the two sides remained entangled until the end of October, and no large-scale invasion or fighting broke out.

Just like this, November is here.

"Ding~ The talent [Knowledge from another world (gold)] is triggered, and [anti-aging potion: APTX4869 formula (red)] is discovered."

[Age-reverse potion: APTX4869 formula (red)], APTX4869 is a mysterious drug in the world related to Detective Conan. It was developed by Miyano Shiho (codename Shirley, Ai Haibara), a member of the Black Organization, inheriting the results of his parents.

The purpose of APTX4869's research and development is roughly to reverse time. Its experimental product is toxic and can kill people invisible.

Occasionally, the body of the person who takes the medicine will return to the appearance of childhood. After taking the medicine, the body will become smaller and the body will experience intense heat and pain as if the bones in the whole body are about to melt. It is an unsuccessful rejuvenation drug.

Induces programmed cell death, but at the same time enhances telomerase activity, thereby increasing cell proliferation. Normally, the person who takes it will die, but in rare cases, due to the accidental action of the cell's self-destruction program, all cells in the bones, muscles, internal organs, hair, etc., except the nervous system, will degenerate to the stage of childhood or adolescence.

It takes some luck to take it. If you are lucky, one pill can reverse the situation. If you are 15 years old, if you are not lucky, just delete your account in advance~

It takes 2333 experience points to redeem.

"This...is somewhat useful, but not much!"

I guess it's useful, there's hope for a wizard to live two hundred years. Besides, I still have the option of magic stone! If it doesn't work, just transform yourself. How long can you live with a Space Marine and a Demon Hunter?

But, immortality is immortality, and it would be quite uncomfortable if the body ages to its limit and remains immortal.

If you could keep rejuvenating yourself and live forever, you would be immortal!

Is this still compatible? !

But Ted himself is not yet twenty years old, so it is a bit too early to think about this.

It would be funny if he swallowed a magic potion and went back to two and a half years old!

"Change it! Keep it for now!"

Ted looked out the window and saw that November had just entered, and heavy snow fell in the middle of the night, and the temperature dropped sharply by more than ten degrees. That's a bit much!

This extreme weather is getting more and more extreme!

Do you want to use the Magic Network to change the climate in Europe? Worried about alerting Voldemort again!

Sure enough, the culprit of everything is Voldemort, it's all Voldemort's fault!

The atmosphere in the school is tense now. Is it normal for students to be so nervous?

There was always a fight with the Death Eaters. It's actually not that difficult to defeat.

Ted didn't even need to take any real action. He could just use the ability of the Weaver to fine-tune various data, and the Death Eaters didn't even know how they lost.

But what about Voldemort?

If Grindelwald, Snape and himself are brought together, it is possible to defeat or even kill Voldemort.

But he can be resurrected now, which is probably even more convenient and magical than when he had the Horcrux.

Although Snape said he had a method, it was hard to say since it was not a proven method.

If it fails once, Voldemort will never be able to step into the trap next time.

I can't kill him even if I want to. If he is making trouble outside and causing chaos everywhere, the opportunity to destroy him will be completely lost.

Or should we take advantage of Neville's "tangled fate"?

The fragment of Voldemort's soul in his forehead may be of use!

Before it was breakfast time here, Ted received urgent news from an informant passing through Utopia - Death Eaters had crossed the Channel in large numbers and marched into the English mainland!

What is supposed to come will come!

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