Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 438: Go to Death Calmly

Forcing Lao Deng to fill in the Gate of the Dead for others.

Voldemort's move is so poisonous!

The exams had just finished here at Hogwarts, and even before they got on the train home, the students all knew about it.

This is due to the efficiency of information dissemination.

If it were based on the past standards of the wizarding world, this would at least be news that would be seen in the newspapers the next day. It may take a few days to release.

But now, because of the Utopia Forum, young wizards can easily see this huge news by picking up a double-sided mirror or wearing gaming glasses.

Whether it is on the forum or in the game chat channel, this matter is being discussed.

It was also because their students felt sorry for the principal. Many young wizards at Hogwarts realized that this might be a conspiracy, a conspiracy to force Dumbledore and Ted to die.

But this is not a conspiracy, this is a conspiracy.

Although many students are very excited and engage in verbal spats with "netizens" online and in games, this does not change the fact.

But now, among the users of Magic Network Utopia, not only wizards, but also many Muggles, there are now tens of thousands of them. Although it is really a drop in the ocean among the 6 billion people in the world, these people are not ordinary people.

Therefore, many smart people in Europe started calling all night long.

Even the commander of Americo on the other side of the Atlantic called me. Now he is the captain: Can you do it, little dog? You really can’t look at my little boy and fat man, can you? There are no negative reviews from anyone who has tried it!

When Switzerland heard this, he jumped up in anger!

Are you going to grow mushrooms for me? ! no! Absolutely not!

Just in case, troops were mobilized that night.

Speaking of which, the last battle with the orc city from another world was so severe for the Swiss army that more than half of the tanks were scrapped.

But this time they still spent all their money! After all, someone will come to grow mushrooms!

At about five o'clock the next day, after it was completely light, a large number of military vehicles were stationed five kilometers away in the valley.

It's impossible to go any further. The terrain there is rugged. Not to mention that vehicles can't get up there, it's difficult for people to get there. They have to climb the mountain!

Two teams of special forces were sent out to investigate and at the same time calibrate coordinates to prepare for subsequent fire coverage - a large row of large-caliber cannons behind them were ready.

In the steep and surrounding rift valley, there is indeed such a place. The mountain seemed to have been torn apart, forming a particularly steep canyon.

There is a light layer of fog in the canyon, not serious but giving people a white feeling.

The two teams of special forces approached the rift valley on two routes, one on the left and the other on the right, and then encountered undead monsters.

These monsters may be strong or weak, but these special forces advanced for a short distance relying on the heavy firepower firearms they carried.

However, they also reported to the rear that the power of the firearms seemed to have become smaller, or that these living dead and skeletons were very defensive against firearms and ammunition.

It is said that this normal skeleton cannot be broken by a bullet? Iron bones? !

When those slow-moving zombies are shot, they actually make a dull thumping sound, like hitting a rubber tire with a stick. It’s the same as the Thirteen Taibao Henglian in the Vajra Cover and Iron Cloth Shirt!


"Commander, Delta and the others said that sabers are easier to use. Those moving corpses are not as strong as they appear to be in front of firearms. But bullets are indeed difficult to damage them! The same goes for grenades. It should be said that the power of the explosion has become smaller. Already..."

"I know..." The Swiss commander had a bad feeling in his heart.

This is not the first time this has happened. In that battle more than a year ago, let alone firearms, even artillery shells were not very useful against those ugly muscle monsters!

What exactly happened here? What kind of world is this? Are the cannons useless?

This made the commander, who had been a soldier for more than fifty years, a little frightened.

If the power of firearms and shells is drastically reduced, what will the boys do to fight those monsters? Really chop with a saber? !

Soon there was a problem with the special forces at the front. First, there was a subtle rustling sound in the radio. At first, I thought it was a poor signal, but the sound slowly turned into a weird sound, like someone moaning in pain. Or like crying!

By the time someone discovered something was wrong, the communications soldier who specialized in monitoring radios had already died tragically.

He lowered his head, and blood flowed from the corners of his eyes and nostrils. He took off his headphones and found that his ears were dark and shriveled!

"Hey! Hey! Delta? Can you hear me?!" At this time, someone was surprised to find that the special forces in front had not spoken for several minutes!

But only one of the two teams' radio responded, but the interference was so severe that it was impossible to hear what was being said over there, but gunshots and explosions were heard.

The only sound on the other team's radio was the rustle of electricity.

"Send a helicopter! Approach! I want to know what happened to them?!" The commander sent an armed helicopter to approach.

The two helicopters took off and arrived at the Rift Valley during a very dangerous flight mission. The pilots were so sweaty!

But the people on the helicopter only saw a group of monsters chasing the few remaining special forces.

The helicopter's minigun opened fire, firing thousands of rounds a minute.

If it were an ordinary person, or a normal creature, it would be beaten into mud!

But those skeletons or mutated corpses can actually resist several shots!

The two miniguns fired wildly, blocking the two to three hundred monsters that were swarming at them, but in the end, only three special forces soldiers were saved, and one of them was seriously injured.

Because there are not only monsters such as large skeletons and zombies, but also some small monsters with human heads and fists. They are inconspicuous, but their damage is not small.

According to survivors, they felt something was wrong and uncomfortable as soon as they entered the valley. The further you go, the more uncomfortable you become.

When they really saw the cave that looked like two natural gates on the stone wall more than ten meters high, someone in their team fell down very suddenly.

"There was no trauma, no attack. Terry fell down, and his face was unimaginably pale. He didn't have a heart disease or any other disease! Not only him, but others also had problems soon after. It was as if he had vitality. It's flowing out of our bodies..."

"We called for a retreat through the radio, but we couldn't hear what you were saying at all. Captain Delta ordered a retreat and notified another team, but received no response.\

,""Terry's body suddenly came to life on the road and bit the captain who was carrying his body on the neck..."

At this time, the senior generals in the command post also realized that that place might cause harm to people, causing people to die silently or even be "resurrected" again!

Something like radiation?

In short, we can’t send anyone out.

Now that it has been confirmed that there is indeed a "door" there, no matter what, just blow it up!

Fifty large-caliber artillery pieces fired at the same time, and they fired non-stop!

Switzerland moved almost all the artillery shells from the warehouse, firing fifty rounds at a time for thirty rounds in a row!

Aerial helicopter observers then observe the results…

"Commander, it seems, it doesn't seem to have any effect?"

"What did you say?" The commander's voice on the other end of the radio changed its tone.

"It doesn't work! It doesn't work!"

During the first round of bombardment, the shells still had some effect, although the explosion effect was more than one-third weaker than normal. But then the white mist that was originally as thin as a layer of mist suddenly began to roll and thicken, and the shells that fell in became more and more "extinguished"!

Although the smoke was billowing in the end, those shells could only hit a hole in the stone wall or the ground, and the power of the explosion was not as powerful as a larger two-kick!

The rich death magic that escapes will not only take away lives and resurrect the dead, but also reduce the power of firearms.

"What the hell! I don't believe it! Bring up the missile trucks!" Five of the only missile trucks in Switzerland were driven over, and there were five or six meters long missiles on them!

Using this thing to hit a target several kilometers away is really like using a cannon to kill mosquitoes. But I can’t care about so much now!

As the missile tail flame sprayed out, one of mankind's most sophisticated weapons was sprayed out. However, after entering the range of the white mist, there was obviously something wrong with the tail flame, and it became smaller and smaller!

In the end, although all five missiles hit the rift valley, their accuracy was a bit wrong and they failed to hit the stone door on the stone wall at the end. Moreover, the power of the missile explosion was hard to explain. There was less fire and more smoke. !

After five rounds, there was thick smoke billowing out, and a cloud of smoke rose up to a height of twenty or thirty meters. Isn't this wrong?

How could this be? The missile got wet? !

However, without giving everyone a chance to think about it, chaos suddenly broke out in the headquarters.

It turns out that the three special forces soldiers who were rescued just now still failed to survive, but not only did they die, they also "alive" again! He immediately attacked people nearby, causing quite a bit of chaos.

Someone fired a gun, and then they saw with their own eyes the power of gun bullets on these resurrected living dead—can they only penetrate the flesh? It's not as good as that small-caliber police pistol, right? !

The Swiss official's actions were quickly stopped by the wizarding world.

Muggle weapons won't work, the magic in that place is too strong. Firearms have lost their power.

Moreover, what they did also stimulated the door, causing the mist to overflow the rift valley and spread outward.

Wherever the mist passed, it could be said that there was no grass growing, and no life could survive in the white mist for several hours.

Regardless of whether it is a big tree or a small grass, whether it is an animal or a plant, it will soon die and then be resurrected in another way.

The three rescued special forces were too intoxicated by the magic of death, so they were dead when they were rescued, and their corpses were soon faked.

Not many people knew about the actions of the Swiss military.

But someone still sent the information to the Utopia Forum. The previous content was mainly textual description, but the dissection of the three corpses and the isolation and observation of the wounded injured by the fake corpses were recorded with crystal recordings.

The British Ministry of Magic began to hold meetings all night, and the members of the Wizengamot never left the Ministry of Magic.

It is not that no one is aware of the malicious intent behind this incident, but the current situation is that there is no other way to curb this "corpse fraud phenomenon."

If this phenomenon cannot be solved, the pressure will increase.

At school, Dumbledore had called Ted, Snape and Professor McGonagall to the office.

"You have to be prepared. I may go to the Gate of the Dead in a few days. As for you, Ted, you don't have to go. Just let an old man like me do this."

Ted and Snape looked at each other, and Professor McGonagall couldn't help it anymore. "No! Dumbledore, you can't go. This is obviously a conspiracy. This news and rumors are so strange!"

Dumbledore nodded: "Yes, Minerva. It was Tom, and he was the one who sent the news. I think the Door of the Dead has something to do with him. But we have no other way now, right?"

"But..." Professor McGonagall wanted to say something else, but Dumbledore waved his hand.

This matter is not a matter of whether we should go there, it is a matter of whether we should go.

Now, he called everyone here to arrange things after he left.

Tom allowed himself to walk through the door as he wished, but he must have other plans later. You can't let him be so satisfied.

On the other side, Voldemort was sitting in an old mansion with a long history.

It was getting late, but there were only a few candles in the whole old house.

Voldemort didn't like Muggle lights and appliances, and he didn't even like environments that were too bright.

However, in such a complacent situation, it is a pity not to say anything.

Although Dumbledore has not yet expressed his stance, he already has a chance to win.

"Bella, do you know what Dumbledore will face behind that door?" Voldemort grinned silently.

His current appearance is becoming more and more inhuman.

"Death! He will face death! Hahahaha~" Voldemort finally couldn't hold back his laughter.

What he fears most in his life is death. Now that he has escaped death, he has sent his old rival to face death. This feeling is so wonderful.

However, there was one thing he definitely couldn't tell anyone. It’s about face!

Fortunately, everyone who knew about it was already dead, and no one else would know unless I told him.

The person he thought was dead was the newly transformed Barty.

At this time, little Barty had found Ted: "My master, I'm not sure, but I have a guess about the Dark Lord and that door..."

"Huh? Tell me!"

"This matter also starts with that visitor from another world, Ryan..."

Two or three years ago, Ryan came to this world by chance from another world and gained magical knowledge from other worlds.

At first, they were causing trouble in the Forbidden Forest, but they were jointly suppressed by the Ministry of Magic and Dumbledore.

But he was originally a cunning old wizard who had lived for a hundred or two hundred years, and he had acquired undead magic. He had also acted as a back-up before, so he was not completely dead.

Later, he was doing trouble outside, because little Barty, who took the initiative to find him, had a clear understanding of the magical world.

He is very ambitious and wants to build a magical kingdom of his own and resurrect the millions of bones under Paris.

Later, due to the battle between Dumbledore and the others, and Voldemort's backstab at the critical moment, he died of underestimating Voldemort.

But there are still some unknown contents. For example, Ryan did a lot of things before being persuaded by Barty Jr. to "resurrection" Voldemort. Like trying to communicate with the world of the dead in this world.

However, after Ryan came to this world, he was a little arrogant and impatient. He couldn't wait for the plan that took too long, so the plan of opening the Gate of the Dead to communicate with the world of death became an alternative.

Originally, Barty Jr. and Voldemort didn't know much about this matter. After Ryan died, no one cared about it anymore.

But obviously, Voldemort had another "adventure" later. First, the orc warlock who invaded Azeroth ran into the wrong room and was caught by Voldemort and drained all his knowledge.

Voldemort understood most of Ryan's magic and knowledge system. He even found a way to make up for his broken soul and was promoted to a true legend!

Then he captured the conceptual monster of the Styx Ferryman in Greece and gained some knowledge about the world of death. Then he remembered Ryan's abandoned plan.

That plan was actually half-implemented by Ryan. As long as he took advantage of the situation, it would be enough to cause huge trauma to the world!

Causing trauma to the world is not what I want, and what I want is not a world with only dead people.

But you can use this move to force Dumbledore to death!

Once Dumbledore dies, who can stop him?

So, we had this plan.

"It turns out it's still the legacy of Ryan from another world. This B is really causing endless troubles!" Ted said with emotion.

Just know that these things from other worlds will definitely bring huge turmoil to this world, regardless of good or bad.

The knowledge, artifacts, animals and plants, and even the sudden appearance of mountains, lakes and other areas.

Under such circumstances, how could the world not experience turmoil?

Voldemort was in a hurry, because that night someone posted some videos of "protecting their children" on the Utopia forum.

On the surface, it talks about how to protect your children in chaos and prevent those resurrected monsters from harming your family.

But it’s actually a reminder to everyone that you and your family are at risk.

Others "narrated personally" how their children were in danger and almost met with tragic accidents. How dangerous are those resurrected monsters? Be careful to avoid them, etc.

These videos are supposed to be normal, right?

But Parker found that there were dozens of videos with the same copywriting, posted by men, women, old and young.

Are they a family? All the same child? !

There can’t be an Internet celebrity company incubating Internet celebrities, right? This is a navy!

Moreover, Draco and Ted's other undercover agent in Slytherin also received news: The Dark Lord asked some children to express their panic and fear online!

Is Voldemort not reading magic books but reading journalism textbooks?

Don't tell me, this trick of "catching children and pinching weak points" is really not something that ordinary people can think of. How vicious is it?

In the evening, Dumbledore talks to Ted.

"It seems I won't die this time." Dumbledore poured himself a glass of mead.

Ted hesitated and asked, "Are you really ready? Are you sure?"

Dumbledore smiled and didn't answer.

Nothing in this world is 100%.

He took a sip of wine, and his thoughts seemed to go back to the past: "My performance when I was young and vigorous proved that power is my weakness and my temptation. I have never dared to face this weakness, and I am not willing to face it again. …”

Dumbledore was talking about his ambition to let wizards rule the world when he was with Grindelwald in Godric's Hollow when he was young.

But in the end, his sister was killed due to the impact of the battle.

Dumbledore is actually afraid of something. He is not afraid of Voldemort, Grindelwald, or death. What he is afraid of is the person sealed in his heart, the real and ambitious person who hopes to do something with Grindelwald. His former self wanted to have a great career, and thus killed his biological sister.

Dumbledore's greatest contribution was not to defeat Grindelwald, but to spend his life controlling Dumbledore, the White Devil, who was more terrifying than Voldemort.

All greatness comes from going against nature.

But this time, he has a new challenge.

"Wish me success!" He raised his glass in a toast to Ted.

The next day's "Daily Prophet" had a front-page headline that read in large font, "Dumbledore has decided to close the door!"

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