Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 429 Another Halloween

Taking advantage of the weekend to go to Hogsmeade, Draco pulled on the hood of his cloak and disapparated in the alley.

He appeared in a house in a small town dozens of miles away.

The place is decorated like an old dark wizard's lair, the kind that is very eerie and full of mystery.

After all, Draco was too young. If he wanted to suppress those under Voldemort, he had to find a way. The atmosphere is very good.

Ted said, mystery brings fear.

So Draco rarely contacted those people directly, but through magical means.

He sat on the ancient wooden chair and began to play with the magic props on the table.

Soon, the magic props began to operate, and a faint white mist appeared, covering the entire room.

Draco didn't move in his chair, but the surrounding environment seemed to have changed.

He appeared in a dark stone hall, sitting at the end of a long wooden table.

He was holding a long staff in one hand and holding an irregular gemstone in the other hand. Half of his face was covered by a hood and remained motionless.

Ted, who was observing secretly, couldn't help but nod: Very good, very energetic~

This appearance is very tasteful.

Soon, figures appeared on the chairs on both sides of the table. There were men, women, and old men. They looked ordinary. After three minutes, all twelve people arrived.

Among them were six people arranged by Voldemort. These were Voldemort's secret agents. They usually made a normal living in the magical world, and it was completely invisible that they were Death Eaters.

Now the true identities of these six people have been found by Ted.

After all, if he appeared in his small world, it would be normal to follow the clues.

The remaining six people are the "direct descendants" that Draco has roped in himself.

Voldemort's six people must also have a surveillance role, and we cannot rely on them all, lest they become disobedient and something goes wrong.

That's why Ted helped Draco recruit six people, four of whom were half-black and half-white wizards recruited from the black market. They had no future and worked for money.

One of the other two is Ted's living puppet - the body is made of flesh and blood made by alchemy, the mind is high artificial intelligence, and the character template is gin. The name is also Gin~

The other person was arranged by Dumbledore and should be considered a peripheral member of the Order of the Phoenix.

This was not the first time Draco had summoned them to a meeting in this mysterious way, but it was still a shock to the wizards who participated in the meeting.

This way of holding a mental image meeting is truly unique! Everyone is a blur, but they can communicate. This stuff is awesome!

Once the magic of the Magic Lantern Body Transformation is used, the old fritters will have to take a few glances at Draco.

They have done a lot of preliminary work for more than a month and are about to start planning now.

"We will launch a raid tomorrow, that is, at 6 o'clock in the evening on Halloween. If we can kill the target, that would be the best. If it fails, it will be treated as an attempt. I have already arranged the entry channels and retreat. Now let’s make some personnel arrangements..."

Draco is also a material for big things. In this case, he takes his time and is not nervous at all as the sixth child, leading this group of cannon fodder to Hogwarts to die.

Halloween is the first holiday for freshmen after entering school, so it is naturally a long-awaited holiday.

But for old students, this day...how should I put it, is not very auspicious!

Something happens every year on Halloween, it's almost... just like the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's annual routine.

Now that the Defense Against the Dark Arts class has been remodeled, I don’t know if it can make any difference. Can you spend this Halloween night safely?

There are jack-o'-lanterns, bat swarms, will-o'-the-wisp candles, black cats, etc. The school is decorated very interestingly. Ted also kindly contributed some small toys and other things to give the new students a little surprise.

The little wizards had a great time.

And everyone has already prepared cosplay costumes to play ghost on this day.

Now because of "Magic World", many people choose to dress up as monsters in the game.

For example, two people wearing the same suit pretending to be a two-headed ogre or something.

There are also more outrageous ghost costumes, and those with bad figures will not be able to cosplay~

Not long after the dinner had started, Draco left the table on the pretext of going to the toilet.

He quickly came to an abandoned classroom and took out a large wardrobe from his space package.

Disappearing cabinet!

The magic principle of this thing is very magical. It can penetrate the space protection of Hogwarts, which is similar to the apparation of a house elf.

A piece of Halloween candy was thrown into the closet and disappeared after closing the door. Then soon, there was a knock on the door of the closet, and twelve wizards involved in the plan to assassinate Ted filed out.

Draco's voice sounded softly: "Follow the plan. Regardless of the success or failure of the plan, you must return here within six minutes of starting and leave through the cabinet. No waiting for the dead..."

The six Death Eaters looked around and then at the disappearing cabinet. They were a little unbelievable and couldn't help but look at each other: This kid actually did it! The disappearing cabinet, he used the disappearing cabinet!

Although the Dark Lord's orders cannot be disobeyed, it is normal to disobey them openly and covertly. After all, it is really unacceptable for an old man like me to listen to a kid who is sixteen or seventeen years old.

But so far, this Malfoy boy has turned out to be quite capable, and he feels that he is not inferior to him at all!

Draco didn't give them long time to think and evacuated the scene directly.

He will not take part in the assassination.

All twelve people cast the Disillusionment Curse on themselves, and then followed the map given by Draco to ambush Ted in the corridor on the seventh floor in advance.

However, when they entered the corridor on the seventh floor, no one noticed that a magic barrier like an air film flashed past.

The dinner lasted until about eight o'clock in the evening, and then everyone went back to the dormitory to rest. Nothing happened.

But in the mirror world, Ted is "scripting" the twelve people. Entering the seventh floor, you enter Ted's mirror world, which is also a version blessed with psychic powers.

In the mirror world, they blocked Ted and Hermione in the corridor and suddenly launched a surprise attack, but it didn't work.

Ted asked Hermione to go and call for help, and he would cut her off... In short, it was a big fight between the two sides.

The final result was that Ted killed four Death Eaters and three dark wizard mercenaries on the spot. He was also hit by a black magic, but he used a very explosive magic move to block the pursuit and escaped.

It was too late to pursue him, and besides, they didn't dare to pursue him.

During the battle just now, these twelve people attacked and besieged a sixth-grade little wizard, and they were almost wiped out!

If one of them hadn't used some insidious magic to hit the other party, he wouldn't have been able to defeat them all!

Besides, we were in Hogwarts now, and if the ambush and sneak attack failed, there would be no way to proceed.

Your life is at stake, retreat!

The friends gathered in a circle in the secret base and watched twelve people fight against the magical virtual Ted, and several of them died.

The five surviving people fled back to the classroom in shock. Fortunately, everything went well, and then used the disappearing cabinet to leave Hogwarts.

After returning, these five people were soaked to the skin.

Thinking about the previous battle again, I felt my heart tightening and my fingertips trembling wildly - He, how could he be so strong? He is only sixteen or seventeen years old!

"You think...that little bastard, will he die?" one of the two surviving Death Eaters asked.

Ted's undercover Gin said: "My magic is a very vicious black magic. It is voodoo from Haiti. He is dead!"

After a few seconds of silence, he added: "Even if he doesn't die, he will lose half of his life. That's for sure!"

The other Death Eater nodded, "In other words, our work is not in vain, right?"

"of course!"

The remaining people agreed one after another. No one could accept the result of a month of preparation, seven people dying, and finally working in vain.

If the goal is achieved, even if Ted is seriously injured and disabled, it is still acceptable.

In fact, the plan this time was very complete, from infiltration to retreat, everything went very smoothly. The only mistake was misestimating the target's strength.

Still the same question, how could he be so strong? !

Draco's acting is considered to have completed the first stage. After a period of time, these people will lurk, waiting for the follow-up.

Let’s see if anyone is disobedient and wants to cause trouble, and organize a plan to get rid of them~

For example, the only remaining dark wizard mercenary wanted to quit.

But the two Death Eaters naturally weren't on his side - they got on the pirate ship and still wanted to leave?

The other two mercenaries from Draco's "direct lineage" who were supposed to be on his side didn't want to quit, so naturally he couldn't leave.

After all, the other two mercenaries were Dumbledore's undercover and Ted's undercover.

The next day news came that Ted Epiphany had been injured due to a magic experiment and was recovering.

Everyone who heard the news finally felt a little more comfortable.

Although he didn't die, at least he was seriously injured. Those seven people's deaths were not in vain, right? This is an explanation for the Dark Lord.

As for the future, let’s talk about it later.

After Halloween comes November.

"Ding~ The talent [Knowledge from Another World (Gold)] is triggered and the ["Pink Book" (Red)] is discovered."

["Pink Book" (Red)], magicians also have needs, whether it is forest elves, water fairies, or succubi... And this magic book records the systematic magic methods developed by the magicians. The whole package of magic! You need to experience it by yourself~

Please watch privately when no one is around.

It requires 1288 experience points to redeem.

Pink, pink book?

Ted looked at the knowledge - a thick magic book with a pink heart on the cover.

Isn't this bad?

However, magic is not good or bad, it depends on the person who uses magic.

So, how can we not learn this knowledge?

Isn’t it 1288? Changed!

For no other reason than to see what a complete set of magic in a system looks like. It’s all for learning!

"Wow~Wow! Amazing! Magical! So creative! Who has such a flexible mind that can come up with such...that kind of magic?!"

Because Ted had to pretend to be injured, he hid in the virtual world of Utopia and admired the newly acquired "Pink Book".

It is simply profound and profound!

Naturally, this kind of magic cannot be used alone, and must be studied together with Hermione.

At first, Hermione was naturally quite dismissive: "That's it? I don't know how to use this kind of magic! It's evil! You are not allowed to learn it either!"

But soon, it was proved that this crooked way had merit!

For several days, she was more energetic than Ted.

But doing this really consumes energy! Even taking medicine can't make it up.

But if I stay empty for a long time, I will think about it and lose my mind.

This seriously affected my study plan.

Sure enough, puppy love has a great impact on grades! I advise you not to fall in love prematurely!

I'm 30 years old, can I fall in love early? Then what are you still in love with? Just be a magician.

During this time, Dumbledore was not at school. For example, about Halloween, Ted and Snape only told him.

He just said: "As long as you are here, I can rest assured."

He seems to have been exploring the old woods in Albania recently.

Ever since he learned from Slughorn that Voldemort might want to divide his soul into seven parts, that is, six Horcruxes, he had been looking for things that might be Horcruxes.

After investigating some of the things that happened before Voldemort went to Longbottom's house, he felt that Voldemort might not have made all six Horcruxes during his lifetime. Then he was killed by the rebound of his own killing curse.

Therefore, it is very likely that after Voldemort is resurrected, he will continue to make new Horcruxes.

Then you have to start looking for traces in the Albanian forest.

To be honest, this is of course the opposite.

Because Voldemort is now eager to absorb all the Horcruxes he once had, the Horcrux of Orochi Nagini in the original book does not exist at all.

Voldemort was forcibly resurrected by the demon wizard Ryan from another world, thanks to Barty Jr.~

But after killing Ryan, Voldemort began to think about these otherworldly magics.

Especially last year, through magic rituals and magic traps, he successfully predicted an intrusion from another world, captured a green-skinned orc warlock from another world, and obtained from him a complete set of warlocks' knowledge about the power of soul and shadow. of magic.

This was an eye-opener.

Over the past year or so, he has begun to fully turn to the research of shadow magic in other worlds. Especially the soul.

At this time, he was conducting experiments on some Muggle prisoners in a secret underground base in Lithuania.

Because the state of his own soul was really worrying and shattered into disarray, he really didn't dare to try the soul magic of those warlocks on himself, so he needed to do a lot of experiments to determine its safety.

At this time, there was a row of five prisoners tied to torture instruments, four men and one woman, looking at this terrifying bald man with a pale body and no nose in horror.

Voldemort directly absorbed the soul with one hand, and fired five pale white magic powers that were like gas and light. The five Muggle prisoners immediately let out shrill screams and struggled hard under the severe pain. Their bound arms were It's bleeding.

But after more than ten seconds, the five people lowered their heads one after another and there was no movement!

Then, a soul fragment the size of a fingernail appeared in the palm of Voldemort's hand.

Because it is an improved version of soul fragments made from the souls of five people, it is larger.

Voldemort placed the soul fragment on a metal plate with a shadow magic circle on the table and began to cast spells.

The shadow energy began to gather and circulate on the magic circle, and after another ten seconds, a small lavender bead was formed. This is the soul stone made by Voldemort!

After sensing it for a while, Voldemort's expression became extremely happy. The grinning boss!

"Finally! The flawless soul stone has finally been made! It can be placed in my soul!"

With the soul stone preserving the soul, the body can be resurrected at the soul stone after death. This is much smarter than dividing the soul.

Moreover, Voldemort can naturally prepare a few more soul stones and make a few of them once he dies.

He finally escaped the pursuit of death!

Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! Dumbledore is immortal, I'm going to find you soon!

At the same time, Grindelwald, who was far away in South Africa, also began to try to break through.

He plans to break through the ceiling of this world and catch up with his old friends!

In the basement of Hogwarts, Snape was concentrating on brewing a pot of potion in his office.

For this pot of magic potion, he can be said to have gone bankrupt!

To make a potion master bankrupt, you can imagine how expensive this pot of potion is!

In the face of huge changes in the entire world, everyone is striving to make progress.

Ted put down the "Pink Book" in his hand: Ted, Ted, you can't fall anymore!

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