Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 357 The Dean of Academic Affairs takes action

As for teaching Neville a lesson, is he a loser?

After dinner, Harry took Hermione to the activity room of the "Charms Study Club" and asked her to be quiet and watch the show quietly.

After a while, the students also arrived, and Neville Rozier and Zhu Qitai appeared among the exchange students.

On the grass leading to the lake, Mr. and Mrs. Dongye were walking side by side with Chen Bin and Kate.

"... No way? You can't beat Zhu Qitai purely based on your magic skills?" Chen Bin asked in disbelief.

Lu Xiaoyan answered for her husband: "His strength is really comparable to that of three generations of disciples, especially his true energy is much stronger than that of his peers."

"How thick is it?" Kate's words were a bit like making trouble, leaving the two of them stunned for a moment.

"Don't blame her." Chen Bin said to smooth things over: "Even though she speaks Chinese fluently, she actually doesn't know how to speak many words."

Kate also blushed. She rarely spoke Chinese recently, and her level suddenly dropped a lot.

After Chen Bin explained, Dongye Heng also scratched his head and said helplessly: "There are no units of measurement in the monk circles in the East and West. It's really hard to say. In short, among the three generations of disciples of the general sect, regardless of his true energy, He can also be considered mid-range in terms of thickness and skill of moves. I defeated him twice in a row, and once I was even lucky enough to defeat a third-generation disciple of his sect, all because they were not familiar with martial arts-style melee combat. In terms of overall cultivation, , I am indeed not as good as him, so he keeps targeting me."

Chen Bin finally realized that he was really not humble at the wedding banquet that day. Zhu Qitai had a strong bloodline, was talented, and practiced hard, but he was extremely arrogant.

"Bin, I think it's time to write a paper." Kate opened the door of the new teaching building and suggested: "How about writing the combat power rating system? Isn't that 20% compound increase your original discovery?"

Chen Bin walked through the door, shook his head and said: "Not counting my originality, I at most gave me an idea and experimental design. There were twenty people who actually carried out the experiment, and nearly five hundred people were studied. There are also many seniors who have contributed. .”

"How can it be calculated like this?" Kate rolled her eyes at him and explained: "In Muggle experiments, the credit also belongs to the experimental designer. Isn't the implementer what you often call a scientific researcher? The paper after the result is always the same The conceiver serves as the first author, and the entire experiment was funded by you.”

After her calculations, Chen Bin felt that he could really give it a try, but the paper he had been working on for two months was almost finished!

"We're here, see you later." Dongye came to the "Martial Arts Society" activity room he was responsible for, and waved goodbye to the two of them with Lu Xiaoyan.

Chen Bin and Chen Bin walked to the next door. Before they opened the door, they heard the sound of fierce fighting coming from the activity room of the "Charms Study Club".

"That guy is really good at stirring up trouble." Chen Bin gave Kate a wry smile and then opened the door.

Harry was fighting with Zhu Qitai desperately, and Hermione was also fighting with Neville back and forth. Several groaning students were lying next to the wall, and the other thirty or so students were standing in front of the injured, raising multiple layers of magic shields to fight. defense.

"Stop!" Chen Bin shouted sharply, and two obstacle spells blocked the center of the warring parties.

Upon seeing this, Harry and Hermione immediately took a step back and raised their wands in a defensive gesture, which was exactly the standard Auror defensive posture.

However, Zhu Qitai with an angry face and Neville with a cold-faced face ignored Chen Bin's scolding. The former used a flying sword to bypass invisible obstacles and attack Harry, while the latter turned the chandelier into a bat and pointed it downwards. Hermione pounced.

Chen Bin waved his magic wand, and a red firework suddenly shot out, first exploding the flying sword, and then killing the bat that was flying down.

Kate pulled Harry and Hermione to the wall and treated the students lying on the ground.

"I'll send anyone to the law enforcers if they touch him again." Chen Bin glared at the two arrogant guys, ready to teach them a lesson if they disagreed.

"Ha, threatening us without asking the reason, is this the teaching style of Hogwarts?" Zhu Qitai sneered, his face full of ridicule.

Neville took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and shouted coldly: "You attacked us first, and now you hit the smaller ones and then the bigger ones?"

"Didn't your family teach you to respect your teachers?" Chen Bin walked up to them and said condescendingly. Considering his height, he really felt this way.

Their faces became even more distorted. Zhu Qitai said first, "I'm just telling the truth. You attack us without asking why. Why should I respect you?"

"Don't you ask why they attacked us first?" Neville said angrily.

"Oh, is it right who is bigger and who is evil?" Chen Bin sneered and asked: "I saw four people fighting as soon as I opened the door, and then I saw two people did not obey my instructions and continued to attack. You violated the teacher's order and continued to attack. For those who no longer fight back, I will use a universal counter-spell to stop your attack. Will this become an attack in your eyes? Is this how your family educates you?"

"You!" Zhu Qitai's green roots appeared and he roared: "You, a pariah, have no right to question the reputation of my Zhu family. Don't give me a tutor!"

"Are you going to declare war on the Rozier family?" Neville asked with heavy breathing.

"Second warning!" Chen Bin said with a sullen face: "You have yelled at the teacher more than once. Because of your bad attitude, you are obstructing my investigation. If you continue to fail to cooperate, I will take restrictive measures..."

"Coward." Zhu Qitai provoked.

Neville said disdainfully: "Don't you dare to fight?"

Chen Bin turned to look at Kate, who gestured to the students that nothing was wrong.

"It turns out that there really are such no-brainers in this world." Chen Bin said helplessly to Kate.

"Who are you calling an Uncivilized kid?" Neville cursed angrily, his wand already half-raised.

Zhu Qitai was half a beat slower than him, maybe because he didn't understand the word well. Seeing how angry Neville was, he guessed that it was used to curse people.

Chen Bin really didn't find a special combination of words to scold them. He really couldn't find an expressive translation of naughty children in English.

However, he no longer has the patience to coddle naughty children. In his previous life, he was only an instructor, not an educator.

A bunch of curved disarming spells first hit Zhu Qitai's raised mahogany sword, and then knocked Neville's wand away before he fired the spell.

At the moment when Zhu Qitai was about to use the sword-less silent technique, Chen Bin had already used the staff-less silent technique to turn the floor under the two of them into quicksand, entangled them below their necks so that they could not move, and even very considerately provided them with locks. Throat sealing spell.

The two of them instantly became real sand sculptures. They could only control their bodies from the neck up. Even their magic power and vital energy were sealed by the sand, making angry whining noises.

Chen Bin took a look at the photographic stones on Harry and Hermione's collars. This time, the responsibility could not entirely fall on these two naughty children, but the main reason was still their arrogance.

It can be seen from the video that other exchange students also have the intention to alienate these two guys regardless of their expressions and standing distances. These exchange students also try their best to integrate into the life of Hogwarts, with the exception of Zhu Qitai and Neville.

Zhu Qitai and Neville were isolated by everyone, but the relationship between the two seemed to be very good. They stood together and scolded the nearby students for their poor skills and their inability to use such basic spells.

This spell activity was specially directed by Caitlina, and the students were accustomed to coming to the activity room to warm up first. Before the activity even started, and there was no instructor present, something happened.

The students who were scolded were obviously tired of the judgments of these two loudmouths, so while practicing, they insinuated that there were two uncultured idiots harassing others.

Now it has touched the taboo of pure-blood madmen. Doesn't it mean that his family is also scolded for being uneducated?

The two went up to scold these people, but no one was really afraid of the Hogwarts students making noise in English, and their level of sarcasm and innuendo was truly inherited by Chen Bin. There was not a single word to directly criticize these two people, but they There wasn't a sentence that didn't mock the two of them.

As a result, the two really took action, and the wolves in Hogwarts instantly returned to their true colors of huskies - no one was afraid of anyone in a quarrel, and no one was defeated in a fight.

It's not that they are really incompetent in actual combat, it's just that their opponents already have strength that far exceeds that of seventh graders, and they were defeated when they faced each other.

The two of them were angry, but they still kept their hands, which was very painful but not hurt.

Harry and Hermione immediately stepped forward to stop them, but the two exchange students did not take them seriously. While spewing attacks, they accused the two young professors of not taking action when the local students insulted them. Now the local students Hit output but attack.

Chen Bin could have sworn that Hermione and Harry also used barrier spells to isolate them, but these two people insisted that it was a barrier spell with the intention of attacking.

Regardless of whether they were spoiled by their family, or whether this was the correct way of educating ancient purebloods, these two naughty children insisted on their own truth and refused to stop first.

Harry was obviously stronger than Zhu Qitai, but he didn't know the methods of Eastern magic, and he didn't want to hurt him, so he was limited in fighting.

There was a flying sword here, a few beams of unknown purpose there, and some invisible curses. Harry could only focus on defense, and occasionally fired a few threatening attacks, and almost knocked down Zhu Qitai. .

Neville was almost the same. Although Hermione couldn't beat Zhu Qitai, there was still no problem if she wanted to knock down Neville with all her strength. However, this kid also had a life-threatening style of fighting.

If Hermione really hit the disarming spell with all her strength, she might accidentally hit the heart, kidneys, etc. If she didn't use all her strength, it would be difficult to break his iron shield.

Then Chen Bin opened the door and scolded them to stop.

Chen Bin put down the photo stone, turned around and looked at the two men with hateful faces, feeling that these two men were a scourge.

One is seventeen years old and the other is eighteen years old, and their fighting ability is considered to be excellent, but this distorted world view has been finalized. Not everyone with a violent heart can wake up like Sirius's brother and then change his ways.

If you continue to allow them to stay, they will definitely continue to stir up trouble and think that their reasoning is correct.

In their original circle, the two of them should have formed a group that tolerated this temper since childhood, and even led a small group to bully everywhere.

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