Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 343 Wedding Banquet

July 13, 1997 (the ninth day of June in the Ding Chou Shui year of the lunar calendar) is a suitable day for offering sacrifices, seeking wealth, getting married, and making alliances.

On a starry night, on a mountain peak on the outskirts of a town in Hui City, eastern Guangdong Province, distinguished guest Luo Yi, dressed in Hanfu, passed through the gate of the Taoist temple one after another. The doorman led the guests carrying large amounts of congratulatory gifts into their respective banquets.

Chen Bin, Kate and Harry followed behind the old man, all carrying large and small packages of congratulatory gifts, while the old man showed the wedding invitation to the doorman with his sleeves covered with wind.

"The Chen family from Xin'an County, eastern Guangdong has arrived!" the doorman shouted loudly, and all the guests were silent for a few seconds. Then some old people immediately came forward to chat enthusiastically with the old lady.

They walked through the antique house's front door and arrived at the large front yard that had been expanded by magic. Dozens of wine tables were placed on the lawn between the fish pond and the rockery. Hundreds of guests in costumes visited each other between the banquets, making it very lively.

"What dialect did the Taoist priest speak just now?" Kate whispered in English.

Chen Bin, Kate and Harry walked behind the grandfather and whispered back: "It should be Hokkien (Fujian), right? I can't understand it either. This area is dominated by Hakka, Hokkien and Cantonese." Not to mention the monk world, the entire secular world in eastern Guangdong also has three major dialect areas, and this is the intersection area of ​​the three dialects. On the contrary, although the three eastern provinces where your parents live now are three provinces, they are more like a whole. "

"Binzi, you and the juniors sit at that table. The elders and I will sit on the other side first." After saying this, Mr. Chen walked towards the main table with splayed steps.

"Why is the old gentleman sitting at the table with the host?" Harry asked Chen Bin in a low voice immediately as he sat behind the table with the younger generation.

"I know this." Kate said happily: "My grandpa is the patriarch of the Chen family, that is, the direct descendant of the founder of the Qingxiu sect of the Southern Sect. Today, when the chief disciple of the Qingxiu sect marries a wife, the descendants of the founder will of course take the lead. Family banquet."

Harry had a black question mark on his face. He obviously didn't understand founder, descendant, or Chinese customs.

After Chen Bin explained carefully, Harry became even more confused. "That means you and Higashikata are also related?"

When Chen Bin and Kate heard this, they didn't know how to explain it.

The leader of the Qing Xiu Sect believes that Chen has the blood of the originator. Regardless of whether he can inherit the magic of Lei Dan Dao, he is also a member of the Qing Xiu Sect, and his seniority is also very high, at least in the sect.

However, the disciples and even the masters of the sect have no blood relationship with the originator, but they regard themselves as members or masters of the Qingxiu sect.

"Tsk—what are three Western barbarians doing here?"

Chen Bin heard the disdainful words from his deskmate, and since the three of them looked like foreigners and were wearing suits and skirts, he knew with his buttocks who he was scolding.

"Harry, Kate, the pair of men in Hanfu are explaining what No ivory can come out of a dog's mouth (No ivory can come out of a dog's mouth)."

Although Harry and Kate understood every English word in the entire sentence, the translation of the second half of the sentence was completely unclear to them.

However, one of the young men in Hanfu at the same table suddenly stood up angrily and shouted: "Boy, what did you say!"

Chen Bin looked him up and down. He was about the same height as him, with a rather delicate appearance, but an unusually strong figure. He was not like a traditional monk at all.

"It's so noisy. Who has no tutor like this?" Chen Bin continued to talk to Harry and Kate in English, but did not answer the words of the young man in Hanfu.

"Fanbang boy, who are you scolding?" The young man in Hanfu came up angrily, pointed in the direction of Chen Bin and cursed.

"I'll give you a chance to say it again." Chen Bin finally waited until he pointed at him, and immediately grabbed the index finger he was pointing to with one hand, and said with a smile: "I'm from the male residence of Cuixu County, Xin'an County, Chen Bin. Just now, I was a brother-in-law. I didn’t expect that your Excellency was talking about the three of us, and now everyone has the stolen goods. I wonder if you, on behalf of your mansion, declare war on the county male mansion?”

When the young man in Hanfu heard this, his expression immediately changed drastically, and he couldn't pull his fingers back. He finally knew that he had kicked an iron plate today.

The old man Chen Bin was very bad. He saw that this man was eavesdropping on their conversation from the beginning, so he guessed that this man understood English before he provoked him.

The male residence in Cuixu County was not made up by Chen Bin. The originator was the prime minister with a title and fiefdom in the cultivation world of the Northern Song Dynasty. Later, the Chen family specialized in martial arts, and their territory was reduced again and again. Their hereditary titles rose and fell in each dynasty. Sometimes they were founding princes, sometimes they were Dukes, sometimes they were county princes. In modern times, they were only county boys in name only. Reputation, and the grove outside the old house are nominal fiefdoms.

Will the Republic allow feudal titles to continue to exist?

Therefore, this county man is like a kind of virtual nobility, and the fiefdom is also a forest that allows monks to pass through.

Well, no matter how despicable this status is without even the slightest rights, Xu Jue is still a Justice of the Peace in a world where 99.9% of modern monks are ordinary clans.

However, this tall young man is cursing the descendants of the Justice of the Peace as Western barbarians, or pointing to the direct descendants of the ancestors. This is like pointing at the descendants of Yan Shenggong and cursing "dead foreign devils". What is it if it is not a declaration of war?

"I...you!" The young man in Hanfu was so angry that he couldn't speak. His fingers were still grabbed by Chen Bin, a martial artist. What he just said was obviously scolded by Chen Bin, and he couldn't deny it even if he wanted to. .

The West has weird rules about wizard duels, but the East also has legal requirements for family duels.

When the honor of a clan or sect is involved, if the provoking party does not apologize or provide evidence to support their provocation, even the Management Bureau can only act as their referee and will not favor any party.

When Chen Bin saw that he was speechless, he knew that he was almost frightened.

Just when he was about to stop, another young man in Hanfu at the same table snorted coldly: "The junior of the male family in Cuixu County has great prestige."

This man was wearing a green shirt, with a retro hair crown, holding a folding fan in his hand, and his eyes were slender and sinister.

Chen Bin doesn't like to judge people by their appearance, but the eyes are the windows to the soul, and he can tell at a glance that this handsome boy is a narrow-minded villain.

Harry couldn't understand what they were talking about, but the atmosphere was anything but friendly, so the hand on the table quietly pulled out his wand and set a guard.

Kate saw his actions, smiled and shook her head without saying anything, because she didn't believe that Chen Bin would really stir up trouble.

However, she misjudged Chen Bin.

Although this guy doesn't like fighting, his ability to cause trouble is no less than that of the trio.

"This man has insulted the clan of the founder of the Qing Xiu Sect, and together with Xiaoxiao's people, falsely accused the Cuixu Chen family of being a Xiyi barbarian!" Chen Bin used a loud curse to spread these words throughout the vast garden, and all the guests at the banquet fell silent. !

"This great-grandson..." The old man just shook his head when he heard this and continued to drink wine.

Such trivial matters are really not suitable for the patriarchal pillar to mediate. The Chinese monk world also pays attention to seniority.

The young man in Tsing Yi obviously did not expect that Chen Bin would act out of common sense and be stared at by hundreds of people with unfriendly eyes. His face suddenly changed from red to blue, and from green to purple.

Of course Chen Bin knew what common sense was. Just like in a costume drama, it was Chen Bin's time to let go of the tall young man's hand, then angrily hold his hand to the man in Tsing Yi and ask him to declare his home.

According to the principles of TV dramas, those who dare to stir up trouble must have a strong background, and those who will at least provoke after hearing about the Baron family must have something to rely on.

If Chen Bin really did this, wouldn't it just give him a chance to show off?

Therefore, Chen Bin did not ask about his identity at all. He first established the fact that these two people were provoking the entire Chen family, and then ignored you as a false prince. First, he stated the facts to support his arguments, and the second was to start a family duel. .

Xujue is no longer useful in the Republic!

This is like the pure-blood nobles in the magical world who have a higher reputation, but when it comes to wizard duels, they still have to rely on the strength of their subordinates.

A dozen young men in blue from the Qing Xiu Sect came over and asked the man in blue what had just happened.

This is an unabashed bias. Even though martial arts cultivators are often discriminated against, the Chen family is also a descendant of the founder of the Qing Xiu Sect, that is, a member of the Qing Xiu Sect.

Chen Bin let go of the hand holding the tall man's finger, and kindly let the disciples of the Qing Xiu Sect know what was going on. He also secretly stuffed a photo stone into them as evidence of the image.

Kate became a melon-eater, eating melon seeds while translating their conversation for Harry.

When the guests saw the disciples of the Qingxiu Sect coming forward to investigate, they quickly returned to the original lively mood and paid no attention to what was going on at the table.

Since the Management Bureau acquiesces and even encourages small conflicts between sects and families to maintain the combat power of the entire monk community, this kind of junior discord that explodes at the slightest moment basically happens every day.

"Pindao is Zhu Qitai, the fourth-generation chief disciple of the Shushan Immortal Spirit Sect, who has come to congratulate the fourth-generation chief disciple of the Qingxiu Sect of the Southern Sect on his wedding..."

Surrounded by more than ten people, the young man in Tsing Yi still introduced himself to his family without being humble or arrogant, and then told what happened just now.

He didn't lie, but he didn't tell the whole truth. He even glorified what he had just done, and insinuated Chen Bin into a junior who used his family power to dominate others, but he just couldn't stand it and stopped him.

If the disciples of the Qing Xiu Sect had not read the contents of the Shadow Stone, they would have been deceived by this sharp-tongued bitch.

However, Chen Bin's nature was even meaner than his, and he quickly interrupted: "I just want to ask you, can you accept the Chen family duel in Xin'an County on behalf of the Shushan Fairy Sect?"

Zhu Qitai, who was wearing green clothes, changed his expression, and Chen Binzheng mentioned the young disciple's pain points.

Shushan Sect is a giant sect, and its giants include Kunlun Sect and Penglai Sect.

However, the Monk Administration, which is more powerful than them, does not allow such a powerful force to exist. Well, it does not allow overly powerful sects that may cause potential great turmoil. This large sect has also been broken into multiple alliances.

Take the Shushan Sect as an example. The leader is the leader of the Shushan Sect. The original Taoist temples were divided into dozens of independent sects named Shushan, and the Shushan Immortal Sect is one of them.

In the internal ceremony, they can call themselves Shushan Faction; when supporting the Management Bureau to quell chaos, they can act as a whole and be directly led by the alliance leader.

However, during normal sectarian struggles, the sects within the alliance are not allowed to support each other.

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