Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 324 Zombin becomes a unit of measurement

"I've seen it too, but those men in black only came to Hogwarts to secretly record basic magic. They ran away before I walked over," Dumbledore said.

Chen Bin promised that there were more surprises today than in the past year combined. According to the timeline they were talking about, the three of them were the prototypes of the biggest boss in the last Wizarding War.

Who gave those black-clad teams the courage to challenge the final boss?

Rozier killed without blinking an eye, and a group of masters wiped them out with a wave of his hand.

Grindelwald regarded his enemies as nothing more than trivial matters, and when he killed hundreds of Aurors, he easily killed the entire team.

It's better for the White Demon King, he just wants to drive them away, otherwise if he takes action, he will end up pressing him on the ground and grinding into a deep pit.

Next, the three of them talked to each other, and they quickly analyzed that the so-called "disgusting system" should be the main god mentioned by Chen Bin, and the three demon kings also accepted themselves as character prototypes for entertainment works without any obstacles.

The White Demon King believes that the main god or system is an advanced life that balances the world, but cannot travel through other worlds, so he sends enhanced humans to travel through different time and space. However, those humans have not yet reached the ability to physically shuttle, and they only rely on the power of laws given by the advanced life to pass through the barrier.

Their individual combat power is still lower than Chen Bin, and they are also affected by the laws planted in their bodies by advanced life forms. As long as they say forbidden things, the laws will be triggered and the explosives in their brains will be activated. The bomb was not very powerful and could not penetrate the shield of anyone present, but it could blow up the head of the man in black from the inside.

Only when the mission is completed will the law recognize that they have the right to return. Otherwise, the bomb in the brain will be activated under certain conditions such as deadlines, limited scopes, limited events, etc.

Okay, Chen Bin admitted that his strength was the lowest among the four people present, and it became a unit of measurement.

For example, the strongest among these four is 0.8 Chen Bin, the one with a broken leg is 0.6 Chen Bin, and the average number of men in black that Rozier has encountered is between 0.2-0.8 Chen Bin.

Grindelwald encountered an average of 0.6-1.3 Chen Bin.

Where is Lao Deng? He didn't fight anyone who broke into Hogwarts back then and didn't want to comment.

However, after discussing with the two demon kings for a while, he decided to operate on the blonde beauty who was equivalent to 0.1 Chen Bin first, and remove the bomb from her brain while she was unconscious.

How to get it? Chen Bin didn't understand, and Lao Deng couldn't explain it clearly anyway. He just took out the bomb while her body wasn't paying attention.

Okay, to be more serious, Lao Deng instantly activated the laws in his body. A ball of power wrapped around the outer layer of the bomb, and a ball of power destroyed the weak law in the beauty's body.

At the same time, Grindelwald used magic to open the beauty's brain, Rozier used the Summoning Spell to remove the olive pit, and then Grindelwald used the Episkey to close the wound. Everything was completed within one second.

How does Dumbledore use the power of the Law? Chen Bin couldn't tell. There was no light and shadow, no sound effects and no special fluctuations. He just pressed the beauty's temple with one hand and the side of her neck with the other, and then said: "Ready - start."

Open the head, fly out the olive nucleus, close the head, done. There is nothing surprising about anything. The most attractive thing is that Grindelwald can complete two magic spells in half a second.

The three of them wrapped the olive stone with magic and studied it for a long time. They also took out a telescope to record the complete spell on the surface. Finally, they opened the shell and found extremely backward black powder inside.

Now, Chen Bin was also embarrassed for them.

Embarrassing as it is, the interrogation must continue.

The beauty was awakened by Grindelwald, and then her soul was stolen by Rozier. This time there were no restrictions.

Next, Chen Bin stopped reading and went back to the dormitory to tell Kate and Maharat what he saw and heard today.

The next day, Old Deng convened an emergency meeting of the International Federation of Wizards before dawn, notifying the ministries of magic of various countries about the origins of the men in black. Then representatives from various places also brought out many old cases and exchanged everyone's opinions. .

Overall, there have been suspected attacks by men in black on all continents.

Although there are not many men in black in Africa, one of the cases attracted Chen Bin's attention.

It is said that in 1993, a war broke out in a small country. Soldiers from a large country exchanged fire with the local armed militia due to wrong intelligence. One of the soldiers' iron green dragonfly was shot down by the militia's iron barrel...

Well, Chen Bin is sure that the world is missing a movie.

This matter originally had nothing to do with Uncle Hei and the wizard, but the man in black wanted to help the soldier escape from the battle circle, so he fired an energy cannon and hit a certain wizard tribe, and then staged dozens of Uncle Hei and seven black people. In the end, the group of provocateurs were beaten to death on the spot.

The local Ministry of Magic received the report and searched the soldier's memory through soul magic, then wrote it into a file and sealed it. One letter was sealed for four years, and it will continue to be sealed if no one asks about it.

Generally speaking, various magical circles have also captured men in black, and it is believed that more men in black have appeared in Muggle society, even in ancient times.

For example, in Dongfang's rich and complete literature, there are more than a dozen nicknames for people in black: "visitors from another world", "enemy in black clothing", "sky breaker", "outsider" and "world-disturbing weirdo" etc. wait.

Their methods, attire, and behavior also have similar patterns. The most important thing is that the documents also include meticulous paintings depicting the attire of the men in black for identification.

In history, they have really done a lot of bad things. Asian monks have killed many of these uninvited guests. In most cases, they can be hunted and killed, but in some rare cases, they can escape smoothly and disappear into this world.

It's a pity that countries have killed countless people with this scabies disease from ancient times to the present, but they have never caught anyone alive, because they will self-destruct and die as long as they are interrogated for a while, and they will never reveal any information about the organization.

It's not that the strongest person in the world has been unable to force him to find out the details of the people in black, but the people in black died before they even met them.

How can we say that from ancient times to the present, those who have had conflicts with men in black have always been grassroots personnel. At most, only middle-level leaders like Moody interrogate men in black. Therefore, the prisoners have already been played before they reach the level of Lao Deng. died.

Now, Dumbledore has become the first wizard in history to capture the Man in Black alive, and has also delivered a complete report, explaining in depth their organizational structure, worldview and other information. This kind of contribution can definitely be recorded in the history books. Correction, it is the joint register, because this top secret is prohibited from being disclosed to ordinary residents. Only high-level officials of each Ministry of Magic can read it, and it will never be recorded in the history of magic.

In order to study these extraterrestrial visitors with manpower, knowledge and equipment, the three people and one corpse were directly sent to the "International Federation of Wizards" for the various ministries of magic to squeeze out the remaining value.

After reading these meeting minutes, Chen Bin yawned greatly.

When he was about to have breakfast, Lao Deng handed over the confessions spitted out by three men in black.

Chen Bin was helpless. Lao Deng didn't need to sleep and looked like he had finished breakfast, but he was not iron-clad. The absence of Grindelwald and Rozier in the office meant they had gone to catch up on some sleep, and maybe had some breakfast.

(ω`;): "Professor, I'm hungry, can you go downstairs first..."

With a sweep of Lao Deng's elderberry wand, the desk was filled with breakfast.

Chen Bin read while eating, and unknowingly, he finally finished reading the three-foot-thick stack of confessions before lunch.

Others used magic quills to record automatically, but Chen Bin had to carefully read sentence by sentence to deduce their complete worldview.

This is a very complicated world. No matter how powerful Dumbledore, Grindelwald and Rozier are, even anyone in 1997 cannot figure it out.

It was Lao Deng who couldn't understand it half-heartedly, so Chen Bin was forced to sit here and sort it out for him, preparing a report for the day after tomorrow.

According to the English definition, a confession is a kind of unprocessed data (Data) that becomes valuable information (Information) after analysis and interpretation.

Dumbledore was afraid that his half-understanding and subjective opinions would eventually lead to wrong analysis results in the analyzed data.

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