Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 289 Birthday Gift

In early August, this was the most stressful summer vacation in Harry's life - Hermione and her family were coming to visit the Dursleys.

He recalled that this summer vacation seemed to be the same as usual, but also seemed that many things had changed.

During the summer vacation, when my uncle and aunt saw the report card, their expressions were so wonderful that Harry wanted to laugh even now.

When they saw in the living room that there was only one A, three Ds, and the remaining five subjects were O, which was lower than F and G, the couple looked at each other, remained silent, and looked at each other again, repeating this dozens of times.

"It's nothing, just not U, you did your best." Aunt Petunia said with a forced smile, beckoning Harry to sit on the sofa.

Vernon sat on the other side of him, snorted coldly, and said with a straight face: "Petunia, Harry is almost eighteen years old, don't give him useless comfort."

After a pause, he suppressed his anger and said in a calm voice as much as possible: "Harry, maybe we banned you from reviewing during the holidays, which prevented you from catching up. You can be angry, but you are not allowed to go to work with these results. . I will write to your principal later to discuss the cost of re-study and see if I can catch up with the re-examination next year."

"What?" Harry was confused.

As his uncle and aunt chatted for a long time, Harry finally understood what they were talking about. It turned out that they had confused the letter grades of O.W.L.s with the Muggle fifth-year open examination grades.

This year, Dudley was also a candidate, so they preconceptionally believed that the grading of O.W.L.s should be A to G, and U which cannot be classified.

Harry understood that his uncle and aunt reacted this way because they were nervous about his studies, so he patiently explained the O.W.L.s grading standards and his current development direction.

After listening to Harry's story, Vernon held his chin in thought for a while and concluded: "That is to say, the three subjects you failed in are useless. You have been concentrating on training the most important five subjects all year long. A subject? Also, are you a trainee police officer now?"

"Well, that's it." Harry still couldn't figure out whether Aurors were considered police officers. They were more like a mixture of agents, intelligence agents, SWAT and soldiers, but speaking outright would probably scare them.

"Yes, are what those newspapers said true? In what valley did you fight with the mysterious forces?" Petunia was obviously more concerned about Harry's safety, and she even took out the old news from the Daily Prophet and read it carefully.

"Uh... haha, don't believe what the newspapers write. They just want to create celebrities. I was safe that day."

Harry told a small lie and did not forget Professor Dumbledore's confidentiality regulations.

Vernon picked up another stack of old newspapers and asked with confusion on his face: "So, the two drills near Charing Shizi Road were fake? Their world just broke out over there with some monster from Gringle Bank. ?Did you really win?"

Harry had a headache and regretted regularly sending them old newspapers that Hermione had read.

However, when he saw the worry in their eyes, he still spent the whole day telling them everything he could about this school year.

Before going to work the next day, Vernon patted Harry on the shoulder and said sincerely: "Remember to write to us more often to say you are safe."

Petunia had been cheering Harry on all day long, and told him to get enough rest when he returned to school and not to fall ill due to overwork.

In the days that followed, Dudley took him to play video game consoles to relieve him from the pressure of waiting for the exam results to be released. Harry's skills were terrible, whether he was fighting against Dudley or working together to clear levels, he would end up losing his life, but Dudley didn't complain.

What surprised Harry was that technology in Muggle society had advanced rapidly.

Before you know it, game consoles no longer use cassettes but thin discs. Mobile phones are becoming smaller and smaller. Computers at home can also be plugged into telephone lines to connect to the global "entry network" or "internet".

Harry felt out of touch with Muggle society. Even if Dudley patiently explained that "Internet" meant the Internet, it still took him a long time to understand the meaning of websites and networks, and what the Internet was.

However, when he heard the word protocol (IP; Internet Protocol), Harry still gave up. Did he have to sign a draft agreement for the previous website?

Muggle society was too far away from Harry, so he was still used to watching TV during the summer vacation. At least the buttons on the remote control were still familiar to him.

However, he is still self-disciplined and takes four hours every day to write summer homework and memorize the thick Auror skills manual.

During this time, he also spent more than an hour on the phone with Hermione every day.

He never thought that he could talk so much, and even boring things would become interesting as long as he shared them with Hermione.

However, what made him feel most helpless was that Hermione no longer had to do her homework!

Among the five-person small group, Ron and he were still students. Chen Bin, Kate, and even Hermione also graduated early and became professors.

Thinking of this, Harry felt depressed and helpless.

He is confident that he will get O grades in advance next year in the five subjects he has trained day and night for. However, the three of them have all applied for all 12 subjects. Would it be embarrassing for him to apply for N.E.W.T.s in advance but only apply for 5 subjects?

He did not tell Hermione about this idea, but Hermione told him a surprising news on the phone - her parents wanted to visit the Dursleys, tentatively scheduled for early August.

Hermione's parents noticed changes in her after she came back, especially the fact that she often locked herself in her room and chatted on the phone for a long time, and soon they found out that she was in love.

"Have I left any bad impression on them?" Harry asked nervously.

Hermione on the other end of the phone chuckled and teased: "Do you know how to be afraid now? It's too late!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hedwig flew in from the window, clutching a gift in her lap.

I unwrapped the gift paper and opened the box. Inside were individually wrapped trinkets. They were not edible and I didn’t know how to use them. They were obviously Muggle things.

What left Harry speechless the most was that both the packaging and instructions were written in Chinese characters.

There was a post-it note on the outside of the box: "Sorry Harry, I'm late in sending you a birthday gift. This time I carefully selected a suitable gift for you and asked my father to bring it to the castle for Hedwig as a gift when he was at work. Reply. [Note: Keep this thing in a safe place, don’t show it to others, and only use it when necessary. Remember it!]"

You don't need to guess to know that this is Chen Bin's gift.

"Hermione, I received a gift from Bin, but I don't know what it is. It's all Chinese characters..." Harry couldn't describe the gift clearly even with his poor Muggle knowledge.

"Forget it! When I come to your house, you can show it to me. The Chinese characters in the manual shouldn't be too profound. I'm getting ready to go to bed. Think about it carefully and see if you have left any bad impression on me. My parents, hum."

After hanging up the phone, Harry tossed and turned for a long time, unable to fall asleep.

Finally, he thought of a way to ask for help!

Shenzhen City is 6,000 kilometers away.

(ω): "What? Are you going to meet your parents? At one o'clock the day after tomorrow?"

A strange female creature jumped up from the chair in the garden, and the hand holding the cell phone trembled with excitement, possessed by the spirit of gossip.

"Well, okay. I haven't visited the Grangers since I became little Hermione's godmother. I'll call them now to see if I can come to your house as a guest. Well, well, well, okay Yes, okay. That’s it…”

"Who is your mother-in-law chatting with? It's scary..." Brother Xiao Ming saw Yisha drooling and couldn't help but feel a chill.

"Shh-" Kate saw Isha's ears move and immediately mouthed: "She can do two things at once, you are dead."

! ! ! ∑(Дノ)ノ: "Brother-in-law, I have something urgent for my brother, please leave first!"

"Fortunately, I opened international roaming for Harry." ヾ(▽)ノ: "Hey, Xiao Mingming left so soon? It doesn't matter. I'll give him more experience against Western magic when he comes back."

Katerina: "(°°)...Why can torture and beating be described in such a fresh and refined way...?"

The Czech Republic is more than 8,000 kilometers away from Shenzhen City.

In some of the small towns here, there is a mixture of a bar and a dance hall in one town. Its architectural style is completely inconsistent with ordinary shops. It has a retro and run-down style, and it seems that the townspeople cannot see this shop. .

The inside of the store is not as small as it looks. Once you walk in, you will find that the space seems to be ten times larger.

Not as if, but really broadened.

Under the light of the flickering oil lamp, the long bar exudes a different kind of charm.

The bartender shook the mixing glass to the powerful music, and several wizards with intoxicated faces were sitting on the row of round chairs opposite the bar.

There is an office in the corner of the hall on the first floor. There is a row of benches outside the office door. Sitting on the bench is Chen Bin, who is wearing a traveling robe. Chen Bin is full of swear words.

He's been sitting here for over an hour!

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