Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 263 Umbridge vs. Dumbledore

"You - you can't!" Trelawney howled. "You - you can't fire me! I've been - I've been here for sixteen years! Hogwarts is my - my s home!"

"It used to be your home." Umbridge watched Trelawney fall on the box and cry bitterly, with a proud smile on her toad face. "The Minister of Magic signed your dismissal an hour ago. Now please leave the hall, you are embarrassing us."

She stood aside with a look of gloating on her face, watching Trelawney's ugliness.

Harry heard a sob to his left and looked back to see Lavender holding Ron and crying.

Then, Professor McGonagall squeezed out of the crowd and walked up to Professor Trelawney, patting her on the back and handing her a handkerchief.

"Okay, okay, Sybil... calm down... blow your nose... it's not as bad as you think... you're not leaving Hogwarts..."

"Oh, really, Professor McGonagall?" Umbridge took a few steps forward and said viciously: "Who approved this...?"

"Me." A deep voice said.

The door opened and Dumbledore walked out, followed by Chen Bin and Isabel.

With an unpleasant shrill laugh, Umbridge showed the dismissal order from the Ministry of Magic and quoted "Education Order No. 23". The Supreme Inquisitor of Hogwarts has the power to inspect, keep on probation and dismiss anyone who does not deserve it. Teachers who meet Ministry of Magic standards.

Dumbledore also smiled and raised his hand.

Chen Bin immediately stepped forward to support Lao Deng. "Civil Security Order - Article 003, Section 4, Bylaw c, the Civil Security Captain has the right to recruit any legal resident to serve as an instructor."

As soon as these words came out, Umbridge's expression suddenly changed.

"Divination" and "History of Magic" do not have afternoon practical classes. Firstly, there are few classes, and secondly, they have no practical value. She obviously saw that Trelawney did not have the status of an instructor, so she used this method to undermine Dumbledore's arrogance.

"I don't think divination has anything to do with combat power. You don't have the right to use special moves..." Umbridge's face became distorted, but she was interrupted by Chen Bin before she could finish her words.

"Divination can effectively predict signs of potential violations by team members. The details are military secrets. Are you sure you want to spy?" Chen Bin's eyes rolled out to the sky again, and he almost raised his middle finger.

The students also snickered. When had Trelawney's predictions ever succeeded?

"I want to complain to the Ministry of Magic about your abuse of power." Umbridge said with a frosty face.

"I will use my captain's veto power to reject your appeal. Please study the team order carefully before expressing your opinion." Chen Bin replied and took a step back.

Isabel opened the parchment in front of the station and read aloud: "The 12th resolution of the school board of directors this year: Since the Supreme Investigator and the "Defense Against the Dark Arts" professor are not appointed by the school, from the signing of this statement, any person not appointed by the school No one is allowed to occupy any resources provided by the school."

She paused deliberately, looked at the purple-faced female witch, and said slowly: "Including, but not limited to, the dormitory..."

Suddenly a lot of debris was left upstairs, such as suitcases, pillows, countless pink clothes, etc.


Countless cat-shaped ornaments, furry decorations, lace cushions, documents scattered into waste paper, etc. fell from the sky.

"...and daily meals, etc."

Suddenly a chair flew out of the auditorium and landed on the pile of debris that looked like garbage.

Filch was responsible for the debris falling from the sky, but the chair was used by Chen Bin to disgust Umbridge.

"Anyone who violates this will be deemed as illegal trespassing or theft. This resolution was unanimously approved by the school board and will be enforced today." Isabel turned the parchment over and gave it to the witch, clearly Show the thirteen signatures below, which are the names of all representatives of the school board.

Professor Sprout helped Trelawney go upstairs, Professor Flitwick used his wand to direct her luggage to follow behind, and Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore left with a dash of grace.

The students who were watching all laughed at Professor Umbridge. She stood there blankly, her face turning purple, but she remained silent.

"She's about to become a Ninja Turtle." Chen Bin whistled and walked to the auditorium with Isabel to have dinner.

At breakfast on the second morning, Dumbledore appointed Isabel as the new "Divination" teacher, teaching this course together with Caitlina.

Umbridge was also deprived of the right to eat here, so she did not appear in the Great Hall.

Last night, she left the castle with the debris scattered on the floor. Today's "Daily Prophet" did not report this incident, let alone a new education order.

Chen Bin thought she would really pack up and go home, but unexpectedly, a group of students also saw her attending the first class on time.

Isabel chose to teach all levels of "Divination" with Kate at the same time, which made many students also want to enroll in this course. Who said they were the two most beautiful professors at Hogwarts?

In the evening, "History of Magic" classroom.

During the break of "Martial Arts Society", Ron sat in a corner and sighed: "Without Trelawney's Divination, only Lavender and Parvati are sad."

Chen Bin sat on a chair by the wall and joked: "How is it? Have you kissed Brown?"

"I still don't dare to think about it." Ron blushed and shook his head: "I'm afraid that if everyone becomes enthusiastic, it will lead to entanglement like the prophecy book."

"Smart choice." Chen Bin patted him on the shoulder and handed him a bottle of orange juice.

Ron took a sip, and from the corner of his eye he spotted Hermione sitting not far away, eavesdropping with her ears raised, and immediately winked at Chen Bin.

Although there is no telepathy between men, everyone can read many universal looks.

Therefore, Chen Bin secretly cast a curse and said, "What's going on?"

"Hermione seems to be deliberately distancing herself from you," Ron said out of the corner of his mouth, afraid that Hermione could read lips.

"Isn't this great?" Chen Bin thought something big had happened.

He rolled his eyes at Ron, then walked over to Kate to show his courtesy.

(~o ̄3 ̄)~: "Kate, your apple juice. I just squeezed it freshly and put it in the refrigerator immediately. It was exactly 4 degrees Celsius..."

Ever since the gloomy March turned into the stormy April, Chen Bin has been practicing to the point of vomiting.

Umbridge became a toothless tiger who could only frantically seek trouble for students, but more and more students did not take her seriously.

She could only teach "Defense Against the Dark Arts" in the morning. The students only needed to be in a daze in her class. At most, they would just take a detour when they saw her in the corridor.

With Isabel as the school director teaching, Umbridge's destructive power has been suppressed to almost zero, but the premise is not to seek death. For example, Lee Jordan was often punished for copying books with a blood-sucking quill because of his bad mouth.

Seeing Umbridge getting haggard day by day, Yisha showed the pleasure of revenge, which scared Chen Bin.

! ! ! ∑(Дノ)ノ: "Ishaben'er, she didn't fall in love with you either, why do you hate her so much?"

Isha put down the knife and smiled happily: "I have read the entire novel dozens of times since I was a child. The one I hate the most is this dwarf. Now I can finally avenge my childhood hatred against her."

Kate and Chen Bin: "Σ┗(@ロ@;)┛?"

From then on, Chen Bin began to feel pity for this pink witch. Even though she had not done any evil, she was still being suppressed by the most powerful wizard family in the UK. She still came from a long way to work every day, and even had to prepare her own food...

Without the D.A., and Harry didn't have time to hang out, there shouldn't be any accidents.

Unfortunately, Chen Bin was woken up by the doorbell in his sleep.

He opened the door and took a look. An anxious Lupine said quickly: "Harry was seriously injured and is being treated in the infirmary. Dumbledore asked me to take you there."

"Why not send it to St. Mungo's?" Chen Bin summoned a robe and put it on himself, and ran towards the castle with Lu Ping.

"It's too late...it's too late, and it's not safe. Now...Dumbledore is stabilizing his injury, and he can't get away to find you." Lu Ping couldn't catch up with Chen Bin, so he ran and said, unable to regain his breath. .

"I'll go over first and talk about it later." Chen Bin integrated Qinggong into the white smoke and disappeared in an instant.

"Who is it?" Sirius, who was guarding the door, saw a cloud of white smoke rushing towards him, and the tip of his staff immediately glowed with emerald green light.

"I am Chen Bin. Lupine said that Dumbledore was looking for me." Chen Bin showed his figure at the end of the corridor and walked over with his hands raised.

"Stop." Sirius said nervously without putting down his wand, "Where was the place where we first met?"

"The activity room of the new teaching building." Chen Bin replied immediately.

"What activity room is it?" Sirius continued to ask.

Chen Bin rolled his eyes at Sirius, who had an angry look on his face, and said angrily: "Don't make it seem like you will remember such a trivial matter..."

"Answer me!" Sirius shouted sharply: "You have absorbed the Philosopher's Stone, so you must remember such small things, otherwise you will be fake."

Chen Bin understood his current uneasiness, thought for a few seconds, and replied: "No. 10."

"Correct." The door suddenly opened and Professor McGonagall's voice came out.

Sirius immediately relaxed when he saw that the door was open. It was obvious that he didn't know the answer, but someone inside the door remembered it.

"What's the matter..." Chen Bin said halfway and was shocked by the scene in front of him.

The medical room is surrounded by substantial magic power, and bursts of white smoke separate the space.

As soon as Chen Bin came in, the door closed automatically, and Sirius stood guard outside the door and did not come in.

Through a burst of white smoke, Chen Bin couldn't tell whether the twisted figure on the bed was Harry, but the two tall and normal figures standing beside the bed should be Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey came over with a table of herbs, not far from the door.

Suddenly, a strong hand stretched out from beside him.

Chen Bin's martial arts sense was not bad, but he didn't feel any hostility from this person.

"Narma, I beg you to save Harry. I beg you...please..." Snape grabbed Chen Bin's collar with one hand, his face was distorted, he seemed to be crying but not crying, almost like a madman .

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