With a hurt tone, Maharat rubbed his forehead and explained:

"I guess that for works that do not exist in this world, the prototype events are likely to actually happen or have already happened, or they may also happen in other balanced worlds.

As for the causal relationship, I believe that there should be facts first, and then the creators of Balanced World receive these fragments and then create new works based on these fragments. "

Seeing Chen Bin's dubious expression, she asked as plainly as possible: "I believe you have also experienced 'Déjà vu', right?"

(﹃): "What is Day-fake husband?"

Don’t think that Chen Bin must know all English words just because he has lived in the UK for fifteen years. As soon as you hear this term, you will know that it is not English!

"Well, to use the words of your country to describe it, it is the sense of déjà vu, hallucination memory and deja vu." Maharat was a little speechless, but still said patiently: "This refers to the first time in a sober state. Seeing a certain scene but feeling like you have experienced it before is a physiological phenomenon common to most people. Muggles classify it as the brain being unable to process the amount of information received one by one, and the brain is 'knotted'. "

(`): "You know so much."

Seeing his heartfelt praise, Maharat didn't know whether to be angry or amused, and said as if out of strength: "Alas... this is the knowledge that exists in your mind, but you have forgotten it..."

In the end, Chen Bin did not delve into the real-life information of "Vanity Fair". Instead, he read the world's unique "Dr. Edward Jenner" and sent someone to find out if there was a game called "Resident Evil" in the world.

As a result, the next morning, the answer from the wizard stationed in the island country was: C Company has no zombie games under development or has been developed.

Now, Muggle society's attempts to use modern technology to study magical viruses can only produce weaker zombies!

Without the intervention of the supernatural world, it would definitely become an ironclad fact that zombies would sweep the world.

Therefore, after meeting Lao Deng, he and Maharat immediately came to the capital to ask for a meeting with the Director-General.

On this day, Maharat once again erased the fact that Chen Bin was a soul piercer and told the causes and consequences of everything.

The director-general nodded, indicating that I understand.

What actions will be taken next is not something Chen Bin can spy on.

On the other hand, the director-general promised to set up a soul extraction research team for Chen Bin and try to find a way to remove Maharat's soul attached to them without any damage.

However, after several Hanfu doctors inspected them, they thought that some theoretical research should be done first, because this matter is quite difficult in the monk world.

Maharat was not depressed when he heard this. Instead, he kept thanking the doctors for their help. The Western magic world has already sentenced this symptom to death, and it is great that the monks can do theoretical research on it.

As for whether Maharat's soul can be taken out without damage, it is secondary for the time being. The most important thing is that China can research and take out the remnant soul of Voldemort from Harry's body without damage.

It's not about keeping Voldemort's remnant soul intact, but it's about keeping Harry intact.

If this problem cannot be solved, it is likely that if you want to kill Voldemort, you must kill Harry first, or wait until Harry dies of old age naturally before killing Voldemort.

It was almost dawn when the two returned to Hogwarts.

As soon as Maharat came back, he simply used prophecy to divine the result of the magic virus, and got an answer that left Chen Bin speechless - it had been solved.

It's not that the monk world is really efficient, but it's the result of simple divination so that there is no magic virus outbreak.

In other words, since Maharat had a conversation with the Director-General, the prototype event of "Resident Evil" disappeared forever before it even started.

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