Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 254 The ending is wrong

After Barty Jr. successfully resurrected Voldemort, all the threads of fate suddenly broke, and countless branches suddenly appeared.

However, Maharat passed through Trelawney's mouth, and the prophecy was changed incorrectly. She originally looked at the photo stone, smiled politely, and said, "Aaron, I want to talk to you."

However, when it came to Trelawney's mouth, she smiled evilly and made a provocative mouth shape: Thief of Destiny!

When Chen Bin heard this, he couldn't help laughing, and Maharat's face turned red with anger.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. I swear I won't harass you next time."

After Chen Bin really laughed enough, Maharat continued her unfinished story.

Maharat had by then fallen into despair.

When the first Maharat volunteered to become a Horcrux, he obviously did not predict that one day, the magical world would degenerate to the point that no one would be able to receive the complete prophecy.

As Chen Bin and Dumbledore's plan unfolds over the next year, Maharat discovers that the future does not necessarily lead to the worst, or even exceeds the best outcome of the original fate.

Now, Maharat hopes to find out where Chen Bin's prophetic ability comes from, so he has to talk to Chen Bin.

In terms of bloodline, Caitlina was infused with Chen Bin's magic power, which was nearly three times that of an adult wizard, barely meeting the conditions to possess a descendant of the bloodline.

However, before talking, she must find out the source of Chen Bin's prophecy.

Since Katerina has some of the same magic power as Chen Bin, Maharat followed this magic mark and sneaked into Chen Bin's body.

If part of the magic power is not injected in exactly the same way, no matter how powerful Sibyl's secret technique is, she will not be able to enter the bodies of wizards of different bloodlines.

"Stop! Are you mistaken? What's the difference between you and Myrtle?" Chen Bin was angry.

As she spoke, her voice became lower and lower, and Chen Bin's answer could not be heard.

Looking up, she saw Chen Bin staring at her with a look that said, "If you believe me, you will become blind."

"Caitlina, do you mind if she's possessed?" Chen Bin asked coldly.

"I... don't mind..." Katerina blushed and lowered her head.

"You're fake!" Chen Bin suddenly shouted.

"How do you know?" "Katerina" asked in surprise.

Chen Bin glared and said, "Because I'm lying to you!"

He cursed without repetition for nearly a minute. Maharat's head lowered lower and lower, and finally he suddenly raised his head and said: "Bin, stop, her consciousness has retreated deep inside my body."

(д): "Can you prove that you are Katerina?"

(): "I can't prove it, but I am who I am. I vaguely feel like she is sobbing deep in my mind. Bin, I feel that she really has no ill intentions towards us and has always been helping us. Please stop scolding her." ?"

(): "Now, who has the highest body control? Also, how can she get out of your body?"

(): "I don't know either... I will listen to you as much as you want. We can't communicate consciously in the body."

_: "Wait, why don't you seem worried at all? Are you fake Kate? Call the real Kate out to see me."

(): "Bin, stop being so funny. If she had any ill intentions towards us, we would have died long ago."

(Speech): "Why do you always say good things for her? You are Maharat, right?"

Σ(,,Δ,,*): "Is being nervous useful? Can saying bad things about her solve the problem? Don't you feel that her thinking and personality are still at the age of 24 before she died? You are so fierce, which girl dares to continue Chatting with you? Will refusing to communicate solve the problem?"

Chen Bin was dumbfounded.

Then, after half an hour of persuading him, Maharat regained control of Kate's body.

As soon as she came back, she warned in a timid and uneasy tone: "If you scold me again, I will never talk to you again."

(_): "Sorry, continue your story."

She stared at Chen Bin seriously for nearly a minute, making sure that he really wouldn't lose his temper again before continuing.

It was said that she entered Chen Bin's consciousness, but found that his memory area was blocked by a blood curse.

This is the kind of Occlumency that Salazar Slytherin mastered. This was medieval magic, and she was still confident that she could use ancient secrets to bypass it.

However, this blood curse strengthens the connection between the soul and magic power. Basically, without the total amount of magic power in Chen Bin's body, it is impossible to break through this blood curse.

Does Maharat possess this level of magical power? No, but Dragon Heart does. Just by using this level of magic power, Chen Bin's brain will become a piece of mush, and he will be an imbecile forever.

She believes that the two sides are not enemies, and of course they cannot invade in such an extreme way.

Therefore, she has been staying in Chen Bin's mind, waiting for him to fall asleep every time.

Dreams are her home court. As long as she follows the memories of dreams, she will always find the source of his prophecy.

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