Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 234 Ear miscarriage

In order to prevent accidents from happening again, Dumbledore decided to eliminate Voldemort in advance last year. If he failed, he would implement a European-wide mobilization system to work together to squeeze out the living space of his group. That is to say, now Voldemort and his group can only hide their heads and show their tails, doing A group of roving terrorists cannot control the British wizarding world.

Without a solid base as a springboard, Voldemort's gang would never be able to unify Europe and would always be just fugitives.

"Since you have also joined Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix, and my family happens to have a brain-blocking blood curse, so as long as I engrave you with a blood curse, I shouldn't continue to hide this secret from you." Chen Bin added the simple story Two hours of water, most of which is about Princess Isha and Dongfang CEO meeting, getting to know each other, falling in love, killing each other, and finally reaching spiritual resonance in the test of life and death, thus entering the palace of marriage.

Everyone ranged from doubts, disbelief, surprise, and total disbelief to the fact that you made up a story to lie to me!

However, Chen Bin didn't care about their feelings and continued to introduce Katerina as the wife he married in Xiangjiang. The two had been married for ten years, and he also took out a temporary forged marriage certificate and circulated it to everyone.

At this time, everyone was surprised again. Xiangjiang's certificate did not have a photo, but the names of both parties were written on the certificate in Chinese and English. They became a legal couple in 1985.

That Ukrainian identity was Kate's backup identity in Muggle society, and she didn't expect to catch Voldemort. Her true identity is a Chinese Ukrainian spy. She met, got to know, fell in love, and killed each other during a secret mission with Chen Bin. Finally, they reached spiritual resonance in the test of life and death, and thus entered the palace of marriage.

Cough, cough, cough, Chen Bin has talked nonsense to the point where he no longer blushes, but he doesn't want to continue counting words, and finally sighed: "That's the way it is, please keep this secret for me. Come on, who will engrave Occlumency first?"

Most of the people believed it, especially Sirius who asked Isha for the secret of aging. Of course there is no secret technique, but there are a lot of skin creams that incorporate the principles of the blood curse.

"Apply it evenly on the face, and the effect will be visible the next day. It will have immediate effects on Muggles, but it needs to be subtle for wizards. If you don't believe me, you can apparate to the Dursleys to see their effects."

Isha promised so firmly that even Tonks believed her.

Fleur has been maintaining a state of collapse of faith, while Harry and Ron are checking Chen Bin and Kate's Chinese documents. The age above is 36 years old, and all the information is the same as the real thing, because this is the real thing that the Administration asked Brother Yiming to rush over.

Well, the description of the genuine product is not entirely accurate. The certificate is genuine, but the false information was not actually entered into the customs computer system. It needs to be handed over to Chen Weiguo for destruction immediately after use.

"Hermione, I'm sorry that I lied to you for so long." Kate said guiltily: "You haven't learned Occlumency yet, and you were still in the training stage of Director Dumbledore, so I couldn't Let me tell you the truth."

Does Hermione believe their lies? Doubtful, but the reality is often more absurd than the story, such as prophecy, Sirius has been wronged for twelve years, Pettigrew has been pretending to be a mouse for twelve years and won the Order of Merlin, etc.

In order to find out the facts, she asked Chen Bin to return to his eleven-year-old Western appearance.

"I don't know how." Chen Bin shook his head calmly and said with a smile: "This magic was blessed by Yisha, and using it on others consumes magic power and potions. You can ask Yisha to perform it for you."

Everyone looked at Isha in unison. The latter glared angrily at his son who was looking for trouble, and then gradually turned into a little girl. He waved to everyone before changing back to his original appearance.

"You said this is your true appearance," Hermione questioned: "Why are Isha's mother and your father younger than you?"

"Yisha's appearance is also younger than the Western face I had before." Chen Bin shook his head and said: "Also, they have been studying the secret art of beauty for a longer period of time, so they are naturally younger than me."

Ron and Harry nodded, as if what they said made sense. Tonks was urging Lupine to try the anti-aging cream, and she seemed to be interested in Lupine.

"When was the Independent Commission Against Corruption established?" Hermione stared at the Eastern version of Chen Bin anxiously, hoping that he would not be able to answer.

Anyone who has read The Legend of Lei Luo will also know this knowledge point, but Chen Bin has no intention of following Hermione's lead. She could ask the Independent Commission Against Corruption because she read a lot of Muggle books about Chen Bin's birthplace in her spare time. If she asked her questions one by one, there would always be something he couldn't answer.

"Hermione, this knowledge is also taught in social studies at Xiangjiang Primary School. Whether I understand the answers or not does not mean whether I am a person of that era." Chen Bin walked up behind her and Ron, put his hands on the backs of their heads, and said calmly: " I am here to engrave you with an enhanced version of the Occluded Blood Curse, and whether you believe my words or not is not within my scope of consideration."

Hermione was finally speechless.

At best, they are just brother and sister, but now people "frankly" say that they are at least father and daughter in age difference, and at least they are father and daughter. He was also a few months older than Sirius!

The most important thing is that Chen Bin is not hers, she is just Isha's goddaughter. Just like Harry is Sirius's godson, he actually has nothing to do with the members of the Black family. He really has no obligation. Explain until she believes it.

In the end, after Chen Bin carved the Occlumency Blood Curse on Ron and Hermione, he also carved the same blood curse on Sirius, Tonks and Fleur. They are already subordinates of Dumbledore's faction and have more or less mastered some military secrets. As for Lu Ping, he already knew how to do this, so there was no need to bother Chen Bin.

After eating, Chen Bin was not interested in staying in this shabby room, and apparated away with Katerina.

Sirius took the shy Lupine back to his room to try out the effects of the anti-aging cream, while Isla chatted with Tonks about her progress in catching up with Lupine. Yisha is very experienced in this area, otherwise Chen Bin would not have been born.

Furong continued to sit at the dining table in a daze, as if she couldn't accept Chen Bin's "real" identity.

Harry and Ron pulled Hermione into the bedroom. Of course, this was not to play some indescribable thing, but to watch Chen Bin's "sister".

"I heard that you no longer plan to pursue Bin..." Ron held his head and pretended to say what Hermione said in the auditorium that day: "It's good to stay quietly by his side... It's not bad to be siblings... Since As a sister, you can't be much worse than your brother..."

His tone of voice was imitated beautifully, but the female voice that he pretended to be by pinching his throat could make his ears miscarry!

Hermione blushed but couldn't refute! The second words she said will definitely become a stain on her life.

"I finally understand how Professor McGonagall feels... In fact, it's pretty good to live like her all her life... never get married... always be able to stay by his side... quietly... calmly... caringly... …”

Ron continued to pretend to be a girl with his cocky voice, and Hermione was so angry that she finally pulled out her wand and threatened: "Are you going to forget everything?"

"Brother, sister is going to bully me!" Ron hid behind Harry but refused to show weakness.

"That's enough, Ron." Harry pushed him onto the bed with his butt and turned around and said: "Hermione, you heard it too. Bin's real age is several months older than Sirius. It's time to forget about unrealistic fantasies. ”

Hermione sat frustratedly on Harry's bed and thought quietly for a while. She always felt that Chen Bin was performing for her and Furong today, but she didn't have any evidence. However, Chen Bin was originally a Chinese wizard over 30 years old, so all this is more reasonable.

As a first grader, he was smarter and more mature than a seventh grader and knew more than his students. He didn't speak English to begin with, and even the sleep talk he uttered when he fell asleep in class was in Chinese. He prefers Chinese things to anything in the West. This is like a complex engraved in the soul, definitely not like a British boy who grew up in London.

And Caitlina, if explained by age-reversing magic, it would make sense why she has been such a monster since the first grade. She was unable to learn Eastern magic since she was a child because of her Western bloodline. She was misdiagnosed as a squib by the Chinese magic community. Then she met Chen Bin during a mission, and eventually they got married.

It wasn't until Chen Bin entered Hogwarts that he thought that his wife might not be a squib, so he tried to ask Yisha to teach her Western magic. Unexpectedly, she was able to use it. Therefore, Kate first obtained a fake Ukrainian Muggle identity, was discovered by the local magic school, and then joined a local cooperative magic family, and then transferred to Hogwarts to accompany her husband.

Then, Dumbledore took the initiative to cooperate with Chen Bin, and Caitlin quickly completed the first to seventh grade courses and successfully became a professor with her husband in advance.

This is the plot of Chen Bin's long and bloody story. He and Kate became a pair of supporting characters in Yisha's sweet novel. There are many flaws, but the content is very logical.

"...Actually, if Hermione doesn't mind Chen Bin's age and Eastern identity, why not consider Sirius?" Ron's sneaky discussion interrupted Hermione's thoughts.

"What's wrong with the Orientals? Qiu is also very beautiful and studies well." Harry immediately countered with an example, but still denied it: "But the age difference is really too far. I don't want her to be like me. Godmother, I’m very embarrassed. In fact, the age gap between Remus and Nymphadora is the limit I can bear, they are 13 years apart.”

"Oh my God!" Ron asked, glaring at the bull's eye as if he had discovered a shocking secret: "Is it written by a prophecy? Did they really get together in the end? Why can't you see it at all now?"

Harry suddenly felt that he had let something slip, but sooner or later they would see this part.

"Yes." Harry explained: "Not just the two of them, but Bill and Fleur will also become husband and wife."

He was about to say that Ron and Hermione would also get together and have two babies. However, seeing that there was not only no ambiguity between the two of them, he still didn't dare to continue talking, and it would only be embarrassing.

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