Harry received orthodox Auror training, but he leaned towards pure combat. In addition to Sirius's guidance, there is also Dumbledore's theoretical knowledge. What he teaches is not the school's popular products, but the combat experience and personal skills of the strongest white wizard.

Finally, there is Isabelle's "Spell Practice Course". She provided the same magic-saving kit as Kate's, and Harry also had to practice magic spells on dozens of golden snitches flying erratically in the activity room every day.

Whenever he encounters a problem, Isha is the most patient mentor, solving his practical problems step by step.

After a month of special training like this, Harry's combat prowess immediately increased, and he even kicked Hermione off the top spot in a mock battle, but he still went back to the common room every night like a dog exhausted.

Harry got a rare break for the rest of the weekend, and was still in high spirits walking down the stairs of his dormitory with Ron on Monday morning, even though he had classes he didn't like in the morning.

They walked to the middle of the sunny common room as they discussed Angelina's idea of ​​practicing the sloth's new tree-rolling trick for that evening's Quidditch match.

A small crowd gathered around the Gryffindor bulletin board.

Harry and Ron took a closer look and saw that there was nothing strange about the sale of second-hand spell books, Filch's updated school rules, Quidditch training schedule, etc.

It wasn't until he saw the announcement at the bottom that Ron said, "The legendary "Education Order No. 24" is here."

"Hey, you've heard of it before?" Angelina asked puzzledly.

Harry bumped Ron with his elbow, telling him to stop being so loud, as if he was telling the whole school that he had read Chen Bin's prophecy book.

Only then did Ron realize that he had let something slip, and he quickly made up for it: "My dad and Percy seemed to have said that there was a new decree, and I don't know the details."

Angelina rolled her eyes at him and continued to watch the disgusting education order.

"Order of the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts

All student organizations, associations, teams, clubs and simulated war games are hereby disbanded.

Organizations, associations, teams, clubs and mock war games are hereby defined as regular gatherings of three or more students.

Reorganization can be requested from the Senior Inquisitor (Professor Umbridge).

No student organizations, associations, teams and clubs may exist without the approval of the Senior Ombudsman.

Students found to have formed or participated in any organization, association, team, club or simulated war game without the approval of the Senior Ombudsman will be immediately expelled.

The above regulations are in compliance with the "Education Order No. 24".


senior investigative officer

Dolores Jane Umbridge"

"Will Dumbledore still tolerate her?" Ron was walking on the spiral staircase, guessing that Hogwarts might not be manipulated by this old witch again.

Harry said casually: "Probably not."

After arriving in the auditorium and taking their seats, they found Hermione who was buried in her textbook and discussed the announcement they had just seen.

"Why do we need to reorganize the club when there is obviously no D.A.?" Ron said angrily.

"Seize power." Hermione whispered into the book: "The practical content of today's club activities is much better than that of D.A., and it is not under the control of that woman."

"Hey, sister Isha is standing up." Harry noticed that Isha on the stage took out a roll of parchment after eating, as if preparing to announce something.

"Sit-Attention!" Isha said the military command as soon as he arrived, causing the students at the four tables to sit up straight and stop eating.

"Civil Security Team Order 001, in view of the fact that all organizations, associations, teams, clubs and simulated war games organized by schools must be reorganized from today on, team members will free up more evening time from today. In order to avoid team members neglecting skills training , starting from the day this order is issued, all team members who have not participated in any organization, association, team, club or simulated war game will be forced to participate in evening skills training classes. For details, please refer to items a, b, c and d of Subsidiary Order 001 .”

After Isha finished reading it coldly, hundreds of pieces of parchment flew into the hands of each student.

After everyone read the details, most of them showed understanding eyes.

To put it simply, the Civil Security Team under the Defense Department takes over all after-school time, including breakfast, lunch and dinner time. The so-called skills training class is the original club activity, but with a "rest skills class" added. That is, students who do not want to join the club fill in this training class and return to the lounge after school to "self-study" battlefield rest skills.

"She is indeed Bin's mother, and she will not take revenge overnight." Ron sighed.

Harry shook his head and said: "Based on my understanding of Sister Yisha, this should be written by Bin."

The Great Hall was filled with buzzing discussions and jeers from Gryffindors.

Umbridge's face was red with anger, she was clutching the parchment tightly, but she didn't dare to speak.

Isabel held the photo stone to record her ugliness, hoping in her heart that she would fall out immediately.

After Harry, Ron and Hermione finished eating, Angelina stopped them as they were about to go to "History of Magic".

"Harry! Ron!" Angelina asked anxiously: "Can you suggest to Instructor Naama that Quidditch be included in the Civil Security Team? Otherwise we have to ask Umbridge to reorganize Gryffindor team!"

"What?" said Harry.

"No way," Ron shouted in shock.

When the three of them were in shock, Hermione shook her head and said: "Isabelle is a Quidditch fan. Look at the school's trophy cabinet and there are many Quidditch cups related to her. Do you think she won't take this matter seriously? Are you ready? Even if there isn't one, it's just one more bylaw."

She didn't wait for their answer and walked towards the history classroom alone.

It was supposed to be a year of constant torture, but with the preparations of Chen Bin and Dumbledore, Hermione was not afraid of any accidents happening this year, and even felt a little bored.

She felt that it was as easy as drinking water for the Naama family or the powerful pure-blood family to fight against the Ministry of Magic's decree.

Soon, she felt her destiny change again.

In Professor McGonagall's class, Lavender Brown saw a beautiful owl flying past the window. She was Harry's pet, Hedwig.

She seemed to be injured, her feathers were unusually disheveled, and her wings were out of place, but she still stretched out her feet for Harry to take out the letter. Harry sent her to the infirmary and asked Isabel to help with the treatment.

Isha checked for a while and cast a simple healing spell on Hedwig. "It's nothing serious. You'll be fine after just two days of rest."

Then, with an angry look on her face, she said: "I forgot that Umbridge would send someone to intercept the owl. She must pay the price for it."

She had thought that without Sirius communicating with Harry, Hedwig would not be hurt. However, students also order by mail on weekdays, and Hedwig came back with a receipt this time and was injured.

The next day, a swarm of owls flew into the auditorium as expected, dropped a lot of newspapers, letters and packages and then flew away. Just when everyone thought it was over, they suddenly heard the cry of a large group of birds coming from outside.

The students looked at the window above the auditorium, but never saw other owls coming in, so they all became suspicious.

At this moment, dozens of vultures passed through the door of the Great Hall and came to Umbridge.

The female witch backed away in fright and tried to take out the wand from her handbag, but the leading vulture swooped down and snatched the wand away.

There were many dismembered owls under the talons of the vultures, and they were thrown directly onto the female witch, dyeing her pink suit blood red. Then, another group of vultures dropped the torn letters on Umbridge's head like a goddess scattering flowers. Finally, about eight or nine vultures grabbed an unconscious middle-aged wizard and threw him in front of her.

The wizard had many bruises all over his body, a lot of broom fragments on his body, and he was spitting out white juice.

"Pilsworth, how could you do this?" Umbridge asked in surprise, but did not squat down to check the wizard's injuries.

After Sirius saw the vulture leave, he stepped forward and pushed his face away with his legs, and said calmly: "If he's not dead yet, he's fine."

"Did you do it?" Umbridge's eyes widened when she heard this, and her whole body was shaking with anger.

"It's the new security measures of the Defense Department." Sirius shrugged: "Recently we found that some students' owls were attacked, so we suspected that evil dark wizards intercepted letters destined for Hogwarts. In order to prevent military information from being leaked, so From today on, every letter must also be inspected by the Defense Department, and this decree has been posted on the bulletin board."

After a pause, he smiled jokingly: "This wizard was caught by the vultures temporarily recruited by Hagrid, and attacked owls within one kilometer of Hogwarts. I heard that there were four or five accomplices following him. He committed a crime together and must be caught and interrogated by the Wizengamot."

"They are employees of the Ministry of Magic! What you are doing is illegal!" Umbridge screamed hysterically.

"No way? Will the Ministry of Magic send people to spy on top-secret military intelligence?" Isabel wiped her lips elegantly, but her eyes were cold. "This is a violation of the law. They must be sent to the Aurors to check whether they have been under the Imperius Curse or have been instructed by some force to treason."

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