Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 218 K.O.——Perfect!

Umbridge obviously used her power to lure Hermione to break the ban first, and then planned to use school rules to punish her. However, Hermione avoided all landmines and successfully induced Umbridge's verbal cues to become more obvious. She also used instruments approved by the Ministry of Magic to record that she abused her power and deprived Hermione of all effective communication channels. Order her to walk within five meters.

If this series of evidence is sent to the Wizengamot, even if she cannot be convicted, her status as a professor will definitely be taken away.

Hermione complied with the ban and school rules throughout the whole process, until Umbridge apparently abused her power many times to force her to break the ban. She also cited legal provisions and reasons to point out the reasons for leaving without permission.

Most of the subsequent analysis also quoted the original words of Mr. Nobby Rich, that is, filing a lawsuit means losing money, and delaying the lawsuit will cost the official's future. The most fatal thing is that even if Umbridge wins, she must accept the wizard duel from the Naama family. If she refuses, the Naama family will take the blame for her entire family and no one can stop her.

What is the Naama family? In addition to being the newly-emerged richest family, there is also evidence of inheritance for at least two thousand years, and the entire magic world has also seen the green pillar and transparent surprise attack that the young heir shot at the mysterious man. Therefore, the wisest thing for the Umbridge family to do is to kidnap the Pink Banshee to Naama's house to apologize immediately after losing the lawsuit.

Finally, some students dug up the history of Nobby Rich. He was the first Muggle-born Minister of Magic in history, so several of the oldest Wizengamot members resigned from their public offices in protest against this. appointments.

There are also pure-blood families who slandered the old man who helped England win the 1966 World Cup, thus forcing him to resign. This old man was born in a low-level legal position, climbed up step by step to the director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and then to the position of minister. Naturally, he used legal weapons to fight back against the false accusations of political opponents time and time again.

However, he was successfully assassinated by Abraxas Malfoy (father of Lucius Malfoy). As a result, in 1968, Nobby Ridge was forced to leave his job due to a mysterious illness, and has been running a legal career in the wizarding world.

The strongest legal representative, the strongest financial support, and Miss Know-it-all, who knows the most about laws and school rules on campus, plotted against Umbridge, making the students unanimously believe that the pink witch was dead this time, and some students even A small party was held in the common room to celebrate.

Unfortunately, at breakfast the next day, all the students were shocked when they saw the pink witch still sitting on the faculty bench with a smile on her face.

Many well-connected students asked Hermione for information, but she excused them by saying that the case was in the process of casting spells and no comment could be made.

"Oh, it's a pity to let her go when we can nail her to Azkaban." Ron sighed at the buttered bread in his hand.

Hermione and Harry also understood his mood, because the three of them also saw from the text message machine what Umbridge had done to them in her original destiny. In particular, the ink bottle and quill that sucked the user's blood tortured many students, including Harry, and left severe copying scars on their hands in addition to intense pain.

"Don't be stupid, get rid of an Umbridge, Fudge has a lot of masters of power." Hermione refilled the cup with pumpkin juice and said calmly: "If you keep this person, you can predict her tricks, continue As more evidence is collected step by step, I don't believe that there is no evidence that implicates Fudge. In the end, as long as Bin and Dumbledore throw these evidences in front of Fudge, it is not difficult to imagine that the minister will be obedient again in order to keep his position."

Ron and Harry felt chilled again after hearing this, and both felt that they should not pursue such a girl. Hermione's actual combat ability is now one of the best in the school, and she also knows intrigues, intrigues and legal traps. This kind of girl is completely more frightening than a powerful wizard, and it is not impossible to even ask for the position of chief after more than ten years.

The two felt that this kind of girl was completely beyond their control. Even if they were forced to get together, it would only be another tragedy. Perhaps only the powerful Bin could control her obediently. Just like everything Hermione is doing now is to accumulate more chips for Chen Bin, so that when he comes back, Umbridge will stay away and Fudge will shut up.

"Did Grandpa Rich really become Bin's employee?" Harry asked curiously.

"No, they are partners. The firm bears the name of the Naama family to reduce difficulties for opponents, but each holds half of the shares. Moreover, the Naama family also provides 100,000 gold galleons every year to support the grandfather and provide support to the Muggle family. The wizards provide free legal services.”

When Hermione said this, her eyes were filled with little stars, which made the two of them feel cold again.

However, in general, the three of them got everything they wanted.

The commission Grandpa Rich received was not to sue Umbridge to jail, but to force her not to provoke the trio, or to eliminate her ability to provoke them.

The secret conversation between the two had nothing to do with the law, and was more like a dirty exchange of interests - Umbridge was not allowed to punish and make things difficult for the trio, in exchange for Grandpa Rich not sending the evidence to the Wizengamot, and instead sending the evidence to the Wizengamot. The prosecution was postponed to trial for at least two years.

If the witch wants to bewitch them, she will definitely die.

In addition, Grandpa Richie doesn't care what she has to do on campus. This is not something the client asked him to handle, so it doesn't matter whether she leaves her job or dismantles Hogwarts.

Umbridge agreed and returned to her disgusting smile today to continue her daily teaching. However, she is no longer like the first day where she suppresses everyone until she never comes back. Instead, students with a little wealth are also treated better.

This is quite consistent with her original way of doing things, but the scope of courtesy has been slightly expanded. Hermione knew that she had given special preference to Slytherin students in her original destiny, and had especially adopted a permissive attitude towards the pure-blood leader Draco's gang, because none of these ancient pure-blood families could afford to offend her.

That's it, while most of the senior students were crying out loud, Hermione, Harry and Ron became transparent in her class. She taught her that the three of them read their own books, and the river did not interfere with the well, and they did not need to do a homework.

So the three of them resumed a relaxing preparation period.

Hermione read upper-level texts in class every day, quickly completed homework in the Room of Requirement after school, and then practiced the learning tips and spell skills written by Isha in old books.

Hermione's confinement? It was cancelled, and her deducted college points were compensated.

With Hermione's homework as a reference, Harry and Ron could easily complete their homework by comparing it with the knowledge in the book. Then they practiced together the required areas of O.W.L.s written by Isha in the book.

Basically, before nine o'clock, the two of them had done all the review and practice, and the rest was private time.

Hermione would practice magic in the common room, Ron would chat with the boys, and Harry would read the prophecy book in the dormitory until he gave a brief introduction to his two friends at breakfast the next day.

After class on Friday, Harry accompanied Ron to the Quidditch pitch for the selection of new players. Ron was holding Isha's Firebolt broom, and his self-confidence seemed to have skyrocketed with the price of the broom, and he easily qualified as the goalkeeper.

However, after the victory, they accepted Angelina's spit and crazy attacks. They were not allowed to rely on equipment and neglect training. Tactics and overall coordination were the essence of Quidditch.

When the two returned, they also complained wildly that Angelina had become a devil coach. They also mourned Fred for a few seconds because she didn't show any respect to her boyfriend when she trained him.

Yes, they are in love. Both of them are in seventh grade, and they are old enough to get married in both the wizarding and Muggle worlds. What's the problem with falling in love?

That night, the carnival continued for a long time in the common room, and the tables were filled with countless butterbeers and snacks.

Towards the end of the night, Angelina took Aria Spinnet to chat, and half of the students dispersed.

Harry went over to sit next to Hermione, but saw that she was sleeping with her head down. From a distance, he thought she was looking down at the book on her lap.

"Hey, Hermione, go back to the dormitory and sleep when you're tired."

Hermione woke up with a start.

"Oh, Harry, it's you... Ron's great, isn't he?" she said sleepily.

"I'm just too - too - too tired." She yawned and wiped her sleepy eyes and said, "I went to bed at one o'clock and have been reading the seventh grade herbal medicine book."

"Aren't you afraid of being found when you stay up so late?" Harry asked in surprise.

Hermione glanced at him with an idiot look and mocked: "The prefects of this year are Ron and me. Do I want to check myself?"

Harry was speechless again!

No wonder no one came to check their dormitory this year, because the prefect who checked their dormitory went to bed earlier than anyone else. That is to say, Ron has been forgetting this responsibility since the beginning of school, or he has deliberately forgotten this thankless responsibility.

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