Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 212 Ready to make a move

Hermione suddenly interrupted: "What new job? Isn't Charlie training dragons in Romania?"

"He resigned at the beginning of last year. He seemed to have found a more interesting job and became a reporter or editor at a newly opened publishing house." Fred explained.

"I've never heard of any new publishing house." Hermione became confused.

"Oh, there are a lot of things I haven't heard of." Ron rolled his eyes at Miss Know-It-All and continued: "O.W.L.s are indeed very important and can affect future job applications. I really hope Bin will come back soon and give us some tips on job hunting. Suggestion. This way we can choose suitable N.E.W.T.s subjects next year.”

"What do you plan to do after graduation?" Harry asked them both as they left the Great Hall and walked towards the "History of Magic" classroom.

"Make money, lots and lots of money." Ron said firmly. However, he did not say that he promised Chen Bin last year that he would conquer the world with the twins in the future.

He turned to look at Hermione and asked, "What about you?"

"Professor Defense Against the Dark Arts." Hermione replied firmly.

"But it's only for one year. Have you forgotten the curse?" Harry said.

"Well, this problem must be solved." Hermione opened her notebook and wrote down the lifting of the curse in her calendar.

Harry: Σ┗(@ロ@;)┛

Ron: Σ(°△°|||)

They didn't know where Hermione got the confidence to take this position even in the face of Voldemort's curse.

"I thought you were going to organize a promotion association to promote the rights of house elves..." Ron teased.

"It's useless." Hermione shook her head and said: "To solve this problem, you must sit in Fudge's position. This goal is too far away, at least it cannot be accomplished within the next ten years..."

Harry and Ron were careful not to look into each other's eyes, because Hermione could read the smile in their eyes. minister! Hermione actually had the same idea of ​​becoming a minister as Percy did!

The two of them have already thought about what Christmas gift to give her this year - "How a Prefect Gets Power"!

In the boring "History of Magic" class, Harry read the first volume of the Prophecy Book with great interest and started reading the second volume; Hermione also rarely listened to the class, but flipped through the seventh volume of "Standard Spells" ; Ron listened to the hypnotic magic sound for ten minutes and fell into a deep sleep.

After the class ended, it was still drizzling. The students crowded in the courtyard could not see clearly what was outside the castle.

Hermione, Harry and Ron found a secluded corner under a dripping balcony, raising the collars of their robes to protect them from the cold September wind, talking about what Snape would give them in Potions class. What homework.

"Hello, Harry!" Cho Chang greeted him again.

This was obviously unusual because she wasn't surrounded by a bunch of chattering girls.

Harry remembered that he accidentally pissed her off at last year's ball, but she cheered him up in the Great Hall before starting the final round of the Triwizard Tournament.

Last semester, Harry was completely focused on Hermione, so he gradually lost feelings for Cho Chang.

However, after experiencing the cruel reality, his heart that was ready to move towards Qiu Zhang beat again.

"Hello." Harry suppressed the feeling in his heart and tried to look generous and mature. Well, just like how Chen Bin looked during class, he was still in a state of not going crazy.

"Yeah, haha." Seeing that Harry didn't continue, Qiu Zhang could only smile.

Harry tried his best to smile, but was still a little embarrassed at the thought of her getting pissed off at the ball. "Um...how did you enjoy your summer vacation?"

Qiu Zhang was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Well, it's good. Our family went to China for a trip, you know..."

"What a coincidence?" Ron suddenly chatted happily: "Harry and Hermione also went to China. By the way, which county did you go to? Capital? Listed? Shenzhen?"

"I have something to do, so I'm leaving first." Qiu Zhang said coldly, and then walked to the middle of the courtyard.

"Did I say something wrong?" Ron asked in confusion, but received a murderous look from Harry. "Hermione, tell Ron, what did he say wrong?"

"Don't pretend that you already understand why she is angry." Hermione closed the book and said disdainfully: "You understand, explain it!"

Defeated, Harry begged, "Hermione, who knows everything, please tell us why she was so angry."

"You're so ignorant!" Hermione pointed at Ron's nose and scolded: "I wanted to talk to Harry alone, but you came up to me. It was okay to come together, but you said that I would go with Harry." Why didn't you mention that you went on a trip together? Do you know what it means for a man and a woman to travel together? If Qiu is interested in Harry, it would be strange not to make her angry!"

"Is that so?" Ron looked at Harry.

Harry looked at Hermione. "You went directly to Naama's house to stay for the entire summer vacation the year before last. We didn't have any other ideas."

Hermione's face turned red and she said dissatisfiedly: "You two pigheads are hopeless!"

She stamped her foot angrily, and the two of them hugged each other in fear, not daring to say any more.

The class of "Potions" has begun, and the class of "Potions" has ended.

Harry was once again targeted by Snape. It was clear that the potion he prepared was as bad as most people, but at least it was better than Goyle and Crabbe's, but Snape still poured it out. As for ridicule and sarcasm, they are absolutely indispensable.

The bell finally rang, and Harry was the first to rush out of the underground classroom.

He had already started lunch before Ron and Hermione arrived in the Great Hall.

"That's really unfair, but your potions are already much better than Goyle's." Hermione comforted him: "You just need to know your own level and ignore his comments."

Harry glared at the plate in front of him and said angrily, "When has Snape ever treated me fairly?"

All three of them knew that the hostility between Harry and Snape was as deep-rooted as if they were born with them.

"Bin told you the answer when he was in first grade." Hermione said in a disappointed tone: "If you want to know more, you can read those Isha masterpieces. I don't believe there is no detailed explanation in them. .”

They didn't set up soundproofing magic, but Harry immediately understood what she meant: it must be written in the prophecy book!

After lunch, Harry and Ron came to the "Divination" classroom.

Harry dislikes Trelawney because she often predicts (curses) that he will have bad luck or death, but he is still alive and well. Last year, it involved celestial divination. Under the guidance of Katerina, the whole class also achieved very good results. Even if none of them has the talent for divination, they can at least be as powerful as half of the masters of astronomy in the magical world.

However, Caitlina took a leave of absence, and now the class was back in Trelawney's hands, and this year's Dream Interpretation course suited her bullshit teaching methods.

"...On your desk is a copy of "Dream Interpretation Guide" written by Inigo Yingmei. Dream interpretation is a very important method of predicting the future, and it is also a topic that is likely to appear in your O.W.L.s exam..."

Her voice trailed off gracefully, and Harry began to yawn.

He and Ron followed the guide for a long time and finally interpreted the fictitious dream into a tragic death by dismemberment. As expected, they were highly praised by Trelawney.

When they entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Professor Umbridge was already sitting behind the podium. She was still wearing the pink cardigan from last night, with the black velvet bow on her head. Coupled with that toad face with protruding eyes, it is definitely an eyesore.

The whole class did not dare to look directly at this "fake pink girl" and quietly walked to their seats.

After everyone sat down, the fake girl said: "Good afternoon, classmates!"

Several classmates whispered perfunctorily: "Good afternoon."

"Tsk, tsk." Professor Umbridge said: "That's not okay, is it? I want you to answer like this: 'Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge.' Please do it again. Good afternoon, students!"

After the students repeated the story in unison, Professor Umbridge cooed: "This is not too difficult, is it? Please put away your wand and take out your quill."

There are only two main points in this lesson, which are: "Defense Against the Dark Arts returns to the basic principles". The objectives of the lesson can be summarized in three points:

1. Understand the basic principles of magic defense.

2. Learn to identify situations where magical defense can be used legally.

3. Evaluate magical defense in the context of actual use.

Umbridge is very arrogant, does not treat students as human beings, and only plays small tricks against them. She only allowed students to read and copy theories according to her, but they were not allowed to question, practice, or even ask questions.

If a classmate asked a question without raising his or her hand, she would be sarcastic, force the other person to raise their hand again, and then ignore the other person's raised hand.

When Hermione saw this, she just smiled coldly and motioned to Ron to stop talking and just watch the show.

This class is very high-pressure. It is mainly a lesson about Umbridge establishing her authority. Students are not allowed to violate any of her words, including the rhythm of reading aloud.

Originally there were still a few students raising their hands to ask questions, but they soon saw that the three students who were most capable of committing suicide remained silent throughout the whole process, and they also became silent.

Umbridge succeeded in establishing her authority, and the students were all disappointed.

Harry turned to page five of "The Theory of Magical Defense" as instructed and began to read.

He remembered Dumbledore warning him not to challenge Umbridge's authority before reading Book Five. It’s not bravery, it’s issuing a losing challenge to the little guy who controls your studies.

The author of "Magical Defense Theory" does not encourage the use of any offensive defensive magic. It is obviously a "magic work" written by people from Fudge's side.

The subjects that originally required the most practice have become as boring as Professor Binns's lectures. All the students pretended to read aloud absentmindedly, and after a few minutes, the classroom was completely silent.

Harry glanced at everyone, Ron stared at the book in a daze, and Hermione had even closed her copy of "Magical Defense Theory" and was looking openly at a sixth-grade textbook - "Confronting the Faceless Enemy" Faceless).

Obviously, this book will never become the "Defense Against the Dark Arts" textbook for this year's sixth grade students. Instead, it is likely to be used in the sixth volume of "Defense Against Magic Theory".

However, Harry thought Hermione made the right choice. Fudge could make Umbridge use other textbooks, but he couldn't change the content of the two public exams. Only by studying last year's textbooks can one pass the rigorous public examination.

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