Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 208 It’s the opening ceremony again

The day before the end of the summer vacation, the trio had enough fun, and the homework they had to do was completed under Yisha's guidance. The supplies for school had been bought early, so they followed Isabel and Chen Weiguo back.

However, Chen Bin and Kate stayed. It's not that the master refuses to let him go, but that Chen Bin is always only a little bit short of being able to predict the danger of crossing a higher level. It's always just a little bit short, and it will always be a little bit.

At this point, he asked Lao Deng for leave by sending a letter to Isha. If he didn't learn this ability, he wouldn't go back to Hogwarts. Wherever Chen Bin is, Kate will follow, so she also asked Yisha to ask for leave from Lao Deng.

"Bin, don't force yourself too much and pay attention to your health." Hermione touched Chen Bin's face before leaving, her words full of pity and care.

Chen Bin was really not used to having such contact with women other than Kate and Yisha, but he said: "Don't worry, you should also pay attention to your health, don't just focus on your studies."

After saying this, Chen Bin stared at Isha with murderous eyes. If it weren't for this funny selfishness, how could he have once again teased the heartbroken Hermione?

(3`): "Binbin pay attention to your health and take good care of Kate. Kate, don't work too hard, just treat it as a holiday. Goodbye!"

Isha led the group of people and disappeared into the woods, and the world became quiet again.

"Mom, Yisha is gone. Do you want to come and stay at Chen's house for a few days?" Chen Bin immediately called Li Xiuhui.

"Yeah, that's fine. But is she really gone?"


"I'm coming over now." Li Xiuhui had just hung up the phone, and she had already flashed to the door of the Chen family mansion, arriving earlier than Chen Bin!

Kate saw the figure in the distance and couldn't help but smile: "It seems that Xiuhui's mother also misses her son very much."

"What? Are you unhappy that you chose a mama's boy?" Chen Bin pretended to stare at Yisha fiercely, and then said seriously: "Would you like to go around the Northeast so that you can feel the benefits of a mama's boy? "

"My husband is the best." Kate kissed Chen Bin and pulled him towards Li Xiuhui.

On the other side, when everyone returned to Naama Castle, two owls immediately flew in front of them and handed Harry and Ron similar letters - letters of appointment from Gryffindor's male and female prefects and prefect badges .

Isabel seemed to have predicted all this, and took a pen and paper to write a letter to the two of them to inform their families.

That night, the two house elves prepared a celebration dinner early in the morning, and made the hall very lively. A large number of automatically flying magical decorations were constantly flying in the air, and there was also a very delicious French meal.

Hermione felt a little jealous of Harry, but didn't show it.

In the end, it was Isha who dealt with him.

"Harry, Prefect or Catcher, you can only choose one. As long as you choose, I have a way to make the Headmaster change his mind!"

This simple rhetorical question completely soothed Harry's mood.

Hermione noticed that Isha seemed to know everything, including everyone's tempers and habits.

The three of them had a good sleep and were taken to the station by Mr. and Mrs. Chen the next day. Before boarding the train, Sister Isha gave them many detachable buttons with shooting functions and taught them how to charge the buttons with magic.

She also strongly recommends that in addition to going to the toilet, bathing and sleeping, remember to turn on their shooting function for a long time, because this year is bound to be a year of little trouble.

The three of them also wanted to ask the reason, but seeing Sister Yisha's "I know the process but I don't want to tell you" look on her face, the three of them shut up obediently.

After arriving at Hogsmeade Station, Hermione discovered that the carriage she had always thought was walking on its own was actually pulled by a magical animal she had never seen before.

It looks like a reptile, skinny, with a dragon-like face and broad bat-like wings.

Hermione asked Ron and Harry, but they said they saw nothing. Only Luna, who was sitting next to her, said she had been able to see it since she entered school.

This girl was looking at the magazine upside down, and she had a reputation for being crazy. Naturally, Hermione didn't want to have anything to do with her.

Before entering the castle, a group of students saw the new teaching building next to the lake becoming brightly lit. Several strange wizards are blessing the open space in the adjacent teaching building with unknown light. Many trolls were carrying thick square stones under the command of the wizards, as if they were expanding a new building.

A team of horses staggered towards the direction of the castle, passing through the open space leading to the castle. There were still tall stone pillars on both sides of the gate, and the top of the pillar was a winged wild boar. Everyone in the car is already used to this, maybe the new students coming by boat later will find it new.

As the castle got closer and closer, the towering towers looked darker against the dark night sky. Occasionally, a window could be seen shining red and dazzling light above their heads.

The carriage finally swayed to the stone steps leading to the oak door, and Hermione followed Harry and jumped out.

She saw things that Ron and Harry couldn't see. This experience was very new to her, but it was not comfortable. Ron is a pure-blood wizard and Harry is a half-blood. How difficult is it to be born a pure Muggle to see different things? Hermione quickly rejected this idea. At least Luna was not born into a Muggle family.

Hermione didn't think it was a big deal. If she had time, she could go to the library to find some information.

"Hermione, why are you dazed?" Ron pushed her back and motioned for her to join the crowd.

Hermione hurried up the stone steps and entered the castle.

The foyer was lit red by torches and echoed with the footsteps of students. They walked through the stone corridor and walked towards the two doors leading to the auditorium on the right.

There were still four rows of desks in the auditorium, and the ceiling was a dark sky without stars.

Countless candles were suspended above the dining table, illuminating the silvery ghosts nearby.

The students were talking happily, some were discussing the news, some were saying hello loudly, and some were exchanging the latest hairstyles and clothes.

Hermione noticed that whenever Harry walked by, people would look at him with admiration or admiration. Only the people at the Slytherin table showed disapproval.

Two cold eyes fell on Harry, but he didn't notice it and was still chatting happily with Ron. Hermione's perception was much stronger than the two of them, and she immediately glanced secretly at the source of hostility.

As expected, the owners of the two eyes were none other than "Gregory Gower" and "Vincent Crabbe". Hermione also read newspapers carefully every day during the summer vacation, so she remembered that their fathers participated in the resurrection ceremony of the mysterious man as a Death Eater. Unfortunately, but fortunately for Hermione, the Aurors wiped out all the Death Eaters present.

Therefore, Hermione understood Goyle and Crabbe's hatred of Harry very well. Worse things were to come for both men. First, the family assets were frozen by the Ministry of Magic, and then the Malfoy family was squeezed out, so they are not living well at all now.

After everyone was seated, Hermione noticed that the number of people at the Slytherin table was obviously reduced. Excluding the graduating seventh-year students, their table should be missing seven or eight people.

Don't think too much, you can even give up your studies, either to immigrate or to be related to the resurrection of Voldemort. Hermione guessed that there was something wrong with their family, or their father or elder's Death Eaters were exposed, or they were involved with Voldemort, which made it impossible for them to continue to complete their studies here.

Nearly headless Nick came to the middle of the table to chat with Ron. Sitting on the other side were Lavender Brown and the Indian girl Parvati Patil. They were greeting Harry with false affection and over-enthusiasm.

However, Hermione noticed that Lavender Brown often glanced at Ron intentionally or unintentionally, but the latter did not notice.

Hagrid sneezed so loudly at the staff table that he blew over the dishes in front of him. The students also laughed and joked that his handkerchief was bigger than their shirts.

Hermione's eyes glanced along the staff table, but Sirius, Lupin, and Moody were not there. I heard from Harry that they had also been training the newly recruited Aurors throughout the summer vacation, and apparently they were not back yet. Suddenly, she discovered that there were two new faces at the staff table, one was Fleur Delacour, and the other was a middle-aged woman she had never seen before.

"Who is that?" she asked sharply, pointing to the middle of the staff table.

Harry and Ron followed the instructions and saw Professor Dumbledore tilting his head to look at the middle-aged woman sitting next to him. She was speaking into his ear.

This woman's appearance is very eye-catching. Not only does she have the temperament of a single old aunt, but she is also short and fat, with short curly gray-brown hair, and a disgusting pink bow on the short hair. What's even more disgusting is that she wears a robe outside her robe. A fuzzy pink cardigan over the face mask.

If this dress were worn on Fleur, it might just be a bit pretentious, but when the old aunt turned her face, Harry saw a pale toad face with a pair of droopy eyelids, and protruding eye sockets under the eyelids. Eye.

Harry felt a little nauseous. "Whoever marries her will be doomed."

"Do you know her?" Hermione said.

"I don't know." Harry shook his head desperately.

Ron smirked and said, "What a beautiful cardigan!"

No one knew who she was, but Hermione had some impression of this face.

"Where have you seen it?" Hermione whispered to herself.

"Must have seen it in nightmares." Harry teased.

After thinking for a while, Hermione finally remembered that this face had appeared in the Daily Prophet. She could no longer remember the content of the report, but vaguely remembered that she was standing behind Fudge and nodding.

"She works for Fudge!" Hermione frowned, "But what is she doing here?"

Ron shrugged.

Harry shook his head.

As Hermione pondered the woman's purpose, the chatter in the Great Hall died away. It's sorting time for Professor McGonagall, and the first-year students are lining up in front of the staff table, sitting on stools and listening to the tattered hats on their heads announcing their fates.

This year's sorting song has changed again, telling that the four founders of Hogwarts have different philosophies.

Slytherin wants pure blood; Ravenclaw wants wisdom; Gryffindor wants bravery; Hufflepuff wants everyone to be equal. Eventually, they turned against each other, and the old Slytherin suddenly ran away.

Finally, the Sorting Hat reminded everyone that Hogwarts is now in danger, and enemies outside the school are eyeing them, so everyone must unite closely, otherwise everything will collapse from within.

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