Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 194: Avoiding Fudge

The seven undercover Death Eaters led by Lucius also put on the armor of the Royal Legion. Except for Lao Deng and the defected Death Eaters, the entire legion did not take off their helmets, so as to better hide their identities and protect the safety of their relatives and friends. The Death Eaters engaged in anonymous murder in the First Wizarding War, so the Aurors should engage in anonymous pursuit in the Second Wizarding War.

Even in the Muggle world, the most elite special police officers still need to hide their identities. Those flying tigers don't wear hoods to look cool, but to prevent the murderers from retaliating later.

Why do Death Eaters show their faces when they are undercover?

It's very simple: 1. Voldemort has recognized their identities; 2. This is a surrender certificate; 3. Clear their identity.

As long as they show their faces, no one can talk about their past in the future.

All the members walked to the entrance of the maze on the court and announced Voldemort's return.

Mag placed the giant photo stone in a special projector and played the edited incident above the maze entrance.

Basically, everything that should be photographed was photographed, and everything that should not be photographed was cut out. For example, Chen Bin's sentence "I obviously didn't show my face, you got the wrong person!" was muted!

Top-notch equipment coupled with movie-level editing made the whole thing compact and intense.

The film uses fast forwarding and scissors to condense the period from the fall of the fake Kate to the resurrection of Voldemort, and Voldemort's self-narration only selects some key points to play, except for the battle part, which is shot with multiple lenses and no blind spots.

The whole battle also highlighted Harry's bravery and fearlessness and the boundless power of the tall Auror, while Chen Bin was cut into a small role assisting the tall man, and his last sneak attack was cut into the straw that broke the camel's back. Look, Going up like the tall man could kill Voldemort even without his sneak attack.

The magic scissors cut away the scene of the tall man slumped on the ground, and the camera highlighted that the fatally injured Voldemort relied on secret techniques to escape in embarrassment, as if he would have been killed by the tall man in an instant if he had been slower for half a second.

Therefore, even if there are pictures, there will be no truth, and if there are videos, there will be illusions. Only the unedited original film will record all the facts.

All this was planned by Chen Bin, and it was even more perfect than imagined.

The thirty pieces of professional-grade photographic equipment provided by the Muggle authorities were all modified with technology that even Chen Bin could not understand. They were connected to long lenses comparable to astronomical telescopes, and there were also a lot of electronic equipment of unknown purpose.

Anyway, the equipment had been installed throughout the village of Little Hanglinton long before the Christmas holidays, and the radio equipment was buried in the grass under the trees in the cemetery. Chen Bin asked all the Aurors guarding the installation personnel to wear "Voldemort radar". The principle is to detect whether there is a reaction to the marked soul curse nearby.

The result was also perfect, even though Voldemort was resurrected, the Marked Soul Curse on his body did not disappear.

After the equipment is buried, the operator only needs to press a button, and these unmanned equipment will automatically operate and transmit all images and sound effects to a device two kilometers away.

I heard, just heard, that Chen Bin heard from Holly Taylor of the Wu decision-making team that the military buried military-grade dedicated fiber optics and used supercomputers that were scrapped in advance for this filming, as well as hundreds of scientific researchers. , which is to send high-definition video and audio to Muggle film experts two kilometers away in real time, and produce the effects Chen Bin wants in the fastest way.

What effect does Chen Bin want? He wanted Harry and Old Deng to be the protagonists, and also wanted to highlight Voldemort's invincibility.

If Lao Deng can kill Voldemort, it will be a promotional video of the strongest wizard killing the devil; if Voldemort escapes, it will be a promotional video of the strongest white wizard beating away the strongest dark lord.

What if Lao Deng loses?

Then don't shoot any promotional videos. Chen Bin will use the portkey to go back to the dormitory, and then take Kate to use another portkey to go back to Naama Castle, and then his family will escape back to China.

As a result, Lao Deng and Chen Bin teamed up to fight off the Dark Lord, so the protagonists became Harry and Lao Deng. According to Chen Bin's earlier request, Holly Taylor cut him into a more soy sauce-like one, the better. The reputation of the wizarding world was of little use to him, so it was better to exchange it for Lao Deng and Harry for political resources.

After the film was edited, Chen Bin didn't care whether the Muggle producers were under house arrest or had their memories erased by the authorities. Anastasia only needs to point the fist-sized photo stone at the big screen to record a scene, and then send the stone to Lao Deng.

When the video was broadcast, the entire audience was excited. Unexpectedly, there was a huge secret behind this game.

However, Fudge actually attacked at this time, claiming that these images were all fake and fabricated by Muggle skills.

To be honest, it is only 1995, and the highest Muggle technology may not be able to produce such realistic scenes, but the special effects of "Independence Day (also known as: Earth Defense)" can still be produced.

In this time and space, Dumbledore, who had read the prophecy, became more aware of Fudge's obsession with power, so he immediately became the chairman of the "International Confederation of Wizards", the chief mage of the "Wizengamot" and the owner of the "First Class Order of Merlin" status, demanding an emergency meeting at the highest level at the Ministry of Magic.

As a result, Fudge lost.

Nearly a quarter of the top management were nominated by the Malfoy family, and nearly a fifth of the middle and senior management were promoted by the Malfoy family using quotas from the Naama family. In addition, a small number of pro-Lao Deng forces and nearly half of the middle and high-level people were promoted only based on evidence. officials, all added up to nearly 90% of the Ministry of Magic officials.

Old Deng threw out the corpses of twenty-one Death Eaters from the traceless stretch bag, and also took out half a head, a whole arm and Voldemort's wand that had been sealed by magic.

The two officials took Harry's and Voldemort's wands and fired at them. The golden threads and the smoke of "souls" that appeared in the film really appeared, but these four souls stood sluggishly this time, without any reaction to the outside world. .

Through these evidences, it has been proven that Lao Deng and others are all telling the truth. They are the heroes who dealt with Voldemort and the Death Eaters, while Fudge is framed by these heroes who thwarted the second rise of the Dark Lord.

Fudge also wanted to argue that the images were fake, but this time Dumbledore took out the panoramic telescope, which was the most advanced one. After the officials read the telescope records, no one questioned the authenticity of the video.

Don't underestimate this kind of Quidditch supplies. The panoramic video captured by the highest-end model is clearer than the law enforcement recorders used by Aurors, and the price is also much, much more expensive. Law enforcement recorders are not popular in the wizarding world due to cost-effectiveness, but the same enchanted items still exist, and most of them are used in serious cases.

For example, in some murder cases, the Department of Magical Law Enforcement will use recorders to take pictures of the scene and the conditions of the dead and injured, etc., and the Wizengamot also recognizes the authenticity of such records.

Most importantly, the highest-end panoramic telescopes are made with exactly the same technology as the Legal Enforcement Division's recorders, and the images are much clearer.

Yes, Dumbledore once again tricked Fudge. This product was embedded in both the Black Cube and the Auror's stone shield, but Dumbledore only took it out at this time.

If Fudge wants to deny the credibility of the Panoramic Telescope, he must deny that the Department of Magical Law Enforcement has used the recorder to prosecute cases, and he must also deny the verdict of the Wizengamot.

is it possible?

Therefore, Fudge needs to face the established impeachment proceedings, and Dumbledore, the chief wizard of the Wizengamot Supreme Court, temporarily takes over as minister.

The moment Lao Deng assumed the power of acting minister, he immediately issued two decrees:

1. Establish a Financial Department to uniformly control all financial matters of the entire Ministry of Magic.

2. Establish a Defense Department to uniformly control all armed forces in the entire magical world.

The heads of these two departments have the same level as the minister and have all the power to appoint and remove personnel in the department. The appointment and removal of the director must be decided by the entire Ministry of Magic and are not under the jurisdiction of the minister.

In the high-level vote that night, Lucius became the newly appointed Financial Secretary with 60% of the votes, while Dumbledore became the newly appointed Director of Defense with 85% of the votes.

That is to say, regardless of whether Fudge was dismissed or not, the minister's powers were also divided into three, with two completely independent and equal departments dividing his financial and military power, leaving only administrative power for him.

When Dumbledore returned to Hogwarts, the "Evening Prophet" published in a special issue had already reported on Voldemort's conspiracy, and the legion headed by Old Deng once again defeated Voldemort's forces. Reporters in the stadium's stands used their magic cameras to capture the entire promotional video on the big screen and put it all in the special issue.

Everyone in the wizarding world now knows that Voldemort has been resurrected, but they are not as frightened as before, because the strongest white wizard in Europe has long led an army (forty people, sweat...) and severely damaged the devil and his demons by waiting for the chance. Henchmen.

The most powerful white wizard, who is so wise and capable, and who anticipates the enemy's opportunities, took charge of the country's armed forces at an emergency meeting last night, determined to once again kill all Voldemort's forces who had fled in panic. As an ordinary magical resident, do you need to be afraid of anything?

"That's good. If there's nothing else for me, I'll go back first." Chen Bin yawned and planned to go back to catch up on his sleep. He didn't want to hang out with the immortal old man in the principal's office.

"It really has something to do with you." Dumbledore frowned and said worriedly: "Although Voldemort has been severely damaged, he will definitely make a comeback. Last night, we didn't expect that Voldemort would use his great-grandmother's power. The skeleton, after being resurrected, has far more magical power than his original power.

I have used secret techniques from the beginning to be able to tie with him, or even fall slightly behind. However, at the moment when he also used the secret technique, if you hadn't helped in time, I wouldn't have had time to use the secret technique for the second time..."

"Stop it..." The more Chen Bin listened, the more something was wrong. He jumped up in fright and asked: "You used the secret method as soon as you made the move, and he also used it later. That means that your magic power has been increased to more than 8.55 times from the beginning. Not his opponent? What are the consequences of your secret technique? Can you do it again now? Has your strength dropped? And..."

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