Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 188 Unilateral Beating

"I see you, healthy and sound, with the same magic as before - arriving so quickly! - and I ask myself...why haven't these wizards come to the aid of their master, the one to whom they have sworn eternal allegiance?"

No one answered or moved, only Crouch Jr. raised his head excitedly.

Then, Voldemort mocked these people in a flat tone for a while, and suddenly noticed a masked man.

"Lucius, my cunning friend." He stopped in front of the man and whispered: "I heard that you have not given up your past behavior, although you put on a sanctimonious face in front of the world. I believe You're still willing to take the lead in torturing Muggles, right? But you never went looking for me, Lucius... Your behavior at the Quidditch World Cup was quite interesting... But if you spend your energy on finding and helping your master , wouldn’t it be better?”

"Master, I have always been very careful." Lucius Malfoy's voice quickly came from under the hood, "As long as there is any signal from you, as long as there are any rumors about your whereabouts, I will rush to you immediately. , nothing can stop me——"

"But when a loyal Death Eater launched my mark into the air last summer, you escaped." Voldemort said lazily, scaring Mr. Malfoy to shut up suddenly.

"Yes, I know that, Lucius... you have disappointed me... I hope you will serve me more loyally in the future."

"Of course, Master, of course... you are generous, thank you..."

Voldemort took two steps and stopped in front of the missing gap, praising the loyalty of these two people, but it was a pity that they were trapped in Azkaban.

Harry heard that he was going to invite dementors to join them, recall banished giants, and find more fearsome magical animals. He then continued to comment on each of the Death Eaters, including Crabbe and Goyle's father.

Some people will bow, some will kneel, and some will crawl at his feet, but all of them will tremble while showing their loyalty.

Voldemort likes to interrupt Death Eaters. This may be a sign that he doesn't like to listen to opinions, or he has seen through the excuses and compliments that are against his will.

He continued to remember the dead, satirized those who dared not come back, and finally praised those who gave the most.

"Fortunately, I still have the most loyal servant." He walked back to the red-faced little Crouch and praised him: "After he struggled out of the shackles, he immediately took the initiative to carry out my resurrection."

There was a commotion among the Death Eaters, exchanging glances with each other, but no one dared to speak.

"He will become my deputy in return for this extraordinary contribution." Voldemort said this, his lipless mouth twisted into a smile, and then continued: "At Hogwarts, Barty relied on his efforts. , our children will come here tonight..."

The eyes of everyone in the circle fell on Harry.

"Yes." Voldemort continued with an ugly smile and introduced: "Harry Potter is coming to my resurrection party. We might even call him my special guest."

There was silence.

Then, Lucius Malfoy took a step forward and said humbly: "Master, we are eager to know...please tell us...how you accomplished this...this miracle...and returned to us... "

"Ah, it's a long story, Lucius." Voldemort said: "The beginning of this story - and the end - are all related to my little friend."

He walked over to Harry, where the snake continued to wander.

Voldemort whispered that Harry's mother had used an ancient love spell, and touched Harry's cheek with his long, pale fingers.

"...But it doesn't matter, I can touch him now."

Harry's face was full of pain, and his whole body was shaking, but the trembling was more likely caused by panic.

Voldemort retracted his finger and continued to say that he couldn't use the wand to save himself in a state that was worse than a wandering ghost, and could only wait for loyal people to help him. Later, he met Quirrell in the woods of Albania and planned to steal the magic stone to resurrect his body.

"I was thwarted...and thwarted again by Harry Potter and Aaron Naama..."

The whole place continued to be dead silent, the wind stopped, and no one dared to move, all staring at Voldemort and Harry.

"But it doesn't matter, Naama's woman and Potter are also in my hands." Voldemort continued: "That woman is Aaron Naama's legal wife. I want her to give me many offspring, and then let her They also gathered around Naamah’s tomb every day and shamed his bones.”

When Voldemort said this, he suddenly gritted his teeth, as if recalling a lifetime of shame.

The Death Eaters remained motionless. Some of them glanced at the girl lying not far away, but they endured it forcefully.

When Harry heard the shocking news, he looked at Kate lying on her side with an unbelievable look.

Kate also stared in disbelief and almost trembled.

Seeing that no one dared to make any move, Voldemort's twisted and ferocious face once again showed an expression of satisfaction and continued to talk about what happened after Quirrell's death.

He returned to his original weakness and once again waited for the Death Eaters to find him. Just when he was about to give up, new hope appeared.

"Our neighbors were looking for me in the country where I was hiding... One of their important leaders had his limbs torn off, and all their magic could not bring them back. They put all their hopes in my dark magic. Knowledge, almost turned over the entire dense forest."

"They sent the leader and his limbs to a nearby tavern and turned this shop into their base. I studied there for almost a year before I came up with the new black magic to expel the strange power of the severed limb incisions .Their leader established an equal pact with me and has since left that ridiculous organization and conspired with me to overthrow the Ministry of Magic."

"I was possessed by someone else again, and when I was about to set out to collect resurrection materials, some fool happened to bump into this stronghold. We met Bertha Jorkins there, a witch from the Ministry of Magic. She was subdued and handed over a large amount of information..."

Later, Voldemort actually revealed his plan in detail. He used powerful magic to break the witch's forgetfulness spell, and then learned about the plan to hold the Triwizard Tournament, and discovered that his loyal servant Crouch Jr. was not dead yet.

The witch went to Old Crouch's house for work and accidentally discovered Little Crouch hiding in the house. Old Crouch therefore cast a strong forgetting spell on her, but it was no match for Wolves. The powerful spell of Wolf (the bookstore assassin) caught everything.

After killing the woman, Wolfe returned to England. After evading the strict investigation period of the World Cup, he made a temporary body for Voldemort based on the dark magic invented by Voldemort.

However, his goal is to resurrect his original powerful physical body, so he must collect the three major medicine introductions used today.

However, after he examined his father's bones, he found that they had been tampered with, and that the bones of his blood relatives within three generations had also been tampered with. Even he couldn't solve this profound potion, so he searched for the bones of other ancestors all over the UK this year, and finally found the grave of his great-great-grandmother.

On the other hand, in order to not be affected by Lily's love spell, he had to use Harry's blood as one of the ingredients for the medicine, so he sent Wolfe to rescue Barty Jr., and then let Barty Little transform into Moody .

He charmed the Goblet of Fire with a curse, allowing Harry to be chosen as the Champion, and replaced the trophy with a portkey. In the end, he used a trick to get Harry and Kate to win the trophy at the same time and come here...if not, the two of them had already seen through this trap.

After Voldemort said this long list of causes and consequences, he suddenly turned to Harry and raised his wand.

"Heart-breaking and bone-cutting!"

Harry screamed in pain, his eyes rolling crazily in his head, but he just couldn't pass out... or die...

The ordeal ended suddenly.

He hung limply on the ropes that bound him, but raised his head to meet Voldemort's red eyes.

The Death Eaters sneered, but Voldemort was pointing out how much weaker the boy was than he was. That day, he only escaped from his clutches by luck. After that, he was just a child under Dumbledore's protection.

"...His mother came to make sacrifices for him. I will give him a chance, he can fight me, so that you will not doubt who is more powerful. Just wait a moment, Nagini." Voldemort said softly.

The big snake immediately swam in the direction of the Death Eaters.

"Barty, put him down and give him his wand."

Little Crouch made a stroke with his silver hand, and the rope was cut.

Harry's legs were shaking, but the Death Eaters moved closer, surrounding him and Voldemort closely.

Crouch Jr. walked to Kate outside the circle, retrieved Harry's wand, and then crushed the wand in Kate's hand with his foot.

Kate's hand was bleeding from the wood chips, but Crouch didn't even look at her and went straight back to the circle of Death Eaters.

"Have you learned dueling, Harry Potter?" Voldemort asked softly, his red eyes shining in the darkness.

Harry didn't answer.

"Let us bow to each other, Harry," Voldemort ignored Harry's reaction and bowed to him. "Come on, etiquette must be observed... Dumbledore must hope you behave gracefully... Bow to death, Harry..."

The Death Eaters laughed again, making Voldemort laugh too.

Seeing that Harry did not bend down, Voldemort raised his wand and said, "I said, bow."

Harry felt as if an invisible hand was pressing his back, and he bowed awkwardly to him, and then the power disappeared.

The Death Eaters laughed even louder.

"Very good." Voldemort raised his wand and said softly: "Now you look at me, with your head held high like a man, just like you did when your father died..."

"Now - let's duel."

Harry couldn't react at all and was hit by the Cruciatus Curse.

He let out a violent scream and rolled on the ground in pain.

Then, the torture suddenly stopped.

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