Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 160 If nothing happens, don’t mess around!

Seeing that he couldn't save them, Karkaroff used a splitting spell to blow up the baby bears. Two of them were actually blown to pieces by him. But this guy probably didn't have enough magic power to blow up the remaining eight bear treasures, so he used the Fire Spell after dodging several attacks.

Now Chen Bin is furious!

Lihuo is a powerful black magic. The fire is not big at first, but it can instantly ignite things around it. Except for counter-curses, almost nothing can put it out. And once successfully lit, these flames can mimic the form of monsters and hunt down all flammable objects regardless of friend or foe.

You can be ruthless in this little game, so Chen Bin won’t hold back!

The baby bears who were originally lying on the ground hugging the students dropped their targets and rushed towards the two companions who were lit by the fire. They suddenly turned into eight baby bears.

Then, Xiong Bao lost his original sluggishness, and instead became eight martial artists with Chen's movement skills, suddenly surrounding Karkaroff.

Hogwarts is unable to apparate, and Karkaroff finally panicked when he was trapped in the rapidly shrinking fire bear baby circle. He chanted the counter-curse desperately, but he didn't notice that among the eight attacking babies, a "curse stopped" suddenly hit him.

The eight danger warnings that came at the same time could not be recognized clearly in his panic, so the curse really hit him, forcing his counter-curse to stop instantly.

The eight fierce fire babies just slapped him with their claws and all took half a step back, but the fierce fire on their claws had already spread to Karkaroff's robe.

In the end, Lao Deng couldn't stand it anymore, so he phantomed in front of him, extinguishing all the fierce fire, and then apparated away, flashing for less than half a second, which dazzled Chen Bin.

Needless to say, Karkaroff and six of his students were sentenced to death, and the seven-man team led by Krum had long been wiped out. They met the sharpshooter Filch who was guarded by Lupine, and were shot dead without even seeing the shadows of the two men.

On the other hand, the Beauxbatons students who were also engaged in a classroom assault defense battle, under the leadership of Madame Maxime, had been wiped out three times. They knew that it was impossible to reach a safe point with their existing strength, so they also decided to Admit failure. The intruders faced by their group of sixteen were McGonagall, True Moody, Sirius and Anastasia.

Even a team of ten Aurors would have to kneel when they encountered them, let alone 15 students and a giantess?

Chen Bin extremely suspected that the reason why McGonagall participated in the torture was because Old Deng had kissed the back of Madame Maxime's hand but not her. Otherwise, why would she abandon class and play the role of an intruder chasing Beauxbatons?

Before lunch, Karkaroff and Mrs. Maxim also approached Lao Deng and complained that the invaders they faced were far more powerful than their opponents at Hogwarts.

Especially Karkaroff, he opened his mouth and sprayed: "Aaron Naama simply wants to murder me!"

Lao Deng called Chen Bin, Lu Ping and Filch to confront him.

ヾ(=ω=)o: "Mr. Principal, what do you want from me?"

Old Deng: "The principal of Durmstrang said you wanted to murder him."

(=ω`=): "Is he mentally disturbed? And I'm masked, how could he know it's me?"

Lao Deng: "The whole school also knows that you are the only one who can transform into more than ten giant bears."

The two sang together, finally irritating Karkaroff. "Boy! You interrupted my counter-curse. Do you want me to die in the fire?"

(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~: "What Lihuo? The use of black magic is not allowed in our country, otherwise it will be easy to enter Azkaban. Look at the appearance of the intruders all using illusion magic to simulate black magic. Did you really use black magic to attack me just now?"

Karkaroff: "(╬◣д◢)...щ(゜ロ゜щ)...Of course not! I also used illusion magic just now!"

Tu (艹艹): "Then don't be ridiculous! I reserve the right to sue you for defamation. The image of you using black magic just now was taken by me. Do you want me to send it to the Ministry of Magic for identification?"

Karkaroff was furious! Just slam the door and leave.

Chen Bin saw that he was not dead and left the principal's office.

Mrs. Maxim saw everyone leaving, but she continued to sit here and squirm.

"Olim, is there anything else you want to talk to me about?" Dumbledore smiled gently.

Madame Maxime also smiled slightly, but it looked like an awkward smile. "Albus, I'm sorry, maybe my request is a bit excessive, but if you can, I hope you can consider it. If you can do this, I will be very happy..."

She spent nearly a minute describing how much she hoped Lao Deng would accept her, and finally got to the point: "Please don't write the results of our mock battle into the school history."

After Lao Deng agreed, she left, but Karkaroff came back with the same request, and also added that he was not allowed to reveal the Fire Curse.

From then on, Chen Bin could proudly say that the principals of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang took a detour every time they saw him.

After the entire army was wiped out in the classroom assault defense battle, they set their sights on the infinite melee between good and evil, that is, all students in the school vs. professors or senior students.

The result was, oh hehe hehe, it was so cruel!

The professors at Hogwarts teamed up to kill Karkaroff and Madame Maxime. Durmstrang was no different from an ordinary seventh grader since he couldn't use black magic. Beauxbatons had more girls, so his fighting spirit was obviously higher. Durmstrang is low. Who said that the overwhelming proportion of boys in the opponent's delegation was?

Chen Bin did not target students from these two schools, but they lacked one year of escape room experience at Hogwarts, two months of simulated combat training, and one year and two months of targeted extracurricular activities. It can only be described as chaos, and they all accepted the baptism of nervous riding dance, Russian punishment dance and various dance steps.

Fortunately, the Beauxbatons participants were mainly girls, otherwise they would have hung their leggings upside down and sang in fear like the men in Durmstrang.

In contrast, the students of Hogwarts have brilliant tactics and achievements. They had been holding back their ultimate move for two months, and often discussed new tactics in the public room, such as encirclement and slowdown, appearance swapping between high and low levels, anti-riot formation and split three-row shooting, martial arts movement shooting, and obstacles. Hidden sneak attacks, deep sieges and penetrations, and Qiu Zhang's three-three tactics from Muggle relatives, etc.

Although they were still defeated, at least 2-30% of the surviving personnel reached the safe point, and each battle also had multiple counterattacks and even successful sneak attacks (mainly Slytherin), and mobile encirclement and annihilation of intruders (mainly Ravenclaw) , a large-scale charge to kill the intruders (mainly Gryffindor), and a suicide attack to kill them all (mainly Hufflepuff).

Don't underestimate these achievements. Using the power of students to force professors to die with them requires courage, strategy, tactics and strength. If one of these is missing, the professor will find an opening and slip away.

For example, a suicide attack requires more than ten people to work together to interfere with the professor's danger prediction, and they also need to know how to capture the buried fighter. In the end, they need to work together to break through the professor's magic shield to successfully die together.

Even the most unskilled group charge still requires defense, avoidance, team support and other collective operating principles, forcing the professor to fight with them head-on when there is no way to retreat.

Durmstrang believed that Chen Bin's army of bear cubs was invincible, but Ravenclaw showed them how to break the formation through actions.

The Ravenclaw students used arithmetic to estimate the duration, defense power, attack range, explosion speed, safe distance, movement speed, etc. of the transformation spell. Finally, they transformed small snakes into various designated locations and then all evacuated.

More than 70 baby bears hugged the little snake and refused to let go. Then they were bitten by the little snake and turned into more than 70 beams of green light. However, there was no living person nearby, so all the light beams were directed at the closest living creature - the little snake.

Beauxbatons believed that Filch's enchanted machine gun was invincible, but more than fifty students from the "Martial Arts Society" told them how to use the shield array, and how to use the lowest magic burst to eat more than 700 disarming bullets but not A hair fell off.

Also, Slytherin demonstrated how to use surprise attacks to kill Sirius, who is powerful but often takes it lightly; Ravenclaw demonstrated how to surround McGonagall and surrender; Gryffindor showed how to grind to the point of superior combat power Felivi spent all his magic power; Hufflepuff performed a suicide attack while rescuing people and undoing curses.

What is most shocking to the students of the two schools is that even if the students of the four colleges unite and try their best to join forces and even ignore the casualties and victory or defeat, they have still not been able to take down Aaron. Naamah.

In this special area of ​​Hogwarts where teleportation magic is prohibited, double wand burst + bear treasure guard + phantom spell (chameleon magic) + infinite magic power = an unsolvable knot.

The most evil thing is that this guy also has the danger prediction based on martial arts intuition. He will never use the magic shield to fight. Instead, he will use white smoke and light skills to escape by instinct, and will never confront the students head-on.

Losing to Hogwarts in both competitions naturally made the representatives of the two schools very unconvinced, so they put their hope in the last battle - the after-school cross-level melee in the evening.

However, the representatives of the two schools are also senior students, and it is impossible for them to form a team, because the eight teams at Hogwarts each night also draw one player from each of grades 1 to 7. Therefore, they were also scattered to these eight teams, and then they were despised by the Hogwarts students on the same team.

Not to mention tactics, the most necessary movement and casting are also not done well. Either they miss or the casting fails. You must know that after they have played for two months, whoever can only stand still to cast spells must be the fastest to kneel, because the positions that can give opponents a standing position to shoot are often those ambush points, as long as a third grader is placed next to them. Can disable his wand using various methods other than disarming spells.

How do junior students break through the iron armor curse of senior students? The answer is: why pierce it?

The Iron Armor Curse is not an egg-shaped protection with no blind spots. With this shape, it is impossible to defend against a full blow from an opponent of the same level.

Also, there is no AI chip in the Iron Armor Spell, so it cannot tell whether the moving caster is intentionally or unintentionally storing items behind the shield. In other words, if the caster cannot see the trap, it is easy for him to move around. Let the magic shield pass through the obstacle, otherwise his transparent shield will hit the pillar before it hits the pillar, and then generate repulsion.

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