Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 152 Shut your mouth, Géant!

Harry sat at the Gryffindor table, seemingly petrified.

There were no cheers or applause, only buzzing discussions filled the auditorium.

McGonagall walked up to Dumbledore as planned and whispered a few words, and the latter frowned slightly. Chen Bin didn't know what they were talking about, and they might not even have said anything at all, because the two people in the original work did this.

Harry in the audience was obviously explaining that he didn't put his name in, but his friends still looked at him blankly.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore shouted again, "Harry! Please come up here!"

Finally, he entered the next room.

Chen Bin wanted to follow Dumbledore into the room, but was stopped by Karkaroff. "Are you the contestant's boyfriend? I don't think you are qualified to participate in anything related to the event. Mr. Crouch, am I right?"

Old Batty said impatiently: "Yes, go in quickly, but don't go in."

"Death Eater, do you want to die?" Chen Bin glared at Karkaroff, who instantly became furious. "What did you say? How dare you slander me..."

"I want to kill a Death Eater in the Naama family, and no one in Europe dares to stop me."

"Mr. Crouch, the residents under your jurisdiction are threatening..."

"That's enough, Professor Naama, you wait here." Dumbledore stopped Karkaroff and Chen Bin from fighting each other, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that Chen Bin really wanted to kill this guy, and this guy was really scared. Chen Bin will take action or assassinate him on the spot.

After crazy mergers and acquisitions, the Naama family has been developing violently for three years, and now anyone who is not a wizard with little information will know about the existence of this behemoth. In the whole of Europe, there is only one family that can have more than a hundred wizards working for them.

Chen Bin was waiting alone at the staff table, while the other students returned to their common rooms.

After a while, Madame Maxime came out first with Fleur.

When Furong saw that Chen Bin was still here, she immediately stepped forward and asked, "You are obviously Aaron Naama, why did you lie to me and call you Bin Chen?"

Chen Bin was thinking about Kate's safety, so naturally he was not in the mood to pretend to be a good boyfriend to avoid suspicion. "The whole school also knows that this is my real name. I think what you have to care about now is Maxim's feelings."

Maxim stared at Chen Bin warily, then continued to pull Furong and said, "Stop talking to this wild boy. He might have known you would become a warrior before approaching you in the World Cup..."

Before she finished speaking, Fleur sighed inwardly, because she forgot to tell Madam Maxime that Chen Bin could understand French. But it was too late.

"Shut your mouth, Géant!"

"What did you say?" Maxim said in disbelief.

"Can't you understand human language? No wonder, how can Géant understand the language of the human world?"

"You..." Maxim's secret buried deep in his heart was exposed by Chen Bin, who anxiously defended: "I'm not a giant, I just have a bit of a frame..."

"I'm not interested in knowing what you are." Chen Bin did not respond with indecent remarks, so he used his original title and shouted back at her: "Get out of here, you wild boy."

Maxim immediately stopped arguing and hurriedly pulled Fleur away. She understood that the reason for this man's sudden provocation was that she had scolded him in French. As for Furong, her good impression of Chen Bin suddenly changed. She only thought that his mother was a good person, but his son was very rude.

Karkaroff saw that Chen Bin had no intention of continuing to intimidate him, and quickly fled the auditorium with Klum.

Old Deng, Fake Moody, McGonagall, Snape and others walked out of the room one by one without saying hello to Chen Bin.

Chen Bin waited until Caitlina came out, and she was comforting Harry. "Don't worry, Bin and I also believe that you haven't done anything. You were framed by bad guys just like me."

"But will anyone believe our explanation?" Harry almost despaired, imagining people's faces when they returned to the common room.

"Harry, we believe you." Chen Bin sent him out of the corridor and encouraged: "Don't pay attention to other people's crazy words during this period, just use your strength to shut them up."

Harry went back. Chen Bin took Kate's hand and hurried back to the dormitory, activated all the defensive magic circles, and then carefully felt her body for any traces of the Imperius Curse or other evil curses.

Kate interrupted his examination and said angrily: "Bin, who would curse me with Dumbledore here?"

"I'm just guarding against this old guy!" Chen Bin got angry when he heard Lao Deng's name.

"Bin, calm down. He didn't do it, it was Barty." Katerina soothed softly, and then explained what happened just now.

After entering the room, the plot is similar to the original one.

Fleur thought Harry was the student who came to send a message, then the other two principals attacked Old Deng, Snape attacked Harry, fake Moody said that someone was trying to harm Harry, and finally Old Barty said that the game should continue according to the Goblet of Fire choice. .

However, after Lao Deng left, the fake Moody whispered to Catalina: "In order to protect Harry, it is better for you to win the championship together. I will help you."

Without waiting for her answer, the fake Moody walked away on crutches, because Lao Deng happened to turn around at this time.

"You wrongly blamed Dumbledore." Caitlina gently swept Chen Bin's back and whispered: "Just now I saw Dumbledore's expression was very lonely, as if...well...it seemed that everything It’s like the world doesn’t understand him either.”

"He is deviant."

Katerina's hand sweeping Chen Bin's back suddenly stopped.

"Don't look so surprised. I'm not kidding. My mother's predictions about the British wizarding world are much better than mine. There must be nothing wrong."

"Then...then...just pretend I didn't say anything." Katerina looked up at the ceiling, not wanting to persuade Chen Bin to reconcile with Lao Deng.

"Kate, why don't we leave the UK." Chen Bin said seriously.

"Why?" Katerina was confused. Ever since she learned Chen Bin's secret, she knew that he regarded destroying Voldemort as his life goal, and even went so far as to completely transform the Naama family's magic industry into a military industry.

"I don't want to lose you, and I don't want you to be in danger. Just thinking about you facing Voldemort made my legs a little weak. Just thinking about you being in danger, I almost went crazy and even wanted to pull out my wand. Get rid of Lao Deng who forced you into the room. I almost went crazy just now."

Chen Bin rarely opens his heart completely, but the anger just now really made him lose his mind. At the last moment, Kate's coquettishness woke him up.

On the other hand, Chen Bin didn't bother to understand her past before, but this time he carefully recalled that every look in Kate's eyes, the tone of her words, and even some of her actions were all out of the hope of not being disliked by others.

Her childhood was deeply affected by the declining Muggle society, and then she suddenly became a neglected branch of the magical family. After desperately catching up with her studies in the magical world, she was almost driven back to the changed Muggle society.

Then, an Easterner (Chen Weiguo), who represented the oldest aristocracy in the West, overwhelmed the entire powerful Dubrovsky family in terms of financial resources, strength and status. The young master of this family chose her to be his pseudo-fiancée with a casual attitude, and the family treated her like a commodity and stuffed her into the rich Western magical world to become the marriage partner of this powerful family.

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