Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 107 The Revelation of the Nightmare

Next, the professor continued to digress. From the original Muggle technology to the first economic bubble in history - the tulip mania of the 17th century.

A bell rang, and Professor Bubbaji hadn't finished speaking about Tulip Mania, and the class was about to end.

The students left get out of class in confusion, and Chen Bin saw the situation and joined the crowd. Female professors are terrible, and unmarried female professors are the most terrifying creatures. They can devote their whole heart into the ocean of knowledge and enter a state of selflessness all the time.

However, before Chen Bin could step out of the door, a soft female voice came from behind: "Professor Naama, please stay for a while."

( ̄Д ̄)┍:“What’s the matter?”

After Professor Bubaji waited for all the students to leave, he took his magic wand and closed the door with a wave.

Then, she glanced at Chen Bin up and down with scrutinizing eyes for a while, and asked calmly: "Are all your answers in the N.E.W.T.s test paper nonsense?"

! ! ! ∑(Дノ)ノ: “How did you know?”

She smiled slightly, shook her head and said: "That was the first time I was invited to design a test paper, but I used too much force and eliminated all the candidates except you. I also revised your paper, and I believed you at that time. I give you full marks for your ideas. How could I know that judging from the situation in the next two years, your answers are all wrong, and you are obviously misleading my judgment. In vain, you asked me to revise dozens of times for a paper that was almost submitted. .”

Chen Bin did not expect to meet the real owner, so he could only look up at the ceiling and whistle.

"I won't hold you accountable for your mischief." Aunt Bubbaji put away her smile and asked seriously: "I just want to ask you, according to your judgment, will there be a war between Muggles and Muggles in the future? Can wizards coexist peacefully?"

(△;): "Professor, I am only 14 years old, how can you ask me such a profound question?"

Seeing Chen Bin pretending to be young, Bubbaji said angrily: "Ethan Brown is a good friend of mine when I was in school." Bubbaji said generously: "This summer, before I took this position, he approached me You asked me, hoping that I could be a consultant to Muggles, and also told me about your investment experience. I thought that staying in the magical world to spread Muggle knowledge would better promote exchanges between the two worlds, so I declined his invitation. Well, your public examination results have shown that you are excellent, and you can avoid the financial mistakes that even Newton made. So I just want to know, do you think Muggles will maintain peace in the future? Muggles Can we coexist peacefully with wizards?”

Facing such clear eyes, Chen Bin was really embarrassed to pretend. "I'm not optimistic that Muggles and wizards can coexist peacefully."

"Why?" Bubaji asked in surprise.

Chen Bin pretended to be serious and asked: "If one day, the group of superpowers who once single-handedly destroyed the entire Diagon Alley came and asked you to make friends, would you be willing?"

"Why not?" Bubaji asked confidently.

Chen Bin didn't answer and asked instead: "What if this group has tortured and killed your ancestors for seven centuries, and your current magic no longer poses any threat to them?"

Bubaji fell silent, obviously knowing what Chen Bin was implying.

She had an extremely favorable impression of Muggles, but that didn't mean that Muggles could accept such a powerful enemy. Moreover, the two groups had fought for seven centuries, until modern thermal weapons posed no threat to wizards.

Bubaji was deep in thought, and Chen Bin took the opportunity to slip away. In the days that followed, Bubaji no longer paid attention to Chen Bin, and Chen Bin finally breathed a sigh of relief while eating.

That night, Chen Bin had a nightmare.

Voldemort in the dream saw through Lao Deng's trick and changed his wand to Avatar to kill Harry. Then, Lao Deng's crow's mouth came true. Voldemort took control of the British wizarding world, unified the Western magical community, and forced the Western Muggles to surrender to him.

Three years later, Voldemort's magic became more powerful and the world fell. Chen Bin has been enchanting himself in the underground bunker, watching the changes on the ground broadcast on TV every day. He has always regretted not resisting Voldemort with all his strength, allowing his power to snowball.

Until one day, Voldemort personally knocked on the door, grabbed Chen Bin, who was in his twenties, and said face to face: "Do you remember cutting off my limbs when you were in first grade? The insult you gave me that day was that I kept changing. Strong motivation. Do you still naively think that you can always stay safe by hiding in the back?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Voldemort removed his limbs. He slapped Chen Bin on the face with a dagger while saying humiliating words to him.

Moments before Chen Bin received the Avada lunch, Voldemort dragged out the tied up grown-up Caitlina from behind the door. "I will have many, many children with her, and they will grow up to pee on your tombstone every day. Goodbye, Aaron Naamah. Avada Kedavra—"

A stream of green waterfall sprayed into Chen Bin's face.

"No————" Chen Bin shouted angrily and was trapped in the bedroom.

He woke up, but the feeling in the dream remained the same.

This dream was ridiculous. Voldemort would actually make such a mentally retarded threat. He didn't know if it was because of Professor Bubbaji's class yesterday.

Chen Bin grinned at the mirror, but couldn't smile because the feeling of this dream was too real. So regretful, cowardly and unwilling, especially when she saw Katerina's desperate and frightened eyes before she died, it was simply heartbreaking pain.

In the 14 years since he came here, this was the first time he had a nightmare. He believed that this dream was not a prophecy but a reflection of his fear of Voldemort.

He was very afraid of Voldemort in his heart. This was a problem he had not wanted to face since he was a child. The seeds had been planted since that night when he was almost suffocated by his aura.

After waking up from the dream, he habitually checked the blood curse connection, only to find that another small fragment had fallen out. He had neither headaches nor self-healing of the chip.

He guessed that this dream stimulated his emotions, causing him to break a small piece of the connection in his sleep without knowing it. As Chen Bin can mobilize extreme emotions, such sudden breakdowns will continue to happen, making him afraid to raise his tolerance to the highest level like last night.

Chen Bin had a vague feeling that the protagonist of this world was not Harry, but Voldemort. He is the son of the plane, if Lao Deng's plan is seen through.

This world is probably not the world in Chen Bin's previous life. When one's personal strength reaches a certain terrifying level, it is very possible to challenge the whole world alone, and it is even possible to control various supernatural realms and attack any force.

After waking up from his dream, Chen Bin understood that the Naama industry could not deal with Voldemort at all, and killing the Dark Lord was no longer just a private matter in Europe.

After talking, Chen Bin asked for leave from Lao Deng again. This time his excuse was to go abroad to find a way to defeat Voldemort.

Lao Deng was not so angry. Since Chen Bin didn't want to talk, he didn't ask and directly granted him a week's holiday.

Before leaving, Chen Bin asked Lao Deng to turn the ring into as many mice as possible, and said that the result would determine how he dealt with Voldemort.

This request was obviously to probe Lao Deng's magical power, but he did not hide anything from Chen Bin and tried his best to conjure a swarm of rats.

The result was not good, but it strengthened Chen Bin's determination.

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