Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 104 Nicol Flamel’s Speculations

Most of the content in Nicol Flamel's letters is also an analysis and comparison of these mythical archetypes. Every detail has been carefully studied, and it can be called a rigorous academic paper.

Integrating Lilith from various myths, almost all of them retain her two major characteristics: first, using black magic to harm humans; second, having an unusual relationship with snakes.

Although Muggle mythology contains a lot of slander and exaggeration, the integrated characteristics are likely to be related to reality.

Looking for this characteristic among real wizards, we can only find one matching family in Europe - Slytherin, which is the family of one of the founders of Hogwarts.

Salazar Slytherin's most distinctive feature is also a snake: he is the first recorded Parselmouth in history. His wand is made of snakewood and its core is a basilisk horn. His house is symbolized by snakes. The secret room he built housed a basilisk that had been sleeping for thousands of years and so on.

Throughout the European wizarding world, there are a small number of families whose symbols are snakes, but only the descendants of Slytherin are so fond of snakes and know Parseltongue. If this doesn't prove that Slytherin is a descendant of the Lilith family, then there is only the far-fetched reason of powerful magic.

Chen Bin basically believed Nico Flamel's speculation, because he also knew that Socket Nose of the Gaunt family was a descendant of Slytherin, and besides raising snakes, Socket Nose also transformed into a snake-man after resurrection.

This would explain why Parseltongue is an innate magic and cannot be learned. This is simply the ancient secret art of Lilith's lineage.

Chen Bin even more boldly speculated that as long as the descendants with excessively deteriorated bloodlines have a stronger affinity with snakes, the purer Lilith bloodline in their bodies will be, otherwise Socket Nose will not be resurrected into a snake-like appearance.

Among the three ancient families, only the Naama family still retains its original surname. The other two races are likely to allow the blood of their descendants to become mixed and impure to dilute the madness in the blood.

Nico Flamel is probably a descendant of the Ise family. In his generation, the bloodline has undergone incomplete atavism, awakening some of the characteristics of his ancient ancestors. For example, the magic power far beyond this era makes his lifespan Longer, it can also be absorbed into the wife's body to maintain youth forever, but it has not reached the boundless magic power of the ancient times.

Even his alchemy talent is likely related to this bloodline, but bloodline regression may not be passed on to the next generation, so his children will only have mediocre talents and short lives.

What about Voldemort? Parseltongue is probably just the most mediocre low-level talent. For example, his mother and Harry also know Parseltongue, but they are not necessarily much stronger than others. Before Voldemort was made to disappear by Harry's fucking love spell, the only difference from ordinary people was that he knew how to raise snakes and make Horcruxes, and he was so talented that he still managed to make seven Horcruxes before he died.

There are only two people recorded in history who have successfully made Horcruxes. One is "Herpo the Foul", the founder of basilisk taming and Horcrux-making methods, and the other is Lord Voldemort.

Needless to say, the despicable Herbo may have awakened part of Lilith's bloodline, as evidenced by his talent in taming basilisks and creating this heaven-defying black magic.

The most important thing is that it only took Voldemort fifty years to challenge the most powerful white wizard in modern history, and Lao Deng was nearly a hundred years old at the time! He did not necessarily surpass Lao Deng in all aspects of magical attainments, but he surpassed Lao Deng in the strength of his magic power and his attainments in black magic.

Chen Bin guessed that the reason why Lao Deng was so happy today was that he discovered the secret of Voldemort becoming powerful. They are indeed good friends who love and kill each other - when Lao Deng dies, Socket Nose will cheer and applaud; when Socket Nose discovers a secret that even he himself doesn't know, Lao Deng will be so happy that he hums a tune.

That is to say, Voldemort's incomplete atavism allowed him to inherit the dark magic talent of his ancestors and the magic power far beyond this era. But I don't know who has stronger magic power compared to him or Nico Flamel?

The stronger Voldemort's magic power is, the faster he can recover his magic power and the stronger his magic power output. In terms of hardware alone (magic power, recovery and output), he has surpassed Lao Deng, the strongest wizard of this era, but what about software (skills)?

Lilith is the legendary ancestor of black magic and was used as a patron saint by many witches during the witch-hunting period. It's no wonder that Voldemort can divide his soul into seven pieces, because black magic is as proficient to him as if he invented it himself, and he can also create new black magic.

In other words, it is possible that no one in this era can surpass him in the skills of black magic.

"No, since he has such powerful magic power, does he still need to keep an eye on the Naama family's secret to longevity?" Chen Bin played with the silver necklace in his hand.

Lao Deng shook his head and corrected: "You should say, if he knew that he could live longer by continuing to accumulate magic power, would he still keep an eye on your secret to longevity?"

"What do you mean?" Chen Bin couldn't understand the gist of what he said, and was immediately choked by Lao Deng.

"Does the Ten Times Pure Heart Curse have a mind-lowering effect? ​​He doesn't know that he can live longer if he accumulates it, so he focuses on families with successful results. Didn't I make it clear enough?"

Chen Bin was not angry because he knew that the silver necklace was also draining Lao Deng's connections.

"Wait, I seem to have overlooked something very important." He pondered for two seconds in a funny way, then slapped his thigh and said in surprise: "Trelawny's prophecy - the Dark Lord will rise again with the help of his servants. , more powerful and terrifying than ever before. Mom, I want to go back to China. This battle can no longer be fought."

After he finished speaking, he made a gesture of covering his ears as if I wouldn't listen, and walked out of Lao Deng's principal's office.

Looking at Chen Bin's leaving figure, Lao Deng murmured: "It seems that the Qingxin Curse really has the effect of lowering the mind."

Chen Bin pretended to be crazy and finally escaped back to the dormitory, no longer having to face the smiling Lao Deng. He had been lying on the bed studying the silver necklace after taking a shower.

This necklace has been absorbing the wearer's escaping magic power as an energy source, and detects whether the magic power brings strong emotions, thereby releasing level prompts of extreme emotions into the wearer's mind, along with a self-selected virtual image.

Nico Flamel believes that Chen Bin's bloodline is mania with reason, so the necklace reminds him of his current situation and the consequences of mania, allowing reason to measure the results of the abuse of power.

Chen Bin has tested it. Adjusting the Ten Times Pure Heart Curse to the ancestral minimum tolerance level can eliminate the signs of extreme emotions, which happens to be the first level emotion of the necklace. Raising the tolerance level of the Ten Times Pure Heart Curse to the highest level exposes the While there is a gap in the blood connection, I imagine that I have been cheated, which is exactly the third level emotion.

He set the virtual images caused by the first and second level emotions to be sunflowers representing safety, and the virtual images at levels three to five were either Catalina injured by him, or his whole family was killed by him.

Although this setting is a bit tricky, these pictures can indeed briefly awaken his calm mood. Even if the tolerance of the Purifying Heart Curse can be lowered after the blood connection collapses, Chen Bin is afraid that once he is immersed in mania and delusion, he will never be willing to lower the tolerance.

Mania is just a destructive impulse, and the sense of delusion it generates is the key to his unwillingness to lower his tolerance, because delusional patients do not want to be restrained.

However, Nico Flamel's necklace had the effect of warning him not to indulge in mania.

Therefore, Chen Bin did not dare to use blood power beyond his control before he surrendered to his manic mood. He knew that destroying his blood curse connection would surely destroy Voldemort, but he might also become the new Demon King.

If Harry also fails, he can only return to China to continue exporting equipment. Anyway, France also established an anti-German base in Britain during World War II. This is worthy of the promise made to Lao Deng.

However, what Chen Bin is most worried about is, can the monk community withstand Voldemort's invasion?

Thinking about it, Chen Bin gradually fell into sleep.

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