"Your Majesty has been having nightmares recently." Yagafu said, "She said that she entered another person's life in her dream."

"Dreams are an extension of the spiritual world. Sometimes she goes too deep in her dreams and will be comatose for a period of time."

Mrs. Yaga looked at Sophia on the bed. The latter's face was calm, and even her heartbeat and breathing were as usual. However, in Murphy's vision, the colors representing her soul and magic had dissipated.

This is just an empty shell, Sophia's soul is no longer in the body.

"Why didn't you stop her?" Murphy asked.

"The magic she used is something I don't understand, and the thick fog isolated us. Moreover, she had told me about this 'fateful moment' before that, and she had already prepared for it. She hoped to use her own Sacrifice to save the Holy City.”

Murphy clearly remembered that the last time he went back, Sophia told her that the Holy City was safe.

But I didn't expect that the safety mentioned by the other party did not include myself.

Murphy didn't know what he was feeling at the moment. He stood next to the bed for a long time, and then sent himself back ten hours ago.

Firstly, he needs to complete the cycle of the magic barrier, and secondly, there are too many mysteries about the other party's behavior, and he wants to know more about it.

However, Sophia did not tell him anything substantial because "only he knows all the secrets."

But what the other party said made him more concerned. She said that the reason why Murphy didn't know everything yet was because he hadn't seen "her" yet.

In Murphy's understanding, this woman should of course refer to Miriam.

So Murphy went to the Gate of the Past. He was already the emperor of the Holy City, so he was naturally qualified to come here.

Behind the door, all the scenes he had seen before disappeared. The spiritual world that should have coincided with this place seemed to have disappeared for some reason, and the time and space here became stable and real.

When he came to the door, he only saw an empty crystal coffin.

In the coffin, there was a small silver-white ball floating in it. Murphy made a move and the ball came into his hand, glowing brightly.

"Prophecy ball?"

He was no stranger to this thing. There were millions of such prophecy balls in the prophecy room of the Department of Mysteries.

But why is there a prophecy ball here?

Before he could figure it out, suddenly, countless voices sounded in Murphy's ears.

Whether old or young, crisp or hoarse, the voices of countless men, women, old and young overlapped, as if millions of people were speaking together.

Different voices and different languages ​​made the sound extremely noisy, but gradually, he could hear some words, and they seemed to be saying the same thing.

"I saw...the Savior...he was the child born of death..."

After hearing the meaning of that sentence clearly, Murphy was stunned for a moment. He distinguished it again, and the rest of the prophecy suddenly became clear, "His darkness comes from the past years, and the 'prophet' will give it infinite wisdom, and in the future... The key to him is left in the secret room... He will solve the mystery and see the future... He will be resurrected after death and move towards the destiny of the savior..."


This prophecy he made up was once spoken by Professor Trelawney, but at this moment, it appeared again.

Originally he thought the savior in this prophecy refers to Tom, but now the latter is not here at all.

He frowned, but found a note under the crystal ball in the crystal coffin.

"547 AD. Messianic prophecy. Prophet: Merlin."

Only the royal family of Alkaim can enter and exit the Gate of the Past. This prophecy ball cannot be someone's prank.

Is Sophia using this to remind herself of something?

But if she wanted to reveal some information to herself, there was no need to use such a troublesome method. She could tell herself during the time review just now.

Miriam the Prophet is not here.

If you want to see her, you can only go back to the more distant past.

And the crystal ball seemed to indicate the time, "AD 547."

However, the time turner can usually only go back five hours, and even if it can barely do so, going back ten hours is already the limit.

If he wanted to go back 1,500 years, the amount of magic power he would need to mobilize would be unimaginably huge.

Just relying on the magic flow of a magic node is not enough. Perhaps, only by mobilizing the power of the magic network around the world can such time backtracking be possible.

Leaving the Gate of the Past, Murphy found Patrick Pa, and they met at No. 10 Downing Street, which had been converted into the Presidential Palace.

"The world situation is very tense now. The existence of gods has been exposed. Countries also have strong opinions on our use of air and space weapons and our attack on Brazil..."

Murphy nodded, "I know."

He has received countless reports about various countries condemning the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom, and the United States has even begun to threaten to use nuclear missiles to prevent the Soviet Union from continuing to launch satellites.

"What are you going to do?"

Murphy was silent for a while and suddenly sighed, "To be honest, I feel a little tired. It seems that no matter what I do, the result is in vain."

"Our enemies are not only the gods, but also the believers of the gods, and even the countries that want to stand behind the gods."

"And such people make up the vast majority of the world."

"Originally, the development of magic technology is consistent with the well-being of all mankind. Magic technology is a technology that can benefit everyone. In addition to achieving my personal goals, it can also lead mankind towards a more powerful future."

"But, it's different now."

"There are far more believers in the gods than we do. Opposing the gods is equivalent to opposing the vast majority of humans in this world."

"We are the enemy of the whole world."

Patrick looked at the other party, frowned at first, and then sighed, "Whether it's Muggles or wizards, there are only a few who follow reason. So what should we do? If we withdraw now, we may have to go to a military court."

Murphy was silent, and after a long time, he said: "Patrick, I might do something very crazy."

Patrick smiled, "What's something you've done along the way that isn't crazy?"

Murphy also smiled, "That's right."

He stood up, his mood gradually calming down. He actually already knew the answer, but he hadn't made up his mind yet, but now was the time to make a decision.

"I still insist that I am right. The belief represented by gods is blind worship of idols and authority. It will hinder the development of rationality, stifle human wisdom, and of course will block my way."

"The gods are enemies, there is no doubt about it. And the supporters of the gods are also enemies!"

Murphy looked at a globe on the table, "The attacks of the gods were not carried out independently, but had clear strategies and plans, which shows that they may have been under the command of a unified will."

"But we are still in disarray."

"Our actions even have to consider the impact on other countries. The missiles we send out are weapons that are supposed to protect people and deal with gods, but they will be intercepted by other countries."

"With these people holding us back, we will definitely fail!"

Although Patrick had already expected it, his heart was still pounding in shock at Murphy's words, "Could it be that...you want to..."

"Yes, I only have one year. I can't afford to be indecisive any longer."

"But...how to do it?" Patrick frowned and asked, "Our strength may be very strong, but it would be too difficult to fight against the whole world..."

"I already have a plan." Murphy said, looking out the window, his eyes dark and deep, "The imprisonment of thoughts is difficult to change through ordinary methods, and I don't have tens or hundreds of years to slowly change people's minds. thoughts."

"So all I can do is pure violence."

"If you want to save humanity, you must become a tyrant, then I will be the tyrant!"

"Since they have to believe in something to survive."

"Instead of believing in those gods. Why not believe in me."

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