Chapter 409 Disaster from the Gods

One month later.

Irish Sea, Isle of Man.

In a small coastal village, David Watson, Maurice Kent, and Elena Joyce were wearing black suits and showed their IDs to the godfather in front of them, "CBI, Bureau of Special Investigation, we received Report the case, someone is missing in the village?”

"Ah, yes, Benson and Darcy, they were missing for a few days, but they have returned now." The godfather said.

"Come back?" David looked at the other party suspiciously.

"Yes, yes, they just swam a little further and were washed up on the southern beach by the waves. They were delayed for two days before coming back. They were not really missing."

"But we received a report that a human foot was found on the beach with shoes on, and they suspected foul play."

"The person who reported the crime was Alma. She is a crazy woman. She always fantasizes about some evil power. We all know that is a fantasy. In the country under the rule of God, there will be no place for evil power. .”

"Benson and Darcy, where are they now?" David asked, "Let's go find out about the situation."

"I'm sorry, they were frightened before and may not want to see people."

"Oh. Well, Father," David shrugged, "In that case, we'll go back first. It doesn't look like anything extraordinary happened here."

"Really? Okay, let's go slowly."

David took two steps, but seemed to remember something, and took out something like a polaroid camera, "I almost forgot, we need to leave some evidence to prove that we have been here, you know, official procedures , wouldn’t you mind taking a picture of you, Father?”

"Huh? Oh, yes, please."

David pointed the camera at the priest and pressed the shutter. After a while, a Polaroid photo was printed out from the camera. David pulled it out, took a look, and smiled, "I took this photo." Well done, look at you, Father, you look so majestic."

As he spoke, David handed the photo to the priest. The latter took it and took a look at the photo. He didn't know whether it was a problem with David's shooting technique or a problem with the camera. The photo was very blurry, but he could vaguely make out a figure standing on the lawn. On the man's chest and abdomen, a strange color formed rows of things that looked like jointed limbs.

"What is this?" The priest suddenly felt fear in his heart.

"I want to know too." David said, suddenly pulling out a shotgun from nowhere, pointing it at the photo, and then pulled the trigger.

"Bang!" The photo and the head of the priest behind the photo were blown apart by shotguns, and a headless body fell to the ground.

"So easy?" Morris was stunned for a moment.

He also saw the photo just now. In the photo taken by the magic detection camera, the magic color of the opponent's chest and abdomen showed a deep purple color, which showed that his magic level was very high.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the priest's body on the ground suddenly twitched. Then, there were two clicks, and all his limbs were broken and bent backwards, pushing up the headless body, and the clothes on his chest and abdomen were also pushed up. Opening, the ribs hanging with flesh and blood stretched and folded, turning into limbs like crab legs, which were also propped on the ground.

The monster raised the priest's legs like a crab wielding two pincers.

"What is this..." Morris was stunned by this horrifying scene.

But David had already taken out a few enchanted bullets and pressed them into the shotgun, "You're in luck, Maurice. This is an avatar!"

After saying that, he blasted the crab-like man a few meters away with a blast, then grabbed Morris and started running towards the dock.

"Elena, how about psychic communication? Can you send a message?!"

"No! The communication has been interfered with!"

David gritted his teeth. In some magic disasters, due to violent fluctuations in magic power, the stability of psychic communication has always been insufficient, but it is not impossible. "There is a magic radio station on the ship..."

But before he finished speaking, on the distant coast, a huge figure emerged from the water. The huge pliers picked up the boat they were riding on before, lifted it in the air, and then clicked, like To break a toy, it is usually divided into two pieces.

The huge crab was like a castle. It slowly climbed up from the coast. The huts on the pier were like paper under its feet, and it was turned into rubble on the ground at will.

"This, is this also a divine descendant?" Morris trembled a little.

"No, that thing is probably some evil god."

As he said that, David gave a bitter smile, "Damn it, did I drink some kind of reverse magic potion of Fortune Elixir? Why do things like this always happen to me?!"

Among magical disasters, one type is the most dangerous.

Usually they are noticed by the Countermeasures Bureau through events such as cultists' sacrifices and monsters' collective suicide blood sacrifices. Extremely terrifying things may appear in such events, and they usually call themselves gods.

The monsters controlled and manipulated by these "gods" are the so-called "god descendants". They are also extremely difficult to deal with. Even a powerful A-level team composed of all wizards may be wiped out if they are not careful.

Counting this time, David has already encountered two incidents related to gods in just three months. This luck is not unlucky.

Now that the ship has been destroyed, and such a big thing is blocked on the shore, it is impossible to go back inland for the time being. "Run to the island, find the communication tool, report the news up, and apply for satellite support."

But the next moment, more than ten figures had gathered around. They started walking on two legs, but as they walked, they suddenly fell to the ground or crawled sideways.

The priest "walked" up again, and something like an intestine protruded from the back of its body, but it raised its head as flexibly as its tail.

The head said: "You can't run away anymore, join us. Return to mother's arms and share mother's power. This is the gospel given to you by God."

"I don't want to become an aquatic product!" David snorted, immediately transformed into a giant wolf, rushed forward, and knocked several crab people away.

But before he could rush out, suddenly the huge crab god in the distance spurted out a mouthful of water.

The water flow was like a laser, instantly piercing Elena, and then with one sweep, several crabs were cut in half. Morris immediately teleported into the air, but David's body was huge and his reaction was not that flexible. He jumped up When he was walking, his hind limbs were still cut by the current, and both legs were immediately cut off.

Elena was dead, and David knew that there was no way he could escape. He glanced at Morris and said, "Maurice, teleport away quickly! As long as you leave the scope of this magical disaster, you can contact the headquarters again and apply for support. , blast this place to rubble and avenge us."

After saying that, he took out the backpack behind him and looked like he was ready to die together.

But at this moment, a voice came into Morris' mind.

"A divine disaster has been detected, and the God-killing cannon is ready. All personnel are asked to leave the 100-meter range of the 'false god'. God-killing cannon countdown: 10, 9..."

"3, 2, 1..."

A dazzling beam of light penetrated the clouds and hit the giant crab's head.

The next moment, it was firmly pressed to the ground, and its entire body was corroded and carbonized in the green light. More than half a minute later, it turned into fly ash with an unwilling cry.

Morris stared blankly at the scene. Suddenly, the space in front of him was distorted, and a blond girl appeared out of thin air.

"I'm Lucas," the girl said, "Are you the investigator here? Please report the situation."

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