In addition to these basic individual weapons, Murphy also showed Patrick some special equipment such as invisibility cloaks - which Murphy called void particle photochemical camouflage.

Then there is the "Muggle Repellent Anti-Reconnaissance Armor". With a layer of invisibility cloak on top of this thing, you can go straight into the enemy's position in broad daylight and plant a bomb in front of the enemy.

After reading the light weapons research and development department, they went to the long-range weapons research and development department. The research and development here is mainly focused on various types of drones.

"This is a swarm drone." Murphy took out a palm-sized wooden model and showed it to Patrick. "Using the floating spell and the flying spell as power, it can last for 12 hours with a load of 500 grams. It is effective. The combat radius is 400 kilometers. As a disposable suicide drone, the combat radius is 800 kilometers. The maximum altitude can reach 3,000 meters. The average speed is 60 kilometers per hour. It is extremely flexible in ascending, descending and turning. It can carry disposable bombs and is quite powerful. To a grenade.”

"This is a smaller version of our drones with limited power, but it can carry out ultra-long-distance precision strike missions."

"Oh, by the way, it is a wooden structure, and the material cost is no more than a box of ballpoint pens. But it requires some enchanting technology, but overall, its price is only equivalent to the cheapest rocket."

"It can form a cluster. Our current plan is about forty drones in one squadron, ten squadrons in one squadron, and ten squadrons in one fleet."

"We use three methods for cluster control, one is through magic satellite remote control, the other is through radio signal remote control, and the last method is to use the activation spell - I mean the void particle bionic technology to give the drone a similar The bionic properties of bees and other insects, and a queen bee leading the team, can complete swarm formation, flight and combat missions."

"This kind of swarm UAV is small in size, has no electromagnetic signal, and has excellent anti-detection and anti-interference capabilities. Moreover, in swarm mode, it also has the ability to independently select enemies and strike accurately. A swarm team is enough to attack a company-level inflict devastating blows on the enemy."

"At the same time, swarm drones can also be used to destroy enemy drones, communication equipment, artillery positions and other facilities, destroying the opponent's equipment worth thousands of times at an extremely low cost. The main focus is high quality and low price. It is ours One of the flagship products.”

"This," Murphy went to the next display case and showed Patrick a drone that was about two meters long, "this is the Falcon."

"It is made of engineering injection molding and is much more powerful than a bee swarm. It has a cruising speed of 280 kilometers per hour within the designed load, a maximum speed of 400 kilometers per hour, a maximum sailing altitude of more than 10,000 meters, permanent endurance, and an effective combat range that can reach the whole world if necessary. "

The core of this thing is actually a flying broomstick, but it has been extensively modified. It loses the shape of a broom and becomes more like an airplane. This also brings aerodynamic bonus, making it faster than An ordinary broomstick.

"The design load is 70 kilograms, and it can carry one or two small missiles or cluster bombs, or several small weapons such as heavy rain machine guns. The price is also very cheap. And it can be reused."

"It uses imaging technology to generate advanced combat AI, loads the Flying Curse and the Guiding Curse to automatically find enemies, is equipped with the 'Death Eye' aiming system, integrates precision guidance, observation and attack, and can also perform the Phantom Curse and stealth painting when necessary. Wearing the Muggle Expelling Curse anti-reconnaissance paint will ensure that it will not be discovered by anti-aircraft fire."

"Similarly, Falcons can also perform swarm control. A swarm of Falcon squads is enough to destroy an enemy brigade."

Patrick looked at the "Falcon" which was only a little more than two meters in front of him and looked like a pile of plastic shells.

It feels like the world may really be turned upside down.

It estimates that the cost of this thing is only tens of thousands of pounds at most, but its anti-reconnaissance coating alone will blind any Muggle anti-aircraft firepower. Coupled with its terrible battery life and terrifying payload, Murphy said that one It is not empty talk that a Falcon Squadron cluster, that is, forty Falcon drones, can destroy an opponent's division.

This is even more exaggerated than the military technology gap that existed during the Gulf War a few years ago.

Just imagine, an enemy that you cannot see or detect at all drops a cluster bomb from an altitude of 10,000 meters that can be accurately guided to the top of your head. What would it feel like?

And even if you go through all the trouble to destroy it, the enemy will only lose tens of thousands of pounds of junk, and the damage it can cause can even reach billions of pounds.

This war is already lost without having to be fought.

"Finally, this is Hella." Murphy finally took Patrick to the back end of the exhibition hall, where a large drone nearly ten meters long was placed on a display rack.

Finally, it looks a lot more technological. It looks like a shuttle as a whole. It has two pairs of X-shaped fixed wings at the front and rear. It is painted in gray-black matte. There are two heavy machine guns mounted under the fuselage, and there are also Four missile positions.

"It has all the advantages of a falcon, such as the Disguise Curse and Muggle Expelling Curse painting, portrait advanced AI, automatic enemy seeking, Death Eyes, etc. In addition, it will also be equipped with an armor charm to increase its survivability. The normal speed is Mach 2, the maximum speed is Mach 4, the maximum altitude is 15,000 meters, and it is permanently cruising."

"Its payload is 1 ton, but the cabin uses traceless extension technology and zoom-in and zoom-out technology to increase the payload to 200 tons."

"It can carry all types of missiles and bombs, including strategic-class nuclear warheads."

"In terms of conventional weapons, the two heavy machine guns are both equipped with the Eye of Death and the Heavy Rain system. They are also loaded with the 'Thor's Hammer' enchantment, which can amplify the enchanted heavy machine gun bullets 10 times. The 150 mm caliber 'bullets' are in Under the influence of gravity, falling from an altitude of 15,000 meters, although there is the impact of air resistance, it can still be accelerated to about Mach 2 in the end."

"In other words, each bullet from this heavy machine gun is equivalent to a heavy artillery shell, which is enough to penetrate tank armor."

"At the same time, Hela will also be equipped with a magic radar, which is powered by a small magic stone and can carry out spell strikes."

"One Hella drone can destroy an enemy division."

Patrick finally managed to catch his breath. He suddenly realized that what he said on TV before about making Britain great again didn't seem to be all bragging. This goal didn't seem far away at all at this moment.

Next, Murphy took Patrick to visit the "Aerospace Weapons Research and Development Department."

There are no real objects to show here. Murphy only asked a few experts to show Patrick a few PPTs, including magic combat satellites, phantom transfer missiles, air and space combat warehouses, space spell systems, cluster spell antennas, and celestial weapon satellites. etc.

In a word, Murphy is preparing to build a space battle fortress group that can carry out global saturation strikes.

After reading these PPTs, Patrick's mind was buzzing. He would no longer ask Murphy if he planned to conquer the world. It was obvious that he was already making intensive preparations!

"These are not for money fraud, right?" Patrick asked.

They are all ppts, and I haven’t seen any real objects. No matter how you look at them, they look like they are being ripped off.

But he and Murphy are one, and there is no need for the other party to hide from him.

"Guess?" Murphy smirked.

Then he explained: "The things are too advanced and cannot be displayed for the time being, and the main R\u0026D base for this area is not here."

Patrick understood that the development of aerospace weapons may involve some of Murphy's most core magical technologies, and he would be more assured only if they were placed within the Soviet Union, which he had complete control over.

"But the Outer Space Treaty does not allow weapons to be deployed in space..." Patrick reminded.

"We can do it quietly first."

"For example, first launch 10,000 satellites into the sky."

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