Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 278 Professor Maomao outside the situation

Professor McGonagall was awakened by a rapid knock on the door, and she was startled.

"Professor McGonagall, Professor McGonagall..."

She reached out and grabbed the wand on the bedside, "Who?"

"It's me, Professor McGonagall. Professor Snape asked me to inform you that something urgent has happened!"

It's Filch.

Mag stood up in confusion, quickly put on a nightgown and put on her glasses. She opened the door, a little unhappy, "Mr. Filch, do you know what time it is?"

"Sorry, Professor McGonagall, but Professor Snape said it's an emergency."

"What happened? Filch?"

"The corridor on the fourth floor. Professor Snape said that the corridor on the fourth floor was invaded and two students were taken away. I didn't understand the details, but he is waiting for you there now."

The fourth floor corridor!

Professor McGonagall suddenly woke up. Just as Dumbledore left, something happened in the corridor on the fourth floor!

"You said two students were taken away, by whom?"

"I don't know, Professor. I have to wake up Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout... Oh, and that silly big guy Hagrid... Oh, poor my legs..."

Professor McGonagall suddenly became nervous. Two students were taken away? Who was taken away? Taken away by whom?

She hurriedly put on a small hat and walked quickly towards the corridor on the fourth floor.

Along the way, the figures of Harry and several other young wizards popped into her mind, and she had a hunch that today's events might have something to do with Harry Potter.

Sure enough, as soon as he arrived, he saw two little wizards huddled in the corner like quails. As expected, they were Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

"Why are you two here?" Professor McGonagall asked seriously, "Where is Professor Snape?"

"Professor, Harry, Harry and Tom were taken away by Professor Quirrell..." Hermione cried as soon as she saw her, "Professor Quirrell is the one who wants to get the Sorcerer's Stone. He seems to have controlled Tom. Then they took away Harry, and the Philosopher's Stone..."

"What?!" Professor McGonagall was shocked. The amount of information in this sentence was too great, which shocked the old lady greatly.

Where is this going?

Why do you know about the Philosopher's Stone?

And Quirrell wants to seize the magic stone, why?

Why did he take Harry?

What happened to Tom?

Also, the magic stone was lost? ? !

The whole world is following the plot, but Professor Cat and Cat is still outside the situation.

"The Philosopher's Stone is gone," Snape walked out from behind the door at the end of the corridor. "I just checked the traps. Most of them have been destroyed, but that's not the most important thing. Professor McGonagall, you have a way to contact Denise." Bledo? Quirrell has captured Harry and that Lucas, they are in very danger now!"

In fact, after he woke up just now, he had already sent a message to Dumbledore through the Patronus.

It's just that he must consider the worst case scenario. If Voldemort is really resurrected this time, he may have to consider the possibility of continuing to lurk. If he informs Dumbledore, he may be exposed in front of the professors at Hogwarts. The identity of a good person might leave some flaws, so it would be more reasonable for Professor McGonagall to inform him.

Moreover, he did not receive a reply from Dumbledore.

"What happened, Severus?" asked Professor McGonagall.

"A group of arrogant brats thought they could stop the mysterious man's plan, so they broke into the trap in advance, and they actually got the Philosopher's Stone... Since Dumbledore is not here today, I was worried about the safety of the trap, so I came to check it myself. I happened to catch them, but I didn't expect that Quirrell had been hiding in the dark and caught me off guard. I was knocked unconscious by him, and he took away Harry, Lucas and the Philosopher's Stone."

"Quirrell should be Voldemort's subordinate, Professor McGonagall, now we must..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Filch running over again, limping and panting, "Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape..."

He finally ran closer, held his knees and took a few deep breaths, "Auror, the Auror is here. He asked everyone to get three or three brooms..."

"The Three Broomsticks?" Professor McGonagall felt confused. What happened tonight made her confused.

"The little wizard who was captured and kidnapped has been found, as well as Qi, Qiluo, the professor..."

Almost all the professors involved in the trap design, as well as Hagrid, Hermione, Ron, and even Cho Chang were woken up and led by Aurors to the Three Broomsticks.

Halfway through, they wanted to ask about the situation, but the Auror who was leading the way looked very serious and just told them to hurry up, "All the school directors, the Minister of Magic, the Director of the Auror Office, the Commander of the Watch, etc... half Senior officials from the Ministry of Magic are waiting for us."

Professor McGonagall was made nervous by the Auror's words, but fortunately, the Auror's next words had a comforting effect, "Dumbledore is here too."

If Dumbledore is here, then it's okay and there won't be any big problems.

But, what happened?

The Three Broomsticks Tavern.

When Professor McGonagall and the others arrived, the place had already been cleared. There were several wizards wearing watcher uniforms guarding the outside of the tavern, but when they saw them coming, they opened the door.

The tavern was packed with people.

Indeed, as the Auror said, Minister of Magic Barty Crouch, Director of the Auror Office Rasim Selwyn, Watcher Commander Winston Robinson, and twelve school directors were all present—— Almost all the most powerful people in the Ministry of Magic are concentrated here.

Professor McGonagall spotted the white-haired old man at the back of the crowd at a glance, "Dumbledore! What happened?"

"Minerva." Dumbledore looked at her through the lenses with his deep blue eyes, "One of our students seems to be dead."

The student is dead?

Professor McGonagall didn't notice Dumbledore's strange choice of words.

She squeezed in, and people made way for her.

At the innermost side of the crowd, a circle of three or four meters in diameter was formed. Two tables were placed together, with a boy lying on them.

Lucas Tom Bretson.

His face was pale, one arm seemed to have been torn off by extreme twisting, and there was a huge wound on his abdomen. The blood seeped out slowly and seemed to have dried up.

"Oh, my God." Professor McGonagall covered her mouth and couldn't help the sadness in her heart, "What is going on?"

It was so miserable. The injuries on this child's body made it impossible to tell what kind of torture he had suffered.

"Tom!" Hermione and Ron also squeezed in. They looked at the corpse on the table in shock, and were speechless for a moment.

"Uh..." Hermione ran out suddenly. Fear and indescribable emotions seemed to clutch her stomach with a hand, making her want to vomit for a moment.

Ron was also brought out by an Auror with a pale face, "They are still children, who let them in!"

"Harry, where is Harry?!" Ron suddenly exclaimed, "Where is Harry? Is he okay?"

He wanted to get into the crowd again, but a hand stopped him, "Harry is fine, he hasn't woken up yet, and the Auror is removing the curse on him."

Ron turned around and saw Professor Murphy looking at him with a tired face, "When he wakes up later, comfort him more. Tell him that it was not his fault."

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